

Tuesday 8 September 2009

Empower Your Life

Being empowered is nothing to do with being better than another person. Most certainly being empowered does not mean keeping another person down to elevate your own self. Being empowered is not about exploiting another person to get ahead in life. An inflated ego does not mean someone is empowered. A position of authority also does not mean someone is empowered - because after all, each person has their inner process; their life pressures and insecurities too.

Someone who is empowered is able to express theirselves openly and honestly - without feeling vulnerable or weak. Being empowered is often seen in individuals who understand the meaning of humility and grace. When there is a need to present a false mask, even to react or shy away from responsibility, then this reveals someone who is not empowered within. Being true to yourself is the start to becoming empowered. Not everyone is willing to take self-responsiblity.

Being empowered is about being in control of your own choices - taking control of your life and also being able to face challenging situations, without feeling intimidated or overwhelmed. Being empowered is about being able to stand alone, not running with the pack. Being empowered is revealed when you have the courage to speak out in truth, when most people would stay quiet.

Being empowered is when you can say 'No' to something that is not right for you and you are not being driven by reward or favour, that may come at the expense of another person. Of course benefits of gain, especially financially in certain situations will weigh heavily for temptation with some people. Not many people can resist temptation - but there are those who are empowered and have a strong ethical code that will not be compromised. Sadly they are not commonplace.

Being empowered is about being able to set boundaries in friendships and relationships - to consider and not compromise the other person. Being empowered means to be willingly accountable, especially if, or when personal words or action cause hurt, harm or loss to another person, with wrongs addressed and rectified. Being empowered is a win win outcome for everyone. People who are empowered are openly encouraging to other people - in their growth.

Being empowered does not mean to strive to be important. If anything being empowered is about being whole and integrated as a person. Being empowered is not about needing to prove to anyone that you are good enough or the best at anything. Being empowered is about realising your own personal potential - being happy with who you are as a person and living a fulfilling life.

Empowered individuals reflect congruence. Being empowered is being honest to other people, especially with personal limitations. Anyone bluffing their way through life, to gain favour, position and even to win popularity - does not reveal an empowered individual. Being able to sell yourself well might be due to good marketing, but unless you can deliver, what is the point?

Sincerity shines in empowered leaders and teachers. Empowered people are not self-serving. Empowered people are inspirational and will actively do their best to enable you...not limit you!

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