

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Global Warming Concerns

There is so much talk about Global warming. Just the other day a dear friend posted a video that related to HAARP - highly recommended to research if you are willing to know. I am not someone who takes what anyone says as gospel, no matter who delivers the information. I need to see credible evidence from my own eyes. It is with absolute encouragement that you do the same and all I ask is to keep an open mind, as we look closer together.

With regards to the weather, I live in the UK and these last couple of years have seemed much colder than before. We have had a particularly cold winter with snow. Some parts of the country has been worse hit than others. Internationally we are seeing and hear about what can only be described as volatile weather conditions.

Our attention has been drawn via the media to 'natural disasters' like earthquakes and Tsunamis - although I have always been curious about tornado's too because they appear like a freak of nature; with destructive and often devastating consequences.

There are always people quick to volunteer their help. In particular with Haiti, many health professionals dropped everything to go help these people. We are mostly united in international need. United our hearts reach out in compassion to all these innocent people who suffered unmeasurable loss though such devastating tragedies. As someone who is the friend to the world, my heart goes out all those who are suffering around the world; especially to all who have lost loved ones in the war.

To me, a need for AID cannot get there fast enough. What has always bothered me is why the Governments can give many billions/trillions of dollars towards war and yet the same priority is not given when catastrophic devastation is calling for help. I recall hurricane Katrina and on television watched as aid was delayed 'as if' there was an expectancy of another to follow. Perhaps delays are deliberate - Yes there is a sinister thought!

I cannot deny my own experience - something certainly does not sit right with these situations. It just happened that I was speaking to a lady in USA during Katrina and following what was happening on the news from UK. She told me her sister loaded her car up with food and blankets to take to these people. When she arrived a short distance from her destination she was met by armed officers who ordered her to turn the car around and go back home. I would swear on oath for this - This action raised alarm bells for me in a big way. Why was the delay in giving aid to these people?

For as long as their is media reporting - we are fed information that we have a right to question and form an opinion. When we compare information, we might find there are contradictions. When anyone says something and then does the opposite, this is going to raise eyebrows. Most people notice conflicting information, even if this is subconscious process. There is often ridicule with silencing conspiracy theorists. It also make sense why many people do not speak out, especially with fear.

It was while heating up a drink earlier in the microwave that I was reminded of how powerful this energy force is and I am not entirely sure it is healthy. In my research about HAARP, I was diverted to look at unusual cloud formations. We only need to look at evidence to question if something else happening. Friends in USA have witnessed strange clouds in the sky. Have You?

Article by Pauline Maria
Copyright 2010 ~ All Rights Reserved!

Strange cloud formations over Richmond Virginia

March 13th 2008 4.40pm captured in central California

Tama, Iowa KCCI-TV webcam on 6 May 2007

30 mins before the 2008 Sichuan earthquake in China

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