

Saturday 5 June 2010

Rachel Corrie Ship Siezed by Israelis

Israel has forcibly siezed the Irish-owned humanitarian relief ship on the way to Gaza. Rachel Corrie ship carrying humanitarian aid is seen on an earlier video. The ship is carrying over 1000 tons of medical aid and construction materials, including wheelchairs. The passengers on the ship are reported to have been brutally handled. It is unknown if anyone has been killed at this point. An international appeal demands safety for the passengers.

"MV Rachel Corrie carries many dignitaries, Israel knows the vessel carries no weapons, only the desire to break the illegal siege of Gaza that keeps Palestinians living in sub-human conditions.

Israeli Radio is reporting that the Rachel Corrie has been boarded, though passengers denied that was the case after those reports were issued, the crew ... See Moresaying they are being shadowed and followed by Israeli warships, but not boarded.

Now the waiting game continues, the last word from the crew was received around 9:00 p.m. Pacific time.

At 9:45 p.m. it was reported that repeated calls to the ship were going unanswered.

The Freedom Flotilla is unarmed, Israel is losing a large chance to show the world that it does have a heart, and its answer so far has been to kill peace activists with no agenda other than to say, "enough is enough".

The growing cry among Jewish people opposed to the mindless military occupation of Palestine is: "Not in My Name!"

Please share this information and pray for these people and their safety, if you are people of faith. Thank You.

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