

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Tony Blair's Speechwriter Speaks Out

What the public do not realise is the political leaders are not orating their own words in speeches. Not at all. Speeches are written in advance. People are hired for the job.

Both Barack Obama and George Bush have been seen stumbling on their words, maybe when the teleprompter is not working. Perhaps people have noticed when George Bush struggles with live audiences asking him questions; that he even pulls faces too.

Philip Collins, Tony Blair's speechwriter while in office, can so rightfully claim credit for the dialogue that had the public believing in him; well some of the public. Not sure who Phillip writes for now, particularly as Tony Blair works a lot in USA!

What is clear Phillip Collins is the 'intelligence' behind so many of the words Tony Blair has spoken. Researching is apparently an area of his expertise. Having read transcripts, he knows how to present a flow of information that benefits the orator.

"And what about the famous tension diffusing gag of Blair not having to worry about Cherie running off with the bloke next door? Was this from Collins' pen?

"Err, yes, but I'm not supposed to tell you that," he eventually concedes. But before he allows himself too much credit, he's quick to note that the occasion and subject-matter are far more important than clever writing.

"You can write the most brilliant, elegant speech but if you've got nothing to talk about it won't be remembered," he argues. "Lots of Clinton's speeches were beautifully written but they're not so memorable because nothing happened. Nelson Mandela's are not poetical but he's talking about the end of apartheid. That's big stuff. It's the occasion that matters."

And as the occasion of Tony Blair's departure gets nearer, will he be sad about leaving his dream job?

"Taking this job was always a risk in a way, because this could easily be the best thing I ever do," he ponders. "But I'm going to avoid being sad about it. Tony's being remarkably cheerful. He's not sad about it, he's ready. Besides, I think I'm quite good at adapting to new circumstances."

Read full article here.

Well of course Tony Blair was cheerful, he was not going to leave Number 10 Downing Street until he had secured lucrative deals in USA etc He was brought down to earth for a few moments when not being elected as EU President, which was no surprise. Research revealed also something about the World Bank too. Never mind he made £20 million more and unless something is done to obstruct his future, he will join other people in USA who have made a fortune 'advising' with his contacts.

Tony Blair's public speeches continue to be popular 'and pay well'. Not sure if Philip Collins is the person who should be credited for such eloquence with scripting information, or someone else.

In Britain there is a new Prime Minister in office. David Cameron.

Just shows one does not need to be too bright to be a Prime Minister. Even what he says to the public is already taken care of by someone else. The hidden people who write on behalf of influential people and political leaders are very real people!

Pauline Maria Copyright © 2010 - All Rights Reserved!

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