

Saturday 5 March 2011

Life lessons

At any time our life could be affected by circumstance to shake the foundation of our security - our home, work and even our health.

When life deals sudden blows this can create psychological crisis and while this can knock us sideways and even bring our life to complete standstill. There is an opportunity to heal, reassess our life direction and also make choices that are right for us.

Not everyone realises the opportunity of a second chance.

Not everyone is willing to clean their life out with habits and people who do not serve their life in a positive way. Not everyone has people in their life who are supportive and encouraging - who want their happiness and success.

Making poor choices can teach us valuable lessons.

Making mistakes can be the way to truly value the right choices we make. Regret and guilt is not serving you or the learning opportunity.

You are entitled to live a life with the right choices for you. When you live with love in your heart, friendship and sharing together is easy. Care and compassion flows naturally.

Nurture yourself. Your Life is precious! ♥

Pauline Maria
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