

Sunday 3 July 2011

Awakening Consciousness - OM

When you are ready to embrace a higher consciousness - the right door will open for you. You will see that your life has been a learning experience to assist you with self understanding ♥

Thousands of years ago ancient civilisations and teachings existed. The focus was to maintain a connection to the divine essense with our soul. Prayer for healing and divine guidance were the norm. Meditation was the way to experience.

To this day, ancient wisdom has been passed down from generation to generation. Ancient Greece and other cultures maintained the quest for higher consciousness - this awareness is beyond drama, ego need and human manipulation.

The pathway to light is an experience that only each individual can experience personally. Your sincere heart will reveal all.

Meditation is a powerful way to assist inner peace and well being. Ancient knowledge is being shared in a diluted form today in the western world. To understand any truth we must seek out the people who know and understand true spiritual wisdom.

False teachings have prevented people seeking the right answers to questions. False teachers keep people down and blind. False teachers have divided our world by deception. False teachers seek to fulfill their own agenda, not empower you in truth.

Be inspired with love and truth. Enjoy the video posted below.

Peace, love and best wishes.
Pauline Maria

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