

Friday 23 September 2011

Troy Davis - Injustice!

Let Troy Davis murder be the example to show that the legal system is highly flawed. This is the most diabolical human rights violation. Judges are obliged to prevent abuse of legal process. Too many 'mistakes' are taking place. When there is no care or conscience about deliberate miscarriages of justice - this is one cause of the problem of a growing cancer in the legal profession.

When someone is giving a death sentance to any innocent person this is murder - even if it is by a decision by a court. There needs to be an end to the death penalty and a change of attitude by those who see killing people as justified.

You may notice the term 'martyred' used in some situatons. In history many millions of early Christians were murdered in the most horrendous way. The time has come for people to wake up to the abuses taking place so blatantly to innocent people globally.

Until we are faced to the inner workings of court hearings, we might not have the understanding what happens. Much of court process is kept out of the public eye. Seemingly maintaining the integrity of the court is the excuse. When the abuses protected behind closed doors are exposed, the silence is deafening.

When we look closer and start to realise that many cases are not allowing credible evidence in a courtroom, and even that evidence is deliberately obstructed and withheld, this compounds frivolous negligence. When lawyers are motivated to be paid as a priority, they are not working to bring Justice, which is expected.

With the countless miscarriages of justice - it is the innocent people who pay the price. Not only can innocent people be landed with legal bills and can even lose their home, it seems that the death of people are decided by man made laws too.

Where is the value of life - I am not seeing it, with illegal wars too.

The draconian mentality has existed for a very long time. Lawyers who refuse to work for justice show they are not working in the people's best interest or even serving the court as they contracted to. Every lawyer and judge has taken an oath to serve justice.

Criminal acts taking place by oathtakers is alarming and also inexcusable. Alarming because the arrogance of lawyers stating sometimes they need to lie to be paid. When oathtakers boast of innocent people in prison and there being no justice - Diabolical is an understatement!

I would like to see an end to all abuses and miscarriages of justice - globally. Let this be a wake up call to all abusers of the legal system - who contribute to the loss, suffering and death of innocent people. An ethical judge speaks out!

Instead of listening to what you are told and sold - listen to those who know what is happening - ethical experts speak out for all people. The end of all injustice for Global Peace is long overdue.

Article by Pauline Maria

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