

Saturday 24 September 2011

Your Health is Your Choice!

Our body cannot take all the toxins we consume without having some detrimental consequence to our health and well being.

With all the terrible wars, injustice, violence and oppression to people - this also is impacting the energy on this earth and effecting everyone in different ways. Toxic energy battles with our mind until we shut down. The answer is not antidepressant pills.

People need to wise up to what they are eating, drinking and inhaling - especially the food they are feeding their mind. It is your entitlement to know what is going on in the world - but when you feed wars and are fueled with hatred this is what poisons your own system. Ultimately this is soul destroying.

Are you in control of your mind or has your thinking been changed so you can be easily manipulated with the power of suggestion by other people? Master your mind NOW or you risk other people influencing every decision you make in your life!

Peace, love and best wishes.
Pauline Maria

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