

Friday 7 October 2011

Do You Really Want Peace?

Do you really want to live in Peace?

I am not interested in listening to excuses about blaming unseen terrorists to justify armed troops going into countries and murdering masses of innocent people. Ignorance is not bliss!

Do you REALLY want to live in Peace?

I am not interested in listening to how you are free and yet give justifications for the oppression and violations to other people.

Do YOU REALLY want to live in Peace?

I am not interested in how much you earn, what designer clothes you wear or your lastest buy - Please put your ego to the side.


If you really want to live in peace, then please accept and respect so do many millions of people in the world who are not.

If you really want to live in peace....

We must make it happen, for everyone. Just say NO to war!

The children of today are the leaders and teachers of tomorrow.

Corruption, greed and self serving does not serve anyone in the long term. War does not bring peace to anyone.

It takes one soldier to put down his weapons - others will follow. Many soliders are speaking out about the war based on lies.

To all Christians - Muslims cannot understand why you fight in wars. They know the teachings of Jesus Christ and hold Jesus as their most important prophet. The Devil's game is to trick you!

Do YOU really want to live in Peace?

You really need to start to listen to your heart and not media lies!

Global Peace is long overdue and healing too. A healing heart allows a brand new start. Hope for the future of humanity starts with caring about humanity. Does the future include you too?

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

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