

The Power of Thought - Living Water.

Seeing is beleieving. Knowing is understanding.

You may have been too quick to dismiss the actual power of thought. You may have not realised the power of thought can be used in so many different ways. The greatest gift is using the power of thought to give and bring positive change. What about words?

The greatest gift you have to give is in your sincere heart.

The power of prayer is powerful. When prayers are answered, they are a reminder that our prayers are not a waste of time. Not everyone considers the power of their thoughts. We do not know the impact our words have on other people and our environment.

The power of a word can make all the difference with transforming energy and life. You only need to see the evidence here.

Do not limit your thoughts to just what you want and to achieve. There is a global healing need - our earth and waters need the energy of love. We need to care. Without water there is no life!

You have a far greater purpose being here in this life, beyond what you know. May your life be more enriched by this video evidence.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

The Future of Planet Earth

Home - Planet Earth and why it is important that we must wake up to the reality of what is happening. This earth is a whole - not one location is more important than another. If so then only one location would exist. Every aspect is relevant. Wholeness is as creation intended. This earth is just a dot in the entire universe.

People are humanity - whereever we live. Life is life in every shape and form. We are the guardians of earth. When we understand the laws of cause and effect, we will know why giving back is relevant especially to replenish and nurture natural life on this earth.

Life is precious. Our world is in need of healing too. Everyone needs to review their priorities. The future of humanity is at stake. Life as we know it is going to change; whether we like it or not.

There are people who argue about supremacy of their nations. People who reject the global healing need might be blind or have little regard for anyone but what they want. There are people who reject 'new age' thinking but the new age is happening anyway.

We cannot afford to be blind. For in our blindness we ignore the incredible beauty of this planet we all live on - see the link below.

What will be, only time will tell. Greedy self-serving, corruption and destruction has to die for a more enlightened way of living.

Thoughts have power. If we focus our thoughts to heal our planet, our intention sends a powerful focus to give life a chance.

The power of prayer is powerful. Many people pray for money, a bigger house, new car and other material whims. Millions of people are praying for peace and healing. When our prayer focus is for healing to save our planet, we are relying totally on God's Will...but we must also do our bit.It is time to be selfless!

This important stunning video shows a bigger picture for consideration. Please visit the link posted below and share this important message. This video will open your eyes about life.

Peace, love and best wishes ♥
Pauline Maria

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Stepping Stones for Peace

When we take every step with peace in our mind, each step is a step in peace.

When our mind is fixed on peace, our thoughts will be for peace, even if we can clearly see what is obstructing peace.

When our intention is peace, our thoughts, words, actions are reflecting peace too.

My thoughts and prayers go out to all the people in the world who are suffering because of war conditions, famine, poverty, injustice and corruption because I KNOW the abuse in official positions is what has caused so many innocent people to suffer and this will continue to escalate until people say enough is enough!

Retaliation is not the way.

This is a wake up call for everyone. We are one humanity.

Take off your glasses. Listen to your heart and decide the world you want to live in. Are you contributing to decisions that are allowing war, oppression, injustice, corruption and crime, or are you able to openly say you have had enough of the hyprocrisy?

People with a 'conscience' do not violate other people. People with a conscience care about other people and the world we live in.

Do you know that Jesus Christ reinforced the Law of Universal Peace and Justice. Yet our world has seen much injustice, war and bloodshed since. People who are filled with greed and corrupt at the core of their being are misguided and blind.

Everyone is human, even those who sit in lofty positions playing God.

Our life cycle is very short - Life is precious. Life has a purpose!

The future of humanity is decided on the decisions you make today. The next 2000 years can be filled with war if history is to repeat itself. If we do not wake up, children and future generations will keep fighting in wars created to profit the war corporation.

Peace is Peace ♥

One step at a time, we can make a choice to assist Global Peace and healing. The alternative brings far too much pain and suffering.

Global Peace and healing is possible ~ One Step at a time.

Thank you for sharing this message with everyone.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria