

Friday 30 December 2011

Creating God's Kingdom

In so many different ways we can understand our spiritual essence and then we can realise our spiritual purpose in this life. It is with an open heart with the feeling of love that we can discover all we are and all that is created with love. When we live with pure heart and pure intention, the energy must follow through. If we seek the truth about ancient wisdom, we might learn something valuable.

Instead of waiting for someone to come from the heavenly realms to put all the wrongs right in the world, we must do this. In our heart we know that peace on earth is possible when we create peace on earth. For every tree that is cut down we can plant another - two or more. For every act of destruction out of ignorance - we can rebuild this world and make it is better place for everyone. Instead of endless wars, gun fire and fighting with people - put down the guns and learn to hug instead.

Long overdue is global peace and healing.

2012 is a new begining for everyone.

Peace, Love and Best Wishes
Pauline Maria ♥

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