

Saturday 24 December 2011

Jesus Christ and The Christmas Family Tree

Genealogy of Matthew: With A Shining Star On A Christmas Tree

Christmas traditionally has been a time of celebrating the Birth of Jesus Christ. The Virgin Mary had a very important role in this so she must not be forgotten. For the Virgin Mary was Chosen to be her perfect pure heart to be the Mother of Christ.

In Greece, The Holy Virgin Mother as 'Panayia Mou' - My All Holy Lady. Where people might say 'Oh My God' when faced with struggle, difficulty, or sudden shock, we will often hear people say 'Panayia Mou'. Many millions of prayers have been answered through her and healings have taken place too. Prayer is powerful.

All across Europe and in different countries The Virgin is The Pure Heart Queen and she Lifted to the highest place in heaven. Mary is rightfully known as Queen in Heaven because she has come from the Davidic. As she included on this tree also with Jesus Christ in the Holy Family Bloodline. There is also a star shining on the top of the tree too. Notice Jesus Christ is looking up towards the Star.

In this, is he indicating another Star of Bethlehem? The Star is not above the Tree or that could represent God. For a long time people have put an angel on the top of their tree - stars are everywhere. Details of what we see is relevant. We must not change the past or alter what is being given in any visual expression. People ask why history has been changed and the reason is this. If you want to know the truth about Jesus Christ then the truth must be found in his life and the Holy Scriptures.

In nature trees grow and when in maturity the fruits blossom. All the people on this Holy Family tree had direct communication with The Almighty Father God to continue sharing His Word of Truth with people. The people chosen will reveal the true meaning of being anointed by God. God's Divine Plan is unfolding daily.

Jesus Christ warned that many false prophets will come in his name. Masses of people are being exploited in his name. We are living in times of great deception and confusion too. The blind are misleading the blind. Divine Revelation is given specifically 'Word for Word' and if anyone changes this, it is Not God's Word.

The Divine Right of Kings is being anointed with God's Grace!

The Holy Scriptures are still held in their original form. These have been translated into over 100 different languages. The scriptures have been gathered from different times over thousands of years. The Holy Bible is a Blessed book containing some of the oldest insights known to man so we can learn from the times.

Since ancient times, people honor their ancestors and the Saints. At Christmas time the Saints are remembered now because they brought the Word of God to people.

This is just one tree and it is the Tree of Life that Gives life to people. Not only is the Living Word of God 'Life' - The Word of God came through life and through the mouth of these people. Trees give the vital oxygen we need to live.

Never let anyone put you off the divinely inspired family and Jesus Christ. He has been working side by side with His Father. In the Laws of the Universe 'as above must happen below;. Decisions have been made and planned before we were born.

Jesus Christ came to show The Way and as always, God Will Have the Last Word. When you light up a candle in his name you are illuminating His light into this world.

This is just one tree and it is the Tree of Life that Gives Life to people. Not only is the Living Word of God 'Life' - The Word of God comes through Life and through the mouth of these people. Trees give the vital oxygen we need to live.

Being human we make human mistakes. We can misinterpret and misunderstand. We all made mistakes and if we learn from mistates, we learn valuable lessons. In our spiritual growth, we will fall and get up many times to become stronger. Strong trees grow over seasons of different eather conditons. When we give our life to Serve God, we can face difficult situations to assist God in His Judgement.

Presently legal corruption is rife in England, We must BE ASKING WHY!

Never give up on God ~ You have yet to see The Glory in His Name.

May your Christmas be blessed and your heart filled with love in this Holy time because you are Loved. Even if you are alone, know we are never completely alone. The magic of Christmas is realising the Spirit of Christmas can be every day.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

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