

Saturday 31 December 2011

My Message for 2012

A new begining in 2012 holds hope. For is it with all we give that will make this year meaningful and one to look back on for all the positive reasons. Every step we take in life follows on from the previous one. Every seed we plant will grow and blossom. Even through the challenges and difficulties we can learn from these experiences and we can make sure the same mistakes will never happen again.In every lesson we learn, we give permission for other people to learn lessons too. This is the year people will realise that they hold the power to make decisions in their life and also make those who work for the people to do their job. Every day is an opportunity to create a better world. We can make a positive difference. The initiators and new leaders are paving the future by the steps they take. Always be yourself and be true to you. Giving my year for humanity healing and peace making.
Happy New Year Everyone.
Lots of Love to you ♥
Pauline Maria ♥

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