

Sunday 26 February 2012

Hossein - A Story of Hope

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you - Matthew 7:7

This is the message that was given to me when I was a small child - knowing I could ask anything in prayer and be guided in this way.

Everyone is entitled to have a personal relationship with God.

Once we realise God is loving, compassionate and merciful, we must examine our heart as to why we would want to inflict pain, suffering and oppression to anyone. Unfortunately many people are suffering because of decisions and injustice that has been allowed because an authority is claiming to represent God.

Obstacles have been placed in the way by people who have not developed a personal relationship with God. This is preventing people with progress spiritually. The people who are sincere in their faith will be guided to realise a higher understanding. One of the lessons we are given is 'even when we make mistakes' we can learn to rectify our ways. The young man shares his experience.

God is not for one people and not for another. At different times since the begining of time, He has made his presence known to people and continues to do so every day. Being stuck with fixed ideas keep people down and divided, is not realising that the ever present God is trying to uplift people and unite everyone in faith.

Threating people for leaving their religion is not God's words. Hearing about death threats is alarming with this indoctrination.

If anything, the way to know God is in your sincere heart and a personal relationship with Him can be yours. God knows what is in our heart and we are being guided to know the truth about Him.

The Way, The Truth and The Life is the LIVING WORD OF GOD - This is the reason why Jesus Christ was born. Whatever your background, culture and religon, let no one prevent you from knowing the truth and being guided in the right way.

If the entire world converted to a religion because it was forced by an authority over this earth and I am last standing alone, I will continue to choose my personal relationship with God and be alone with this. We have again reached a point of time where history will keep repeating itself until people learn the lesson.

Long overdue is the end to all these arguments about religions. Long overdue is Global Peace and healing. It is time to realise a higher consciousness. We learn the truth with experience.

Everything is timely. Everything happens with divine timing.
Let Truth guide your life and not what you want to beleive in.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

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