

Thursday 22 March 2012

Dirty Business

Today 'Stephen Daubney' came to my mind and I did an intenet search and noticed a familiar name - Woodford Industries PLC.

Woodford was reportedly founded in 1993 by Stephen Daubney who also owns ALL the shares. This company reclaimed land that is contaminated, before selling it on to major builders for houses. In February 2003, company profits were said to have increased sharply to £3.27m, whereby he was considered to be worth £32m! This information could reflect the share value accordinly.

Following this, I was intuitively guided to see if other companies connect with his name and discovered the following:

Company Summary

JN (UK) LIMITED Dissolved
ARUNDEL DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED - Active(Director Resigned 23/10/2009)
RICHBRIDGE LIMITED - Active(Director Resigned 21/08/2009)
AXELFORD LIMITED - Active (Director Resigned 21/08/2009)
WOODFORD CONSULTING ENGINEERS LIMITED Active -(Director Resigned 21/08/2009)
HOMES BY WOODFORD LIMITED - Active (Director Resigned 21/08/2009)
CLARION HOMES LIMITED -Active (Director Resigned 25/01/2008)
WOODFORD GROUP PLC - In Administration
WOODFORD ECO2 LIMITED - Dissolved (Director Resigned 08/03/2010)
TOTO RISTORANTE LIMITED Dissolved - (Director Resigned 08/03/2010)
WOODFORD REAL ESTATE LIMITED - In Receivership (Director Resigned 08/03/2010)
J W H ROSS & CO. LIMITED - Active (Director Resigned 21/08/2009)
WR REALISATIONS LIMITED - In Liquidation (Director Resigned 08/03/2010)
WOODFORD ENVIRONMENTAL LIMITED - Dissolved(Director Resigned 08/03/2010)
WWM REALISATIONS LIMITED - In Liquidation (Director Resigned 08/03/2010)
CEDAR HOUSE (THE POINT) LIMITED Active -(Director Resigned 04/09/2007)
WOODFORD FINE ARTS LIMITED - Active (Director Resigned 03/01/2010)
GOLDEN LIVING LIMITED - Active (Director Resigned 21/08/2009)
BOBBY JONES (EUROPE) LIMITED - Active (Director Resigned 08/03/2010)
WOODFORD REGENERATION LIMITED - Active (Director Resigned 21/08/2009)
WOODFORD REMEDIATION LIMITED - Active (Director Resigned 21/08/2009)
WOODFORD CIVIL ENGINEERING LIMITED - Active (Director Resigned 21/08/2009)
WOODFORD HOMES LIMITED - Active (Director Resigned 21/08/2009)
WOODFORD LAND LIMITED - Active (Company Secretary Resigned 31/05/2002)
WOODFORD LAND LIMITED - Active (Director Resigned 21/08/2009)
WOODFORD INDUSTRIES LIMITED - Active (Company Secretary Resigned 08/02/2002)
WOODFORD INDUSTRIES LIMITED - Active (Director Resigned 21/08/2009)
ORE (UK) LIMITED - Dissolved (Director Resigned 01/10/2009)
PARK CONTRACTS LIMITED - Dissolved (Director Resigned 09/10/1995)

Every company tells a story and in the list above possibily hides a few skeletons too. It will be 'interesting' to know if replacement directors are without conflict of interest or trading different faces!

It must have been quite an ego boost when Stephen Daubney made the Times Rich List in 2008. £92m is identified from reclaimed land. This figure might reflect share value. No doubt by this time he had made profit from business dealings too.

According to Company Check today, just one of the listed above is Woodford Group PLC. This is identified as being in Administration. These figures are quoted directly from the internet.

Cash at Bank : £16,908
Cash at bank and 'in hand' is the bank balance for WOODFORD GROUP PLC at the end date of the period the accounts were for.

Net Worth : £12,885,697
A company’s Net Worth is calculated as Shareholders Funds minus Intangible Assets. £12,885,697 is from the accounts filed in 2007

Total Current Liabilities : £92,813,083
The sum of Trade Creditors, Bank Overdraft and Miscellaneous Current Liabilities in 2007

Total Current Assets : £101,934,030
The sum of Stocks, Trade Debtors, Cash and Miscellaneous Current Assets in 2007

On 21st Decemnber 2009, the company reportedly went under with £60 million debt. The sole shareholder was away in the Phillipines at the time to give a statement. The article identifies resignation of directors months before. Estimated personal wealth of £770 million is written here for the Times Rich List in 2008.

Perhaps his daily mantra is: 'Where there is muck there is brass'!

The Business desk in April 2010 wrote of the entrepreneur who twice appeared on the Sunday Times Rich List, his company collapsed owing HSBC £24.7m. Not pennies or to be ignored.

The London Gazette Nbr. 59996, December 14, 2011 › Personal Insolvency section. repprted Stephen Gordon Daubney In the Bury County Court No 475 of 2009 (related to Bankruptcy) The home address can be found too.

The search engine also still identifies Stephen Daubney as Chief Executive of Golden Living although he might not be today. The company website is still trading and the figures are presented below. Many people habitually repeat patterns. Who knows he might still be the main shareholder in this company too.

Golden Living Limited

Cash at Bank : £0
Cash at bank and 'in hand' is the bank balance for GOLDEN LIVING LIMITED at the end date of the period the accounts were for.

Net Worth : £-8,172,854
A company’s Net Worth is calculated as Shareholders Funds minus Intangible Assets. £-8,172,854 is from the accounts filed in 2010

Total Current Liabilities : £20,602,422
The sum of Trade Creditors, Bank Overdraft and Miscellaneous Current Liabilities in 2010

Total Current Assets : £12,216,780
The sum of Stocks, Trade Debtors, Cash and Miscellaneous Current Assets in 2010

The exact status today I have no idea - however this took my attention because I have encountered this family many years ago. His parents had given their savings to their son and even came to my door asking to help, with a promise to be paid back. Of course this never materialised. This was a nightmare chapter in my life!

The police were after this man for 'serious' crimes - I discovered this after his mother sent the police to my home saying he was with me, when he could have been hiding with their protection. Long before this, he had broken into my home by forcing the door and forced the door a few times, where anyone could have come in just by pushing the door gently. This should be on police record. The police told me they could not physically remove him from my property because he had not injured me 'by penetrating my skin' and when asking them to elaborate, they said if he had stabbed me, only then they arrest him. He laughed when they left. People actually thrive like this with no ethics, care or conscience!

After this time he befriended Ken Leary a millionaie businessman in Manchester; I was no longer his interest - THANK GOD! They formed a business relationship and his life began to change with the purchase of old mills to divide them into small units. Evidently Stephen did not have a clean credit record then because his home had been repossessed. I discovered also that he tried to get a mortgage based on lies. This was brought to my attention by someone who told my mother out of concern who worked at the building society. It was to be my worse nightmare to discover not only the police and creditors were chasing him, the tax man and Manchester gangsters too. This was all in the later 1980's!

Being a Servant of God, we are lead to experience all sorts of situations and this was something I was meant to experience.....I count my blessings that he ripped me off and that I did not proceed in any business venture involving him. In another situation I had initiated negotiation to provide financial services for a national estate agent with 250 brances. Fortunately this had been BLOCKED because I could see problems with one product that I did not agree with, the endowment morgages' that are presenting today! While I am only interested in ethical business, and generations of my family, this situation was revealing unethical practice and greed. It is interesting that the people involcved have made a lot of money in their life but everyone needs to face the mirror and ask, is money really worth it.

When millions of pounds are involved, there are people who will say or do anything for money. I spoke with people who wanted to insure their spouse for a huge amount of money that did not merit their lifestyle or income and declined to write the policy. In this time I did not earn anything because the policies that had been prepared were 'rewritten with someone else's signature, who earned the commision from them. Those who know the truth have to live with the truth of their actions. Liars will always lie!

This precarious time showed me that I was being looked after by a higher power. The police in England knew I was in danger by even associating with this man. The biggest blow happened when one day I decided to get the tyres checked over - I would ask the garage to change my tyres. The man appeared white as a sheet and asked me to follow him to the ramp. The brake pipes had been cut and he said just one touch on the pedal at speed and I could have been killed. I felt sick to the core of my being, especially with a mother who was paralysed from the neck downwards from a car accident. I cannot say who did it and I had no enemies in my life. It was around that time Stephen had taken my money and was trying to get me to sign over my home to a company. Realising he wanted this for collateral after his mother said they had given him all their money. I was holding myself together, at times scared - just wanting to be free from him and this mess! He was only interested in me because he thought I was going to be wealthy!

Stephen once threatened me with a lawsuit if I spoke out about him. What I have to say is not hidden from the police, the court and the internet is revealing too. There was a time when I was naive. Now you will see I speak openly about corrupt officials because everyone has the opportunity to mend the error of their ways and put wrongs right. I cannot say that I am writing without prejudice. Silence is not an option, neither is turning a blind eye!

This man tried to hide his past when I met him - I never knew the truth of who or what he was involved with. In recent years; with bank debts of £25/60 million - it is likely he keeps a lot hidden!

Life has been incredibly difficult at times; with heartbreaking too. My tears today are for the innocent people suffering in the world and those who are facing war conditions. There are people making a fortune while other people pay the price. This man is oblivious to any suffering he has caused for totally selfish want of wealth!

They say, the higher you climb the futher you have to fall. The people you use and abuse, rip off and trample on to get to the top, will keep going and remember. This is a chapter in my life I would rather forget! When contacting Tony Blair and his lawyer wife to address legal corruption years ago - they did not. They made a choice. If Stephen has done any unethical business - he must pay the price! Not everyone is motivated by greed and corruption!

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