

Friday 27 April 2012

The Elect Lady of Zion and Jerusalem

In Jerusalem, a fortress-like building stands south of the Old City’s Zion Gate. Nearby soars the bell tower of Hagia Maria Sion Abbey (formerly the Abbey of the Dormition), a Benedictine monastery.

During the Byzantine period, Emperor Constantine built the Hagia Sion (Holy Zion) in Jeruslaem. It was regarded as the Mother of all Churches. In AD 614 it was destroyed by the Persians. Not good!

The Dormition Abbey is known as the place of the Last Supper and said to be where the Virgin Mary died. The Virgin Mother Mary is still lovingly remembered as Queen of Palestine and Queen of Zion.

This is Divine Providence. Pope Bemedict XVI - his motto is 'The Glory of the Olive' a symbol of Peace. The Olive tree is the gift Athena gave to the people. My two Great aunties were Benedictine Nuns. The cross I have from my Greek Grandmother is Byzantine and we are connected to Constantine. The confusion in the present time has been created by wars and division of people in different faiths. In recent years the churches are uniting in peace, relecting my prayers and united effort to assist Global Peace and healing.

The Greek Orthodox Church of Jerusalem is also known as the "Σιωνίτις Εκκλησία" pronounced Sionitis Ecclesia - the Church of Zion. We do NOT promote war with any people whatsoever!

The Blessed Mary was the Elect Chosen Lady to be Queen Mother for all humanity. Today Mary is still loved all over the world and millions of people feel a profound spiritual connection with her.

The connection with Mary and Zion is important to understand in context. The war mongers make divisions between people. Living in England, Laws were made to prevent foregin titles being used here - this is just priceless. WE in the Christ family have suffered enough of the abuse by the 'oathtakers' who are self serving!

I read recently there is a Greek Orthodox Chapel in Buckingham Palace. Strange how this is not common knowlege to the people in England. The Greek Orthodox church is relevant to the Crown!

In ancient times the lineage passed from mother to daughter. A rise of spiritual people Guided in Truth are speaking about Sophia (meaning Holy Wisdom) The Divine Feminine and a growing movement have been invoking the Goddess for intercession, upliftment and healing. The spiritual alchemist is active in so many different ways to uplift humanity - both men and women!

Ave Maria is a timeless song touching peoples hearts globally.

Buckingham Palace should know if Jesus Christ is King and Head of the Greek Orthodox Church then Charles or William can never take his place! And Jesus Christ is my King - I Know Christ is Risen!

In ancient times the Queen was anointed by God to maintain a direct relationship with Him. As in ancient times and the present day, God will always make sure the people know HIS Truth! If there is to be God's government on earth, then Charles or William are not 'anointed by God' by the All Seeing and All Knowing One!

People all over the world need to wake up to what is happening. Stop the hatred, the fighting, the wars, the bashing of people from different faiths and unite together as one humanity. It is the people at the top who are creating wars for their own agendas.

The Holy Orthodox Church are busy promoting Global Peace and bringing people together in peace - We are a universal Church and while wars have happened in history, there is no excuse today. Millions of people are now uniting together in peace. All the ladies who are spiritually guided with unconditional love are assisting healing with the energy flowing in their heart. LOVE IS Powerful.

The Virgin Mary reached into peoples hearts. Princess Diana also touched peoples hearts. My mother touched peoples hearts and inspired people as a courageous lady. My grandmother and I shared the most loving bond - If we know love we can share love with other people. More than anything our world needs love.

The Virgin Mary inspires motherhood and unconditional love. She was a source of Holy Wisdom within her own being and also through her child who was the anticipalted New Born King. Through the lineage of the Virgin Mary, mother of humanity, women have genetic memory and can heal to share there unconditional love too. We must keep this love flowing now!

"The elder unto the elect lady and her children, whom I love in the truth; and not I only, but also all they that have known the truth; because of the truth, which lives in us and will be with us forever: Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Father's Son, will be with us in truth and love. it has given me great joy to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as the Father commanded us. And now, dear lady, I am not writing you a new command but one we have had from the beginning. I ask that we love one another. And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love." 2 John 1:1-6

Peace, love and best wishes.
Pauline Maria