

Saturday 14 April 2012

Venerable Pauline Marie Jaricot

Spiritual mysteries and specific insights are clearly given to me to share with everyone. This is a revelation for everyone to SEE!

This caught my attention and yet Catholics in UK do not know her!

In many different ways God is trying to communicate with people. When divine guidance is given, it is clear and precise - for a reason! Many details are being revealed to me to show the extent of how he has planned everything to the finest detail thousands of years ago. When we SEE CLEARLY, this is understanding.

Pauline Marie Jaricot was The Match That Lit the Fire.
This Inferno Would Cover the Face of the Earth!

The name Pauline Marie Jaricot caught my attention. Listening about her life, it is not a coincidence she ALSO serves as God's Instrument even to this day through the books she has written.

the intention of Pauline Marie was to unite the WHOLE WORLD in Peace with Jesus Christ - She set up a foundation to do this. Pauline Marie was a visionary who brought the light of Truth about Christ to 150 countries. She wrote The Infinate Love of The Divine Eucarist; and shared the Living Rosary with people.

Pauline Marie lived in the Presence of God and continued to reveal why Christ came to establish himself within our heart. The union of man with God is what Pauline Marie revealed to people and it was her plan to show everyone how to attain this.

One lady singlehandedly transformed the lives of 5 million people. Pauline Marie went out to help the poorest of people in Asia. She wrote, prayers and meditations and Holy Wisdom. Every breath she took was so that everyone would know the Love of Christ and the Important Relationship the Blessed Holy Virgin Mother Mary.

Pauline Marie was young, rich and beautiful - born into a wealthy business family trading in SILK. She had a quick temper and an even quicker tongue – but with a great deal of love in her heart. Pauline Marie became swept into the materialistic world of illusion, living a life that created distance from the spiritual union God was seeking in many different ways to communicate.

Growing up Pauline Marie was aware of deprivaation and suffering in France and other countries around the world. She made a commitment to change this. From her early teenage years up until her death in 1862, Pauline Marie cared for the needs of some of the poorest people in the world. Single handedly she tranformed this world with the love of Christ, radiating the fire of Christ's Love.

Pauline Marie had an Apostolic Vision to Save France and the Rest of the World. Pauline Marie lived her life as a Living Eucharist. The Divinely inspired Queen of the Living Rosary is the Bride of Christ.

Pauline Marie glorified the Virgin Mary and the Miraculous birth of Christ and she made sure that everyone knew the truth. She Consecrated her heart to the Holy Mother and filled her heart with the Love of Mother Mary and communicate this same unconditonal love of the Holy Mother to the people.

God's instrument for the Living faith is the vessel for the outpouring of Christ's love to all humanity. The Holy Grail is the source of God's Divine Love and Holy Wisdom. Sophia Wisdom.

All Pauline Marie wanted to do was to make Jesus Christ known and loved - not hated, feared or to be rejected without the opportunity to known the truth. She certainly succeeded.

One undertaking of Pauline Marie's intentions was social reform. She had her work stolen from her and found herself involved in considerable financial difficulties that her intention ended in failure. People stole from her. Pauline Marie died penniless.

The divine plan is ever unfolding - the work is never ending. There is no closing chapter. Another chapter has began for all of humanity at least to give people the opportunity to learn the error of our ways. Even though steps have been given at various times to bring people closer to God, it is through Pauline Marie that we understand why there is 'unfinished work' still.

In so many different ways God is trying to be bring the truth to people so they know the truth for their own self. At this time an abundance of prayers are being answered; people's eyes are opening to see more clearly. Are you asking to see clearly?

Jesus Christ healed the blind as he continues to do so today.

Unconditional love knows no boundaries of time and space.

Being spiritually guided by the light of lights, we hear clearly, see what we are meant to see and what I need to know comes to MY attention. I will not proceed with anything until I am 100% sure especially if this is going to transform the lives of people.

Prayer and meditation go hand in hand. Prayer to seek guidance, healing, understanding and need. Meditation allows us to feel, hear, sense and visualise - sometimes not all at the same time. Nothing is coincidence in this world and everything is connected. Pauline Marie taught about prayer and meditation too.

In my previous article I posted some Da Vinci Code Keys. For a long time people have been searching for the Holy Grail. For many thousands of years the High Priestess Goddess Queen is known about because she is in direct relationship with God. The Queen of the Holy Grail is the COMFORTER filled with love for humanity although she is very bossy too. This Lady and I are connected.

In the ancient times the understanding of souls reincarnating to assist humanity progress is known by those who are evolved.

"It was Pauline Marie Jaricot pronounced (Jeri-coe) who lit the match in the Church to spread Christianity. The source of this flame was her profound interior life, completely open to the love of God. Being child like is to be with the innocence of a child - with pure heart and intention. A courageous lady battled on with her calling even in poverty. Pauline Marie like so many others within the Church have responded whole-heartedly to an exceptional vocation, yet she did not hesitate to shock and even provoke her fellow Christians, particularly those in her life. Those fellow Christians who did not agree with Pauline Marie who voiced their disapproval in ways often, harsh, unjust and even with cruelty. The genius and holiness of Pauline matured and crystallized into a reality of extreme simplicity- the Living Rosary.

Had Pauline Marie not withdrawn from the activity of the world she would never have fully understood the necessity of prayer. However, having given up the world, she dedicated herself to works of charity. She found that to serve the poor and afflicted was to serve Christ himself; she rushed to help the unfortunate. Sharing her time between helping others and her life of prayer, she soon realized to truly help others, she must bring them to God.

The French Revolution had wrought havoc and destruction to the missionary effort. The entire attitude of the church towards the mission was undermined. Pauline prayed much on this and had a sudden inspiration, The Association of the Propagation of the Faith was born from God, for her to spread the Message of Truth.

In the link there is a recorded oration about Pauline Marie.

Walking in sincere faith takes courage, tears, heartache and suffering. We will make mistakes and be send to experience difficulties and challenges - we might be sent to another part of the world as our spiritual calling - I know, this is the life I have lived!

Pauline Marie is Foundress of the Catholic Mission. After posting some of the Keys of the Davinci Code and the Swiss Bank Account Key WAS BLANK - Could it be that ethical people have invested from her past efforts so that WE can continue building on them?

Sacred hearts of Jesus Christ are always with love for humanity and their commitment is to bring people back to a loving merciful God.. The present day calling is to bring people back to the Truth - This is the only way we can to Unite together to live In PEACE!

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

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