

Thursday 24 May 2012

8000 Young Voices have 'Got the Power'

These days I have had visitors - children, sharing their experiences and learning at school.  The Pyramids, Egypt, King Tutunkamun and Moses have been just some of the subjects they have been covering this week. In earlier articles I started to write sharing insights and relevent information that has been revealed to me. This is not coincidence - everything happens in the right time. This is a time of spiritual empowerment for everyone!

With the door open, the little ones walk as if my home is an extension to theirs. By encouraging their communication, this assists their development and confidence. Yesterday what started with a 6 year old knocking on my door because she was upset over being left out. About an hour later, the children from 2 to 11 year olds wanted to come join us, instead of playing out together in the sunshine. After mediating for the children to sort out their differences, hug and apologise, they all wanted to sing. Even the two year old sang baa baa back sheep - everyone was happy.

Never a dull moment and yet sadly so many parents are too busy to listen to their children who are often very entertaining. Children live under totally different ideals to adults. Their minds and hearts they have their own uniqueness and innocence. Children share their awareness and understanding many adults have forgotten about. Children have thoughts and feelings that adults sometimes forget, or do not take into consideration. Children can also struggle to understand why parents are moody, bossy and even strict.  So today my explaining included reminding the girls why their parents set boundaries and must know where they are because they love them; not as a punishment. When adults do not explain their reasoning this can be confusing.

Children are hungry to learn and also express their truth.

This afternoon when the 11 year old came in to see me again, she started singing the song lyrics 'I Got the Power' - this was quite a change from yesterday when showing shyness in front of her friends. Eventually she sang for me and in front of her friends too. Today she seemed to be more confident in herself and singing away without being self conscious. An overnight transformation.

Singing is not just about singing in tune - every song carries a message. Songs can come to our mind for a reason. Look on the internet to access the lyrics and see the message being conveyed and how this realates to your truth. Songs express thoughts, feelings and influence too. There are songs with positive messages and those with a destructive message too. Not everyone takes the time to locate the lyrics of a song and understand the meaning.

The children told me about singing in MEN Arena in the video below. They also spoke of singing in Victoria Halls in Bolton - the name meaning VICTORY. When children are encouraged to sing, their voices will be heard and validated.  This prepares for their voices to be heard as adults in the world too. This message is getting BIGGER AND BETTER AND LOUDER - this is an example of how pure truth always comes to light. People are hearing now.

The people who are spiritually blind and closed in their hearts will not get what is happening in these times. A clear message being sent out in the world to those who try to silence the truth, the truth will come to light anyway. Everyone has a valid voice and especially children.  No one has a right to silence the voice of anyone. No matter what, CHILDREN will have their voice heard and yet sadly today, there are still children who are not being listened to who are suffering. Every child has a right to express their truth, without fear or intimidation. If parents are not listening and teachers are not hearing either, there at least somewhere there will be someone who will listen.

There are adults who want to be leaders and yet they have no interest or intention to empower other people. Parents influence their children, not always in a positive and productive way. If teachers are teaching what they do not understand, then what are the people learning? There are self styled spiritual teachers and people who claim to give spiritual guidance and yet have not developed the understandng and responsibiity that is entailed in enabling other people to progress spiritually.

The children are teaching the adults today, although not every adult has realised this yet. Gone are the days to fill childrens heads with useless information. When creative expression is encouraged, children bring to light what is held inside their being.

Not everyone understands why Britain/America etc Got Talent shows and X factor auditions are attracting huge participatiion. These shows have people singing again. Many millions of people are singing and having their hearts moved - people are feeling again. Whether you have a fine tuned voice or not, there is no reason to hold back from singing too. In an earlier article I wrote about the message 'it is not about the money' as a reminder not to make money your focus to decide to say or do something. If you hold back your true self, your light will not shine brightly.

We are not conforming robots to fit into a social norm. Within our being a spark of energy propels us to progress and learn; to grow and evolve spiritually. We have a whole lot more to contribute to this world than we realise. If you allow other people to measure who you are and tell you what to do, you might be put off doing what you have been born to do and being who you really are. The Xfactor movement is a growing amount of people who overcame insecurities and barriers to stand up and sing in front of judges. Today the auditions are held in front of a live audience and everyone is having their moment on stage.  Over the years record companies recieved countless tapes of people who might never be heard. Today on YouTube countless people are singing - they have found their voice too. A global movement of people are directly involved with empowering other people, just by singing a song.
The spiritual alchemist realises the power of thought and the consequences. There is also a calling for being responsibile. Just by lighting one candle, many other candles can be lit. People will continue to light their candles and before we know it, a million candles have been lit from one flame of light. When I trained in the healing and helping profession, I chose to assist recovery in an area of high stigmatisation by doctors and therapists. Their attitude was creating blocks to recovery.  Attitudes need to change and are doing so today people can access the right help more easily. Single handedly I defied the blocks and also brought the concept of self healing and recovery to the internet - when professionals said this wouild never work.. The danger of giving people labels is that a label has nothing to do with being a human being. Blocking communication creates a bigger problem that the solution has been found, just with the internet. The internet allows people to write and communicate their inner voice. A clear vision and action to start the ball rolling to assist healing is being seen today where countless people are communicating openly, especially by writing and joining the self healing movement too.

See my earlier article about Johah. He has inspired thousands of people to respond and from this more people sharing their secrets too. The written word is powerful indeed - written from our heart!

Empowering people is not easy because we are complex beings. There are people who hold back their voice because of an emotional or psychological block. Removing the blocks allow freedom of expression. We know where our insecurities and blocks are also why they are there . So many adults and children put on a brave face and smile, yet inside hiding great sadness and even hurt. It is really quite something to see that people now globally valuing the self help for healing because enduring silent suffering can lead to long term problems and addictions - a cycle that is difficult to break free from. Within our being we hold the answers we need to hear to assist our own healing and also what we really want to do in life. Esoteric knowledge relates to inner knowlege.

Silent suffering serves no one. Everyone has a voice for a reason. Silencing children is silencing the voices of the future and for humanity to progress forward. The children need to be allowed to be listened to and to express their truth too. If we are not meant to communicate vocally - God would not have given us a voice. With our first breath of life, our voice was heard in the world.

Today the world is getting up singing and dancing - This is far more productive than war, fighting and hurting each other. Everyone can sing if they want to. At one time families formed their own entertainment at home. Singing is not all about fame and wealth. The millions of people who burst into song while in the shower or bath are not thinking abuot fame and wealth in their naked state that is for sure. There is power in self expression. We are given a voice to communicate. The voices being silenced now are those who say 'you cannot do that' and 'you are wasting your time'.

It is a discipline to communicate our own truth. This is a challenge that everyone is being invited to overcome because unless you are able to listen to your inner being, you will not be hearing the information that you are meant to hear for you. Within our being is a wealth of understanding. Everyone has their hidden strengths and talents. It is up to everyone to discover this for theirselves - everything is within your being. If we do not realise we have a heart to care about people, there is a part of our being that is blocked and this is fundamental to being a human being. Living with feeling is not just about loved ones. We will naturally extend this to care about strangers and humanity as a whole. Our senses are sharpened and awareness too when our heart is open.

Whether a child is 2 or an adult is 82, each voice has just as much importance and relevance. Giving the children an opportunity to express their truth and follow through what they really want to do, is why they will try again and strive to do attain other goals. Givng the elderly their voice is a reminder that they are still human and valued as people too. People with experience have a lot to share and we can learn from other people's learning.

In the entertainment business, even the well known pop stars are human and have to overcome their insecurities. Here 8000 children gathered togther in the audience and they are singing - the show is all about listening to the children's voices.  Many thousands of people are taking this message in even if they are not aware of it. The sound quality is not good however, this is reality!

Empowering children and helping to build their confidence with creative and personal expression is just one aspect to enable the young ones to harness their strengths. It does not serve any positive purpose to keep children and adults down. Society cannot progress when people are deliberately kept down and oppressed. It serves no positive purpose to be seen as worthless and for this reason the term commoner needs to be dropped altogether to describe any people. In England a large amount of the population see theirselves as being lesser or inferior beings. They are not! The Queen is supposed to be 'empowering' and protecting people.

There is a mindet that is still around that children should be seen and not heard, however if children are suffering and silenced they might be holding back not just in childhood but also in their adult years. For many years listening to 'the dialogue' of adults who think they know better, is a reminder to encourage children to beleive in theirselves and be true to theirselves too. In the Eyes of God everyone is equal. Every life that has been created as nature intended. Our voices are for a reason. Sound is energy.

In school children are taught religious education and in its proper setting spiritual teaching can also be about empowering people and learning the lessons from the past. Seeing Jesus Christ as the King and God Almighty as the Big boss who Rules this world is a reminder that the wicked people in high places will be removed, even if the forces from the heavenly realms remove them...

Nurture your children with love and they will love naturally.

Everyone is born with a voice and communicating our truth is our birthright. Children can easily be stunted and oppressed, shy and hesitant to express their truth. For this reason I encourage everyone to search in their heart for their truth and to be true to theirselves. Children and adults do not want to live in fear. While there are adults who are blind to so much, children learn by observation and  listening. Children notice there are people suffering in the world and want to do something about it.

As a child I knew about people dying of famine and homelessness and knew none of this was necessary. I did not have the money to provide the need and build schools, neither did I own the land to make sure that everyone could grow food to eat. Fifty years on the overlords still control the land and yet what are they doing to help people? When adults are incompetant and incapable of empowering people, then this is reflected in society. My focus is to assist healing and especially to encourage children and adults in their spiritual development. Our voice reveals our strengths and what is relevant to our life path. Spiritual empowerment is enabling people to realise the power within our being too.

If we allow the world to be guided by children, there would be many happy ever afters and more people will communicate in truth. There would be more laughter in the world too. Children and animals are sensitive to energy and people - they 'know' when something is not right. When children see adults hurting each other - they hurt and feel suffering when they witness this too.  Children can be nurturing in their nature, comforting and  notice everything and we are moving to a time where adults must listen. Their minds are forming decisions and already young ones are thinking about what they want to do with their life and future.

Too many adults feel they are powerless. Children are not!

The Lyrics to the song in video - Power In Me

When the race is nearly done,
And I feel I can’t go on,
I know I can do something about it.
My heart will start to race,
My body find the motion,
And I will feel empowered from within.

I’ve got the power in me, You’ve got the power in you.
I’ve got the power, p p power, got the power in me.
Nobody’s gonna hold me back,
Nobody’s gonna silence my words,
Nobody’s gonna close my mind,
I’ve got the power in me!
Verse 2

When someone’s needing help, And the world
just walks on by,
I know I can do something about it.
I’ll stand up for their rights,
My voice will find the words,
And I will feel empowered from within.

I’ve got the power in me, You’ve got the power in you.
I’ve got the power, p p power, got the power in me.
Nobody’s gonna hold me back,
Nobody’s gonna silence my words,
Nobody’s gonna close my mind,
I’ve got the power in me!

When my mind is closing down, And I’m lacking inspiration,
I know I can do something about it.
No one can stop me learning,
Create my dreams and future,
And I will feel empowered from within

I’ve got the power in me, You’ve got the power in you.
I’ve got the power, p p power, got the power in me.
Nobody’s gonna hold me back,
Nobody’s gonna silence my words,
Nobody’s gonna close my mind,
I’ve got the power in me!

We got the power
You got the power
I got the power the power in me!
We got the power Got the power!
You got the power Got the power!
I got the power, the power in me Got the power in me!

I’ve got the power in me, You’ve got the power in you.
I’ve got the power, p p power, got the power in me.
Nobody’s gonna hold me back,
Nobody’s gonna silence my words,
Nobody’s gonna close my mind,
I’ve got the power in me!

When a child is singing these words - this is their truth!

The power of love is powerful. Caring about humanity is a choice. The greatest lack in this world is compassion and care. The most priceless gift we can give is Love! Love nurtures growth.

The wisdom I share is with a lifetime of study and experience. Wisdom relates to understanding - not sharing information for the sake of it. I have been fortunate to be raised by a Great Lady who even when she became paralysed from the neck downwards, my mother still encouraged everyone with their personal growth and was fair to everyone. Our teachers are our influences. This courageous Lady of honor, integrity and rightousness is the teacher who I hold in my heart and honor to this day.

There is a standard that is difficult to meet, to merit respect that does not come from status. There is no competition. Keeping people down does not merit respect. Doing right by people does!

There are evil forces and those who are dabbling especially to persecute the members of the Christ family. The Holy Spirit within is GOD GIVEN to EMPOWER PEOPLE! You have within you a light that is meant to shine. You are born to live and thrive.

In the divine plan, everything will happen according to God's Commandment. God has already forseen all the evil ways of men - who, what, where and when. This is already written in the Holy Scripture. Even changing names and masking locations, this does not change the truth. No man can deny anyone's birthright.

In the Spiritual battle, God wins and does not change His truth!

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria