

Friday 4 May 2012

Dream - Given the Keys

On the 28th April I had a dream that is timely to share today.

In my dream I am inside a spacious room and handed a bunch of keys by a Lady. While holding one to use as 'a security key', she said to keep the door locked from the inside so no one can enter. 

Before leaving, the lady instructed me to keep hold of the Keys until she returns and she was very clear, that I must not give them to anyone else. 

The dream continues. I am alone  in the large room and look across on the sofa. On the seat is a pad of paper with pages rolled over revealing a page with writing in pencil. I was feeling guided to type on a laptop instead and reminded to include pictures so people can see easily how everything fits together. The dream ended here.

The key was not a Yale Key, it was a Security Key.

With dreams, every element is relevant. The room I was in was not in my home although a room can represent our physical body. The knowledge we need to know  from our heart and soul is within our being. This is the meaning of esoteric knowledge - inner knowledge. 

Exoteric knowledge is outside of our being. Wisdom is sharing understanding. Holy Wisdom is coming from divine revelation. In this case, I was being shown dream revelation. 

In a practical sense, the dream is a reminder to keep my door locked from the inside and to write on the computer so people can read - having already written notes with information to type up and expand on. 

* Also when I had this dream, someone said my articles would be so much easier to read with pictures too. This is why images are included here to encourage visual understanding.

In an earlier article I wrote about Amber Alert in Los Angeles and the Starbucks Logo. We see Two faces - one partly hidden - both are wearing crowns. Amber is holding a bunch of keys and a piece of folded paper. A bunch of keys has several door openings. She is holding a black purse. 

Number 10 Downing Street has a black door; yet who in control of the public purse - spending today. Are decisions made after discussion or written instructions given. 

In a recent article I wrote about floods in England. Is the public purse overflowing. 

Water also holds spiritual and emotional value with wisdom and cleansing. While Britain has been with flooding - the government have imposed extended hose pipe bans until Christmas.

The cost of water supply is increasing and yet people have forgotten water is actually a Free Resource. There needs to be renewed thinking and conveying the right message is not easy. A pole shift will take place in the mind. Today many people are diagnosed as being bi-polar....Are they really?

The Key in my dream reminds me of the Key in the Da vinci Code movie. The code being remembered and worked out could not be by everyone. In my dream the Key I was given had already been used and handed to me by A Woman - indicating I could open and lock the door too. 

This has shown women are keyholders. 

A person who looks after a building is a caretaker.

In the Swiss bank there are three Keys in the Logo.  The recognised keyholder will have the authority to access this account to save and also spend wisely. A spiritual keyholder does not need a physical key because they are in a role of what needs to be  made known and done,

The Key of Life is known to be related to the ancient Middle Eastern civilisations - ancient Greeks and Egyptians. The Quest for Immortality still exists today. The times are for assisting Spiritual Wholeness and Oneness with God again in these times. The Key Holders of divine knowledge has passed down from generation to generation. Apostolic succession also relates in this mystical way.

My dream is showing physical Keys being passed from woman to woman and to be returned to the same woman. Wisdom is passed from grandmother, mother to daughter - Wisdom is imparted to a spouse and children from a mother and grandmother.  Egyptians believe in reincanation.

The ancients believed in reincarnation of the soul - with the soul being eternal.  Wisdom is passed down from generation to generation within our genetic makeup. Genesis is the Gene of ISIS.

Another Key is the Greek Key. The Spiritual Key given to the Greek People. 

Writings around the time of Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ were also written in Greek. Athena and Sophia were from Ancient Greece. Cleopatra Pharaoh of Egypt was Greek.

The Greek Orthodox venerate the Virgin Mary and regard Mary Magdalene as being equal to the apostles. Mary Magdalene was said to have travelled by boat to arrive France to live. 

The Virgin Mary travelled to Smyrna and had a home in the Hills. 

The Davinci Code has helped raise awareness of the search of the Holy Grail. In the church at Rennes le Chateau is the Greek Key. Perhaps one reason there is no evidence of genealogy records is because Rennes Town hall was burned down in 1910. The Greek Quarter of Smyrna was completely burned to the ground in 1922 destroying 3000 years of history - and genealogy records too.

The tax collector holds the records of people and knows who is related to who. 

This is also done by census collections and filing tax returns. 

The royal family trace their lineage to ancient times to claim a royal birthright.  The rise of people  claiming to have royal authority and rights to rule cannot be disregarded/ignored. 

The common factor that runs with many of these self styled royals is the preoccupation of their own self importance, with little regard for uplifting the condition of humanity.

The Olympic Games being held in London  in 2012 identified the Logo as written Zion. 

Mount Zion is in Jerusalem and the Divine Plan is to unite humanity in Peace.

History has documented how Moses had instructed the Pharaoh of the time to let the people who were enslaved and oppressed to be free...The plagues were sent with his resistance.

In these times the tribes of Israel are not free....

The keys....might be to open and lock doors physically.

The keys might be spiritual keys - symbolic representation.

This article started with sharing my dream and beginning to see more of how everything connects together. As with what is happening in the times - recently someone said 2012 is when the Greek God's are returning. This is certainly a time for spiritual awakening and right teaching.

Reading in the Holy Bible, the Oracle has been entrusted to the Jews. 

The Torah is written....the Oral Torah is not a myth.

Sharing this link about key bearers in the ancient times.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria