

Sunday 13 May 2012

Vatican St. Peters and 666 Key Mystery

St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican Italy.

In the following photograph notice St. Peters is shaped like a Key!

The A666 leading to Bolton in England is named St. Peters Way.

The A666 had such a high death rate it earned the name Devils Highway. In 1999, the speed limit was reduced from 70 to 50 mph. On this Road my mother became paralysed from the neck downwards in a freak car crash. No other vehicles were involved. Ten years later my car hit black ice on the opposite side of the road - the start of a multpile car crash. The front looked like it had been in a crusher and I came out with a bruised forehead, very tender sternum (breast bone) and whiplash injury. The back was packed full and I was lucky to be taken out of the vehicle or might not be here today. The car was 3 weeks new and doomed from day one. It should have been written off, yet because of low milage was rebuilt. The next driver had problems and the engine blew up!!!

Travelling south Bolton Road towards Manchester we see a symbol that reminds me of two peace symbols united in one roundabout. There is a church there named New Jersualem relevant to what is happening in the times. We also see Lord Street. The New Holy Empire will be with a Universal Church of Peace. Not a church 'front' to make profit. The corrupt and lip service beleivers are going to struggle to comprehend this.

Here is a small aspect of 750 acre land space named Moses Gate Country Park. Here is Crompton Lodges and Rock Hall. The Cromptons were in manufacturing and paper making. Samuel Crompton invented the Spinning Mule whose home was also near lodges (lakes). The name Crompton and Moses Gate connects with me since living here. I am reminded of Lady at the Lake and Dome on the Rock. No coincidence that on Beulah Crescent where I was born now has a building named Lakeman court. Hagia Sophia in Constaninople has a Dome and before this, was the ancient Temple dedicated to Athena. This was built on a rock. Are you seeing now?

Here looking at the roundabout is the peace symbol and closeby St. John's Church in Salford.This is where I did my professional training. Above you see Kingsway in Salford meaning Sea Lord. Lord of the Seas is Queen of the Seas. RecentlY I posted the Queen christening a Cunard Superliner, the NEW Queen Elisabeth and this is to celebrate the Golden Age (with abundance?) The Age of Enlightenment. We are now into the age of Enlightenment and this meaning that you will 'see' with renewed spiritual understanding!

St. Peter's Parish in Bolton Town Centre

Bolton is situated between Stone Henge and Rosslyn Chapel. Regarding Mary Magdalena, she was born in a Royal family blood line and was royal by birthright. Man made laws have prevented foreign titles and also women inheriting land. The Queen has obligations to meet now. Jubilee Law relates to giving land back to its original owner and all debts cancelled. Perhaps as a Goodwill gesture The Queen could write a large cheque and send a travel pass without restriction! She should have sorted this years ago!

In an earlier article I posted a Googlemaps photo outside Bolton Museum, reminding the guardians of truth are protected from the heavenly realmns. Bolton Museum has the largest collection of Egyptian artifacts in England. Presently the Quest for Immortality exhibition is travelling the Far East. Here is held the ISIS Key. This Royal bloodline has passed from mother to daughter. The Ankh is the spiritual Key to Life (assisting healing and empowerment).

The Key holder is not standing on a stage or on television. Most certainly the Spiritual key holder does not take you away from God or Jesus Christ. Many people see man as God and are lost.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria