

Thursday 26 July 2012

GB Theatre Circus and the Olympic Carnival Queen

Some describe the show as a circus, other reports have referred to the Carnival theatrical show that welcomed Great Britain's athletes as they arrived at the Olympic stadium yesterday.

Britain's Olympians struggled to hide their bemusement yesterday whhen welcomed to the Athletes’ Village by a troupe of jesters."

The mixture of pageant, punk, song and dance with acrobatics with welcoming in every language Mr Roseby said is the ceremony's theme.

Team GB were surrounded by dozens of dancers speaking in tongue and hooting; ringing bicycle bells and blowing whistles.

Poems were read in French and performers wearing pom-poms on their heads jumped around and span in circles to the tune of ‘I want to ride my bicycle’.

Stars including Andy Murray and Laura Robson were met by circus 140 performers on stilts and singers belting out Queen hits.

Princess Anne, Dame Kelly Holmes, Boris Johnson and Seb Coe watched the ceremony. Other stars at the event included ex-Olympians Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean and boxer Amir Khan.

Tennis player Jamie Murray, who is playing doubles with brother Andy, said the ceremony was “very cool”.

He added: “I didn’t have any idea what to expect really. I thought they put on a great show – it was exciting, quite inspiring as well and I’m sure most of the athletes enjoyed it.”

Holmes said: “It gives all the athletes a real buzz. It’s really amazing to see that the Games are finally about to start.

“The excitement is building and it looks like everyone is enjoying it.”

Former gold medal winner Jonathan Edwards said: “I don’t think an Olympics has ever seen welcome ceremonies like this. I’ve spoken to the athletes and they’re loving it. It’s getting them right into the Olympic spirit.”

Middleweight boxer Anthony Ogogo said the welcome had been “infectious”.

He added: “I thoroughly enjoyed it – all the colours, the dancing, they’d done a bit of Queen music. I was trying my hardest not to start trying to join in"

Team GB found themselves surrounded by dozens of dancers speaking in tongue and hooting while ringing bicycle bells and blowing whistles.

Poems were read in French and performers wearing pom-poms on their heads jumped around and span in circles to the tune of ‘I want to ride my bicycle’.

At the end of the performance an enormous wire mesh ‘Queen’ appeared and a woman in red face-paint announced: ‘Follow your queen and follow your dreams. ‘We come to the close of our ceremony, but the beginning of our friendship.’

With the price of petrol; around 80% being tax in UK, it is likely we could see more people wanting to ride their bicycle - perhaps the government will slap tax and insurance with laws for this with non payment fines too.

Carnival also is a reminder of Carnival Cruises. This is the Holland America line mentioned in other articles. Carnival Queen and also Queen songs were featured in the performance, are showing a Dutch, American and British connection, with the perfomers wearing the Union Jack. Carnival Queens have crowned this week too. With the Queen's Diamond Jubilee and this being a theatre show, this will likely have already stirred up people's imagination.

Piccadilly Circus and Oxford Circus are London Locations.

Members of my father's family have worked in the entertainment business, his father known in Europe and Russia. As a child I had a fascination of the trapeze and also gymmastics - not then realising any deeper connection. Then not thinking to connect the dots.

As far as the Olympics go, I am sending my encouragement and best wishes to every participant from every country. There comes a time when enough is enough of people manipulated into taking sides and pitching people against other nations. This is NOT what the Olympics is about and should never be portrayed as so.

Celebrate people internationally coming together giving support and encouragement for everyone to achieve their personal goals. Be inspired by other people in a positive way. It takes one person to start a movement of positive change - People do have power!

What I learned in life is even when we are on our knees and unable to get up, the spirit within strives to keep going. The time to give up on life is when we take our last breath. We are here for a reason.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria