

Monday 13 August 2012

Beyonce with Baby Blue Ivy - Watch The Throne

Here we see Beyonce feeding her baby. Baby Blue Ivy is wearing a top promoting Beyonce's husand's Jay-Z 'Watch The Throne' tour.

Sometimes what we see and read is relevant to understand. Do you think there could be a message here after all the Queen is 86 now

Beyonce is a gifted young woman who is born to sing and share her heart with the world. She has accomplished so many of her dreams because she is surrounded by people who have encouraged her to sing - to grow and be successful. To give support and encouragement so people grow and succeed, shows in the results.

Beyonce is inspirational to other young women to show if you have a dream, you can make it happen. Not everything that has value comes easy in life. Not everyone is destined to be a superstar singer on stage - however, this should not stop anyone getting up on stage and singing - even if not pitch perfect.

Regarding the Throne. The Queen is in the role of Mother of Humanity and so the next Queen will be Mother of Humanity. Quite a few people are trying to claim the throne now, including one man who wrote to say he is Yahweh, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. There are a few Jesus Christ claimants too!

The MailOnline reported the French are demanding the crown - they miss out 90% of what is relevant to know. Mary Magdalene and company arrived to the south of France by boat when they left Jerusalem. She was of the ancient Royal lineage. France and Basque region of Spain have a high population of Rhesus O negative blood type (royal blood). This blood group is in my family, with relations from Spain and France - perhaps this connects to Beyonce and her family too.

It is reported many Hollywood Royalty are O Negative blood group.

No man has any right to put women down. It is no coincidence that the voices of woman are listened to in America. People are motivated to succeeed and be empowered in America. Success is encouraged in America too.

The video state features three pyramids, as in the Pyramids at Giza in Egypt. Beyonce is standing on 6 steps - completing the 7 steps that represent the 7 chakras. (Queen Elisabeth II was coronated on a throne that was placed on 5 steps - the Throne represented 1 step)) Lady Columbia is also standing on steps and shining a light towards the heavens. The Giza Pyrmaids are Royal Tombs.

Beyonce inside the Pyramid in Egypt, having a WOW experience.

With all the talk of Isis recently, the Isis Gene is passed from Mother to Daughter. Isis holds the spiritual key of life and is pictured with the Ankh. Man made laws have prevented women inheriting titles. There has also over time been laws created in relation to succession to the throne to restrict this. Divine intervention takes place when neccessary to restore God's Order.

In this video Beyonce is presented an award by her mother who is standing on another pyramid with 5 steps. We are shown Beyonce has inherited the Isis gene from her mother. Tina Knowles (a name similar to Athina) and Beyonce are seen have an ancient spiritual lineage. We know this because her motivation is to empower people and not to oppress anyone. Evolved souls are self less.

Celestine (Tina) Knowles has a mixed African, French and Irish heritage - daughter of Agnès (née DeRouen) and Lumis Albert Beyincé. Tina is a descendant of Joseph Broussard (1702–1765), born in Port Royal, Nova Scotia who was a leader of the Acadian people in Acadia. (The French Connection is here too)

During King Georges War, under the leadership of French priest Jean-Louis Le Loutre, Joseph Broussard began actively resisting the British occupation of Acadia. In 1747 he participated in and was later charged for his involvement with the Battle of Grand Pré. Joseph is a biblical name from ancient times. Beyonce's Grandmother's name is from the vicinity of Rouen in France.

Acadia was a colony of New France, in northeastern North America. The first capital of Acadia, established in 1605, was Port-Royal. A British force from Virginia attacked and burned the town in 1613 but it was later rebuilt nearby, where it remained the longest serving capital of French Acadia until the British conquest of Acadia in 1710. (evidently not Kings by Divine Right)

Beyonce' group Destiny's Child launched her to fulfill her purpose in the divine plan to influence positive change in this world.

While a few hundred people read what I am writing - Beyonces voice reaches millions of people. The more voices communicating the same message, then more power to the people - Everyones voice is important and you have yours for a reason. We choose if we want to make a positive difference in this world.

People are starving on land that could be cultivated with irrigation for clean water. Children and adults who cannot read and write can learn when people help. People are living in huts in the most horrendous conditions - why? Once land has been conquested for commercial interests people have been exploited and also abandoned. Greed and corruption has a price - humanity suffers.

Beyonce is promoting World Humanitarian Day with the United Nations. Every day could be humanitarian day with acts kindness bringing smiles.

"We all see the headlines and we think, 'What can I really do to help?' World Humanitarian Day is an opportunity for all of us to work together to make a difference," said Beyonce.

The performance is to be made into a video to launch a global campaign that hopes to encourage people to pledge to do something good for someone in need.

"I hope everyone will pledge to complete at least one humanitarian action - however great or small," said UN aid chief Valerie Amos.

"Together we can create an unprecedented awareness of the plight of people affected by crises around the world."

Time is going to tell what the future will bring. With injustice still rife here and officials boasting of innocent people in prison, the Queen surely knows this. Being reminded of Beyonce's song 'What comes around Goes around'

The Queen could resolve many problems in the world just by a decision. The family claim a fortune in expenses. £200 million a year collected could do a lot to help the people - £100 million a year for 'security'. Profit is made from the land too. Water and Wind farms are potentially earning £billions in profit.

As Head of the Church of England, the job pays really well.

As Baby Blue Ivy's top says 'Watch the Throne!' - Beyonce is someone who has been compelled to make a positive difference in this world. Royal genes are easy to recognise. Being royal and noble is not about being more superior. This is seen by doing right by the people, not exploiting people at every opportunity.

Peace, love and best wishes.
Pauline Maria

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