

Friday 21 September 2012

2012 Festival of The Flame - Coldplay and Rhianna

Coldplay and Rhianna accepted the invitatation to sing at the 'Festival of the Flame, the most important show in the world, Coldplay said 'Being asked to play at the paralymplic closing ceremony in our home town is a huge honor. We can't actually imagine a bigger honor, this will be this biggest night of our lives."

Rhianna named as one of the most influential people in the world by Time Magasine said "Being at the Paralympics is the biggest honor. These athletes are gladiators and a true inspiration to me."

Listtening to the lyrics not only reveals the love between two people and their process, there is a spiritual battle to divide people and turn people against each other. The Olympics and Paralympics have brought humanity together in harmony and peace. When humanity is united together, humanity is strong!

Here is the song list - located on the internet.

1:35 - Us Against The World.
5:28 - Yellow.
10:10 - Up In Flames.
13:26 - Paradise.
18:20 - 42.
23:15 - God Put A Smile Upon Your Face.
27:16 - Clocks.
31:45 - Charlie Brown.
36:38 - Princess Of China.
40:55 - Strawberry Swing.
46:50 - We Found Love (Rihanna).
49:55 - Viva La Vida.
54:08 - Run This Town (Coldplay, Jay-Z and Rihanna).
57:40 - Paradise remix with Jay-Z.
1:00:42 - The Scientist.
1:05:08 - Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall.

This is a reminder that men really do have deep feelings and think about matters of the heart and life, altough they do not always express their heart openly. If anything, men have used songs to express their true feeling. Even with knowing how men tick, we are reminded that men also have their healing process too.

Sometimes we are caught up 'in a hopeless situation' and in any relationship there are two people, two individual process. Sometimes things are just not meant to be but the experience is to make us grow to become better people, more aware and to do what we are meant to do in life. In any relationship, when it is one that is in a position to make a positive difference in the world - as we see both Coldplay and Rhianna have both been singing to millions of people, we must realise responsibility and be ready for this responsibility. People work together as a team to make a positive difference and can still shine a light as individuals.

We are reminded that no matter our circumstances, we are all carrying our heart on our sleeve and dealing with our own issues. As we are open to our healing process and true to ourself, we allow other people to be open ot their own healing need and be true to theirself too. Putting on a false front and pretending all is ok when inside our heart we are hurting, does not help any situation. The brave heros of the Olympic games did not put on a brave front, the dug deep within their being and found the strength within to acheive what they wanted to achieve and defy all limitations.

The strength of the human spirit is unknown and yet we are also very fragile beings. Broken hearts and a lack of confidence can be crippling. Overwheming circumstances - with my own with a double whammy of legal corruption and three homeless threats, with refusal for justice = this brought on multiple asthma attacks and chest pains. I am an innocent person and have learned of many more innocent people who suffer while nothing is being done to bring an end to these abuses.

A part of me has been so limited with what I wanted to do. There was a period when I was bedbound for three years, I ordered the internet 'to type' - One day I went looking for somewhere to ask people to pray for me, and ended up on a spiritual website helping people. The reason I was unable to talk properly through chronic breathing problems due to trauma from being threatened with homeless by lawyers in England and told I could be forced into court and will lose the case. It is for this reason while many popele read my page, there is a deafening silence about corruption in UK and refusal to put wrongs right. It was in this time I became friends with a Dutch Lawyer and 'in his helpless state' he could not do anything to help me. I wanted him to support me while I battle more forcefully with the corruption in UK and he could not do this. So I continued alone. I never got justice and so it seems the Queen's job is vacant. £200 million a year income is a well paid job to be Head of a Church - imagine the good that could be done!

Even if we are physically limited in some way, we can still go out and make a difference in the world - even from home using the internet. We can still send positive thoughts and encourage people who are struggling. We can also pray for people; for the healing need in the world and global peace - my focus, with God's help.

In our experience we are just mere mortals, here for a reason and a spiritual purpose. Everything we say and do makes a difference, we are also impacting other people. In the last 10 years alone, millions of people have suffered and been killed in wars, we need 10,000 years of peace to make up for this.

Sometimes people do not realise who they are or that they have a very important role in life - Sometimes people are brought together to serve a greater purpose that is to benefit humanity and just do not see it. Not everyone has faith. Not everyone trusts that our life is for a purpose; not to manipulate or play games; not to test people and waste time. Not everyone has learned this lesson.

In looking for the song that Rhinnas was signing - I discovered it is titled the Princess of China. Rhianna is depicted arriving on a 'steamship' - in earlier articles I have written about the ship and Queenship. There is a steamship that has now returned 'back home' to Holland the SS Rotterdam. She is known as the Grande Dame. Rhianna is bringing the awareness of the Steamship for a reason.

Rhianna is wearing Orange in the Festival of the Flame Video - she is representing the Princess of Asia. In the Princes of China Video she is wearing the Orange and Purple combination that we have seen worn by a few celebrities, also these colours purple have been featured in the Olympic games.

It just happens Smyrna, now Izmir in Turkey is where my mother's family came from is known as the Crown of Asia - the Holy Bible speaks of the Crown of Life being given to the Church of Smyrna. There is a long painful history for the Greek peoople. A struggle to be spiritually free and be leaders of light in the world. The light of God uplifts and empowers humanity - not oppresses people.

We also see in the Princess of China video the ladies being depicted with many hands and this is seen to be the many hands that women use to deal with life situations. the spiritual goddess is a spiritual alchemist, she is influencing many situations to enable humanity to progress and realise a greater purpose.

We also see in the video that both Rhianna and Chris Martinn from Coldplay are holding swords as if to enter battle. Words can be far more powerful and damaging than swords. We are reminded that words can be healing too. Understanding the power of words is something that everyone is being asked to do now. The power of suggestion is very powerful. It is easy to influence people in a positive or detrimental way. We must be very careful.

There is a disciplne of the mind that is respected greatly in Asia in relation to spiritual focus and energy. Yoga and Martial Arts are originated in Asia. Stillness of the mind and meditation came from the Land of Asia. Eurasia - is Europa and Asia. The land of Spirituality has origins throughout the ages to be shown in lands where people are disciplined to use this in a positive way.

There is a discipline to understand in context and ancient wisdom that goes back many thousands of years that is relevant today too. Even the healing arts are connected to clearing blockages within.

Unfortunately I did not marry a ship owner and cannot claim to be Queen of the seas. Actually I cannot marry anyone for the wrong reasons. Love is love and when there is unity in love between two people, the flame of love shines to inspire the world in love too. As individuals, we can still send love to the world.

A friend with reading my articles sent an image - He said 'You do not need a ship. Here is your crew waiting to serve.' Cute.

Remember the New Noah's Ark built in Holland. This has not had much attention in the British press. This was another sign to show that no matter what effort to defy God's Will, the heavenly realms will work to bring people together to restore God's Order on this earth this is going to happen anyway. God does not need a ship to Rule the world - People just need to know He Rules this World!

Long overdue is global peace and healing - also hurting hearts.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria