

Thursday 27 September 2012

Experiencing and Hearing the Holy Spirit

This is a clear explaination on hearing the Holy Spirit

This gentleman experienced a visitation by The Holy Spirit.

Being guided to find these videos to share. There are so many false prophets around and people who are taking people away from the truth. My faith is on experience, divine guidance is with experience and at this time, we are being shown validation. God is not a deciever or misleader to people.

The expression 'many are selected, few are chosen' - these are two people who by sharing their learning and experience, allow people to gain insight and understand how God communicates with people. The gentleman sharing his experience has evidently touched his heart deeply, we can hear this in his voice.

God communicates in so many different ways. When people are focussed on listening to the spiritual teachers, they are not focused on their prayer and strengthening the bond that allows divine inspiration and guidance to flow.

Living a very quiet life and in solitude, without even music playing in the background, it is in this prayer; with being open to recieve answers and guidance makes this far easier because there is no distraction. We can be out and about shopping, walking, working, driving and indeed in any situation that we can take our focus to connect with God and ask to be guided in the right way.

Asking, recieving, praying, hearing, seeking, finding, thinking, revealing - validation is always given when in union with God. With this union I trust my prayers are heard and answered.

This is the conscientious path. Once you realise the connection and relationship with God is possibile, you would not want to live life any differently. Living the spiritual path is an experience and way of being, not indoctrination. God does not charge a fee.

The message I was given to share 'You do not need to pay to pray'. You can pray anytime, any place and anywhere. Christ opened the door for you, me and even the people who have lost their way.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria