

Sunday 30 September 2012

Jeremy Forest & 15 yr Megan Found Out in France

While exposing the SERIOUS crimes taking place, this is one that has been touched on but not gone into deeply. Today I got the little sign that saying, talk about this some more - meanwhile the media have done a really good job in covering this story, and officials have rallyed together to deal with this situation.

A few days ago Jeremy Forest, a school teacher disappeared to France with 15 year old schoolgirl Megan Stammers. Young Megan, unaware of her beauty and vulnerability, had captured the attention of 30 year old Jeremy Forest who was to the advantage of being much older. He was also captivated by the young girl to have planned to take her away from the safety of her parents home to another country.

This situation rings alarm bells. While children who are unhappy might want to run away, go and stay with a relative, for someone to plan to go overseas and take a minor with them, shows intent to decieve. If any relationship is upfront, there is no reason to hide from this. There are children who tell their parents of their love interest even as a minor and by saying so they are not hiding anything.

Jermey Forest is a married man. While on his wedding anniversary with his wife Emily in Thailand and Malaysia in April, it seems the trip was far from romantic. A photo published by the Daily Mail, from TripAdvisor, Emily wrote: ‘Jeremy on the balcony (he stayed here most of the night).’

It seems clear Jermey's thoughts were far from loving and cuddling up to his wife in this beautiful setting - no second honeymoon.

Apparently not long before, Jeremy Forest had gone on a school trip with 50 pupils from Bishop Bell School to Los Angeles, one of which one was Megan Stammers. Perhaps his attention was there. Pupils were reportedly shocked to see Mr Forrest holding hands with Megan when sitting together on the flight home.

Well the love story between Jeremy and Megan has been well and truly busted by the media and police internationally. The situation is every mother's nightmare and we must count our lucky stars that Megan is alive and will come home safely. There are countless other teenagers who disappear and never seen again .

More has come to light since about Jeremy Forest. He used fake identificiation to go overseas and look for work. Jack Frances Dean is the name complete with a photo. He claimed to be a journalism graduate; writer for rock magazines NME and Kerrang, with experience in human resources, bar work and music tuition.

It was Mr Forrest's application to work at an English pub in Bordeaux - HMS Victory, staffed by English and Irish workers and popular with expats - which is said to have blown his cover. He was recognised by the manageress there.

Hotel staff noticed something unusual about the couple. Mr. Forrest left Megan waiting outside, her arms sheepishly folded, while he checked into the hotel, paying €61 cash up front.

A hotel worker said ‘He seemed calm and relaxed; but I never saw her close up' - Apparently Megan had possession of her mother's passport. She had travelled with this document and managed to pass herself off as a 37 year old mature woman. Mr. Forrest and Megan boarded a ferry from Dover to Calais nine days ago; since this has sparked an international manhunt.

From Calais, hey travelled to Paris, where Mr Forrest’s abandoned hi Ford Fiesta. From there they boarded a TGV train at Montparnasse station then travelled to Bordeaux, 400 miles away in the south-west of the country.

Without being required to show their passports, they checked into the Choiseul, a two-star hotel in central Bordeaux for one night. After moving to different hotels, Mr Forrest - who had been scrupulous about remaining anonymous - made the crucial error when applying for the bar job - and got caught out!

Mr Forrest is still in love with Megan and wants to be extradited from France so he will be closer to her, his lawyer said today. ‘We have discussed how he feels about being taken back to Britain and he will not contest it.’

‘This is primarily because going home will take him back closer to the person he loves. ‘His only crime is to have fallen in love with a 15-year-old, without any recourse to violence or manipulation. Of course he is devastated and only wants to be reunited with Megan.’

Forrest will appear in court in Bordeaux on Tuesday for formal extradition proceedings.

He confessed the couple had planned to 'lie low' in Bordeaux for another six months - when they could legally return to the UK as lovers when Megan turned 16.

From these experiences, we can fully appreciate why it is necessary to be protective to young girls and be alert to the warning signs. Many males find innocence alluring and might even beleive they are in love. Considering Mr. Forest took his wedding vow - an oath to God to another lady, his promise was not kept for very long. Fickle men are known for being heartbreakers in the long run.

Mr. Forest has been exposed using different identity names.

In looking at the article, there is a video that highlights Jeremy Forest has a MySpace account under username Jeremy Ayre. While many people use the internet to share information, research, network and even make friends, there are many more who use this medium to hide under different personas. The romance scammers are many. These scammers are people who are stealing hearts.

It is particularly interesting that HMS Victory is where the truth came to light. HMS Victory being a ship - Victory means winning and success associated with Nike, the brand name, the same as the heavenly helper Nike Goddess.

This relationship has forged bonds between English and French people. In many ways there is a need to strengthen bonds between people internationally and to realise, we might be living in different parts of the world, we are human beings and we are many who do care about people, wherever they live in the world.

Bordeaux in the middle ages was a kingdom and the duchy of Aquitaine. The Motto of this region is: Lilia sola regunt lunam undas castra leonem.

"The fleur-de-lis alone rules over the moon, the waves, the castle, and the lion"

The fleur-de-lis appears on the coat of Guadeloupe, an overseas département of France in the Caribbean, Saint Barthélemy, an overseas collectivity of France, and French Guiana. Our Lady of Guadelope is the Virgin Mary.

From the signs we are given with HMS Victory our earthly and heavenly mothers have been instrumental in helping to bring Megan home safely. Kudos to everyone who has got involved and to all the people who did poke their nose in and get involved. Far too many people think we should mind our own business.

My advise to Jeremy is to get some help and recognise anyone who really does love someone will be able to endure with this love for a lifetime. It is OK to ackowledge weakness, failure, being rejected and even being emotionally abandoned. If this issue is not addressed now, a trail of broken hearts will be left with having to one day face up to being responsible and accountable.

My reason to state get some help is after listening to his song!

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

No copyright infringement intended with images
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