

Thursday 6 September 2012

The London Olympic Tower - ArcelorMittal Orbit

This article is to show how everything is connected and to see the signs around. Bolton has been identified by landmarks as with many towns and cities in United Kingdom. However, Bolton was chosen by Olympic Organisers to build the Steel Support structure for the Olympic Stadium and also the Olympic Orbit unusual tower structure, that stands prominent in London now.

Steel is very strong, durable and very versatile in its use. Products, machinery and architecture built with steel are built to last. Bolton is known for manufacture and engineering. For it is in Bolton my father and his friend arrived and set up an Engineering manufacturing company. The family moved from Biggin Hill in Kent to the North West. Biggin Hill Airport is famous for the Red Arrows flying team and the airshows. Biggin Hill Airports was one of the locations used in the movie the Da Vinci Code too.

Some time back I discovered in Izmir, Turkey, where used to once stand the City of Smyrna - ancient Greece, where my Grandmother and relatives came from, the travel card is called the KentKard.

Here we see the Olympic Orbital Tower, with the Red Arrows flying past the London 2012 Olympic opening ceremony on 27th July. This is evening and I am unsure if the colours are supposed to be red white and blue, although the middle looks a grey colour. We see there is always gray areas and that is Ok. If we could 'see' and understand everything there would be nothing to learn.

The Red Arrows are The Royal Air Force Aerobatic Team. The team are renowned throughout the world, acting as ambassadors of Great Britain.

Here is the ArcelorMittal Orbit illuminated at night - with the reminder, when it is nighttime, light can be seen so clearly.

"ARCELOR is the new name of the world's largest steelmaking group. The name ARCELOR symbolises the union and experience and expertise of the constituent companies: 'ARbed, ACEraLia and UsinOR.'

The name ARCELOR is highly evocative. We can recognise the word ARC, which evokes the circle, with symbolic properties including unity, perfection, completeness and harmony. We are also reminded of the Arc of the Covenant.

"OR" can mean either and or, also sounds like the word "ORE", in reference to steel. The French word "or" means "gold". Gold is associated with quality, refinement and pliability.

In the opening ceremony we saw the manufacturing process of the steel rings and bringing them together above everyone. Not only did they appear golden in colour, with the colour purple featured, on the with pedistals the winners were awarded their medals, there were 5 gold rings. This is a reminder of the Christmas Carol and five gold rings - uniting the five continients in harmony.

2The first letter of the name ARCELOR derives from the first letter of the protosinaic alphabet (aleph), whose original meaning is "primal energy" and whose derivative meanings are "strength", "being", "human", "beginning". - included below are links to also read up on the last letter too. Every letter in the Hebrew Alphabet has a spiritual meaning and several layers of understanding.

During the day or at nighttime, the ArcelorMittal Orbit tower has been created to be seen and stand out from everything else around in London. The Tower is a topic of speculution, curiosity and unique design in architecture. This alone makes it a success.

The ArcelorMittal Orbit is a 115-metre-high sculpture and observation tower. It is Britain's largest piece of public art, intended to be a permanent lasting legacy of London's hosting of the 2012 Summer Olympics. Divinely inspired Queen too?

Orbit was designed by Anish Kapoor and Cecil Balmond of engineering Group Arup.

"The project was expected to cost £19.1 million, with £16 million coming from Britain's richest man, the steel tycoon Lakshmi Mittal, Chairman of the ArcelorMittal steel company, and the balance of £3.1 million coming from the London Development Agency. The name "ArcelorMittal Orbit" combines the name of Mittal's company, as chief sponsor, with "Orbit", the original working title for Kapoor and Balmond's design."

"Essentially, the Orbit is a swirling tube of red steel tube cut up and bolted together from many sections. The raw material, 65% of it recycled from scrap, came from 38 ArcelorMittal mills around the world.

It has been rolled and cut by computer-guided machinery, at Watson Steel Structures in Bolton, Lancashire. The computer-cut steel components were transported by lorry, to London and re-erected like pieces of a giant Meccano set. "We designed the tower so that it could be assembled in sections each 4.5 metres high," says Balmond. "There's been no scaffolding; each piece has been lifted and connected to the next. It's been a clean process," says Balmond. Construction has been delayed only by weather; the sections could not be lifted in strong winds."

Every fine detail of the Olympic games has been planned out and how much of a detail is unknown. It is possible that dates, times, people, places, manufacturers, funders and all their hidden associations were known. The Olympics already had a tremendous organisation to accomodate 70,000 people is not easy. It takes great minds to design, build and organise. While I am a visionary, technical ability is lacking. However, with great ships built and grand design in buildings - this is showing the meeting of great minds and skill of men 'and women' at their best.

Orbit is relating to the cosmos and outer space, Being situated between the Olympic Stadium and the Aquatics Centre, we are reminded of the tower having authority over the land and the sea. In the ancient Kingdom, the Queen was divinely guided, this came from heavenly realms to establish God's Kingdom on Earth.

Lakshmi is the name of the ancient Hindu Goddess of wealth, prosperity (both material and spiritual) and fortune. She is worshipped daily in Hindu homes and commercial establishments as the goddess of wealth. She is honored as the consort of Vishnu in many temples. The festivals of Diwali and Kojagiri Purnima are celebrated in her honour. Notice she is wearing red and gold.

With being seen with four hands, we are given the understanding she has a spiritual partner to help her in all her choices. From this we are given the understanding of the divinely appointed Princess past and present time, who with the guidance and by the will of the Divine so much is possible to benefit everyone.

Lakshmi in Sanskrit is derived from 'lakS', meaning 'to perceive or observe'. This is synonymous with lakṣya, meaning 'aim' or 'objective'. Lakshmi is described as bestowing coins of prosperity and flanked by elephants signifying her royal power. However, in some texts, she has an owl as her vahana.

Lakshmi, known as Jaganmaatha means 'Mother of the Universe'.

Here we see the Brahmins worship Lakshmi and with being with an owl, we learn that the reason she has gained such reverance is because of spiritual wisdom. If you look closer at the image, behind Lakshmi, there is what looks like the ancient Greek Temple from Pella posted in an earlier article. We can see the checkboard floor and also the temple pillars. Where Lakshmi is standing there is an arch with flowers and this has been revealed to me in a dream a few weeks ago, with a building representing the New Temple - a universal temple for everyone.

Notice the white swan and behind her, another lady is sitting down wearing gold and playing an instrument. If we look closer she also has 4 hands which is revealng she is also guided and has heavenly helper too. With this we are being reminded not only Lakshmi has a connection with ancient Greece, she is also connected to Greece too. Since a little girl I have had an affinity with India and feel a spiritual connection to the people. Knowing spiritual knowledge has been shared globally with people at different times throughout the ages, the ancient Goddess also had another purpose - to free humanity from slavery. To do so is not so easy.

In finding something else. Lakshmi Bai, the Rani of Jhansi (November 1835 – 17 June 1858) was the queen of the Maratha-ruled princely state of Jhansi, situated in the northern part of India. She was one of the leading figures of the Indian Rebellion of 1857 and a symbol of resistance to the rule of the British East India Company......

"General Sir Hugh Rose commented that the Rani, “remarkable for her beauty, cleverness and perseverance”, had been “the most dangerous of all the rebel leaders”

Dangerous - Why? Perhaps because like Jesus Christ, this lady was a threat to the establishment, a divinely appointed Queen would have been seen to be as so, especially with so many financial intrests tied with India. If we consider today, the people work for about £1 a day wages, while the corporations are cashing in on tremendous profit and not passing the savings onto the consumer, what has really changed? Is the greed of the people really to blame? There is a whole lot more we just do not understand. A whole lot that is yet to unfold.

With Lakshmi Mittal, the investor into the ArcelorMittal Orbit tower, there is more to come to light. Evidently, this gentleman has made his success and has faith - that he has been inspired and divinely guided in this life. However, Lakshmi Niwas Mittal also brings more to light. He was born 15 June 1950 - it was on the 15th June 1986 my mother died. The date stood out immediately.

The Mittal family own 20 per cent share in 'Queens Park Rangers' football club joining Flavio Briatore and Bernie Ecclestone.

Lakshmi Mittal's residence at 18-19 Kensington Palace Gardens was purchased from Bernie Ecclestone in 2004 for £57 million - the world's most expensive house at the time. The house is decorated with marble from the same quarry that supplied the Taj Mahal.

Located in Agra, India. It was built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who died during childbirth.

Kensington Palace is the Home where Princess Diana and the gardens hold a memorial for her. While people have portrayed Diana as a Goddess, she was certainly a channel of love and compassion for people. Diana was also an example to show when we care about people we can transform lives. Love is a healing and transformational energy - people perish when they feel unloved, not good enough and unwanted.

Lakshmi Mittal also bought No. 9A Palace Greens, Kensington Gardens, formerly the British Philippines embassy, at £70 million in 2008 for his daughter Vanisha Mittal who is married to Amit Bhatia, a businessman and a philanthropist. He also threw a lavish celebration in the Palace of Versailles in France.

It is evidently clear this gentlemen has a royal connection and probably in his genetic make up too. Evidently Lakshmi Mittal is instrumental in bringing curiosity of the ancient Goddess to people in England as well as internationally, because it is in London the global audience has placed its attention. The Olympic spirit can travel distances and reach peoples hearts and minds. Many people have said they can feel the energy of the Goddess. All is good with love.

With the name Lakshmi, it is unknown if this gentleman is aware of being related to the ancient Goddess. It is not unusal in some customs to pass on the name of a relation to male and female. What we see from the image above, Goddess Lakshmi is associated with Greek Goddess Athena - not just with the Temple in Pella, ancient Greece, the owl being connected with Lakshmi too.

Descendants from Imperial families have known great suffering, tradegy and losses. Still waters run deep. An Empress does not become so by conquest - in this divinely appointed role, as Spiritual Mother. she is also protective of her children. Raising the ArcelorMittal Orbit next to the Olympic Stadium, has shown to unite the heavenly inspiration, with the spiritual upliftment of the people on earth.

Time is going to tell what will unfold. Keep an open mind.

Peace, Love and best wishes
Pauline Maria