

Sunday 14 October 2012

Stacey Solomon and Lessons in Love

'He wants to wait': Stacey Solomon admits her fiance Aaron Barnham is in no rush to wed is the Daily Mail headlines today.

Stacey Solomon has such a beautiful and pure heart.

When Stacey sings, her voice is of a deep feeling woman. She does not come across as the most confident person in speaking and it takes guts to speak out the truth of what is really going on inside. Stacey wears her heart on her sleeve, she is of a nervous disposition and can laugh at herself. She has shown to be someone who really does think about her life and the lessons for learning.

Some time ago Stacey came to the media eye about smoking and had to consider the harm this was doing to her unborn child. Listening to her truth, allowed other women to consider their truth too. A pregnant mother is faced with taking care of her unborn baby. This certainly is a powerful message Stacey shares.

The one eye we see a lot of being revealed reflects back to our inner being. Here the one eye reveals sadness, with a pink smile.

This time Stacey is in the spotlight after appearing on a chatshow.

Evidently Stacey wants to be married to bring security for her children. By the response that her finace wants to wait, we are given the impression that this has come up in conversation.

Aaron Barnham my not realise the clock is ticking. One day his child wil say 'Why don't you marry mummy?' and the shame will be on him. Children listen to excuses and let downs every day and yet actions speak louder than words.

It is very odd that many people in England seem to be against marriage. Many mothers are left to raise children without the commitment and stability of two parents. It is worrying that there are countless women who have children with the father of the child having no contact whatsoever.

What is wrong with males today? Want to make babies but not be involved with raising children and enjoying family life?

If Stacey's fiance made a commitment of engagement - this is only a step towards marriage. Engagement is not marriage.

Sadly many couples give up quickly on marriage and forget their marriage vows. Most couples will face problems and the ups and downs of life. Through challenges, people grow together learning valuable life lessons.

A child is not going away anywhere. Time will tell if Stacey's fiance going to stay around or give up and walk away in weakness. The world is watching this. The media are reporting celebrity couples breaking up. It is not to promote single parenthood that is for sure. Women who lack support struggle alone.

If you find a sincere faithful partner who loves you for you and wants to make a commitment for life, this union is is a blessed one.

True love is two way. Commitment is two way too. The grass is not greener on the other side. Listen to your heart and remember love is not something you get from someone else. Love is what we give.

Stacey has acheived her dream. The stars have been lucky for her. Xfactor gave Stacey the opportunity. People encouraged Stacey in her dream. If I recall she said all she wanted was 'to give a better life for her son Zac.'

We see Stacey with smiles and animated and her heart is pure. Stacey is a born giver from what has been seen - someone who gives from her heart. As a role model, she can encourage other people to achieve their dreams. She can remind mothers that life bringing up a child by theirself is not easy. She can talk about how important her children are to her. She has so much more to give.

Wise women share understanding from their experience.

Even with a successful career and income for the better life - Stacey knows what is really important. Raising children in a loving stable home is what millions of woman want for their children.

Boys are growing up wanting the stability and support of a father. Millions of fathers do not realise the important their role they hold. There are men who know responsibility and recognise the valuable role of fatherhood. There are men eager to take on the role of fatherhood, even with other people's children.

Look at Brad Pit with Angelina Jolie. This is being a family.

This is a time when women are being empowered and for men to realise their important role in supporting women in their growth. Many very successful men have become so because the woman in their life has encouraged this. When a mother encourages her child to follow their dreams and to succeed - this paves the way for the child and as an adult to follow this through. Sharing the value of marriage with love is knowing the value of marriage with love.

A relationship is between two people. Relationships are easily dampened down by doubts created by other people. Many people are quick to interfere. While we all make our own choices, not everyone is assertive. There are people who say someone can do better, or 'he is not good enough for you' can cause doubts. Our heart knows our truth.

Lasting relationships are with building emotional bonds.

Listening to people speak against marriage in England is actually influencing people in not getting married. There are people who say love does not exist and yet they are in relationships of a type with someone. When love and unity is not being openly promoted, this is the message being sent in society.

Children feel deeply and want to see mummy and daddy happy!

Children grow up really quickly and what time has been lost cannot be gained again. Hope Stacy and her fiance make their commitment with love. Through all the trials and tribulations, Stacey had been learning many lessons. She could find herself in a position later on being the agony aunt, helping other people.

Just remember Love is Love. The feeling is Real.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

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