

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Justice Collective He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother

Every lawyer and police officer - especially law court judges need to be reminded that obstructing justice is a very serious crime. Perverting the course of justice is a very serious crime. Seek within. Are you worthy to be working for Justice?

David Cameron The British Prime Minister makes a statement about the double injustice. This is common in England. As an Innocent person I suffered two lots of legal corruption and justice is refused so it is time that lip service is not good enough! An apology is not good enough David Cameron - It is time for action called accountability!

"The 1989 Hillsborough disaster was a human crush which occurred during the FA Cup semi-final match between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest football clubs on 15 April 1989 at the Hillsborough Stadium in Sheffield, England. The crush resulted in the deaths of 96 people and injuries to 766 others. The incident remains the worst stadium-related disaster in British history and one of the world's worst football disasters."

The Justice Collective have relased 'He Ain't Heavy. He's My Brother' to raise money for legal fees required for the people to seek justice. When there is obvious corruption, it is not for any person to have to find legal fees, it is for the system to acknowledge the corruption and proseucte this. It is for the system to recognise that the Queen has violated her coronation oath by even allowing injustice - with the help of her officers.

JUSTICE FOR THE 96 is the Official 2012 Christmas Number one! This song has been made to raise funds for the people seeking justice in the disaster!

The Vocalists: Paul McCartney, Robbie Williams, Rebecca Ferguson, Paloma Faith, Melanie Chisolm, Gerry Marsden, Peter Hooton, John Power, Beverly Knight, Hollie Cook, Ren Harvieu, Eliza Doolittle, John Bishop, Peter Reid, Kenny Dalglish, Alan Hansen, Steve Rotheram MP, Neil Fitzmaurice, LIPA Gosepl Choir, Andy Brown (Lawson), Holly Johnson (Frankie Goes To Hollywood), Glen Tilbrook (Squeeze), Dave McCabe (The Zutons), Paul Heaton (Beautiful South), John McClure (Reverend & The Makers), Shane MacGowan (The Pogues), Bobby Elliot (The Hollies), Tony Hicks (The Hollies), Ian Prowse (Amsterdam)
Musicians: Guy Chambers - Piano, David Catlin-Birch (World Party) - Bass, Chris Sharrock (Oasis, Beady Eye) - Drums, Mick Jones (The Clash) - Guitar, Paul McCartney - Guitar, Will Pound - Harmonica, Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra - Strings.

Background information to the injustice taken from Wikpedia

"Inquests into the deaths proved controversial. Coroner Stefan Popper limited the main inquest to events up to 3:15 pm on the day of the disaster – nine minutes after the match was halted and the crowd spilled onto the pitch. Popper said this was because the victims were either dead, or brain dead, by 3:15 pm. The decision angered the families, many of whom felt the inquest was unable to consider the response of the police and other emergency services after that time. The inquest returned a verdict of accidental death.

Relatives have failed to have the inquest reopened to allow more scrutiny of police actions and closer examination of the circumstances of individual cases. Anne Williams, who lost her 15-year-old son, Kevin, appealed to the European Court of Human Rights, on the strength of witness statements that her son showed signs of life at 4:00 pm. Her case was rejected in March 2009.

On 19 April 2009, the Home Secretary Jacqui Smith announced she had requested secret files concerning the disaster should be made public.

On 8 March 2011 the Hillsborough Independent Panel announced it would examine previously hidden documents to determine what took place after the 3:15 pm cutoff imposed during the inquest in 1991. A HIP spokesman said: "We have a wide remit to analyse all documents relating to the context, circumstances and consequences of the tragedy and its aftermath."

A governmental e-petition attracted over 139,000 signatories on 17 October 2011,[123] and parliament agreed to debate the full release of cabinet documents relating to the disaster to the public.

During a debate in the House of Commons, the Labour MP for Liverpool Walton, Steve Rotheram, read out a list of the victims and, as a result, the names were entered into Hansard – the official publication of printed scripts of all House of Commons debates.

A private prosecution was brought against Chief Superintendent David Duckenfield and another officer, Bernard Murray. Prosecutor Alun Jones QC told the court that Duckenfield gave the order to open the gates so that hundreds of fans could be herded on to the already crowded terraces at the stadium. Mr Jones stated that minutes after the disaster, [Duckenfield] "deceitfully and dishonestly" told senior FA officials that the supporters had forced the gate open. Duckenfield admitted he had lied in certain statements regarding the causes of the disaster. Other officers, including Norman Bettison, were accused of manipulating evidence. Bettison was later appointed Chief Constable of Merseyside in controversial circumstances. The prosecution ended on 24 July 2000, when Murray was acquitted and the jury was unable to reach a verdict in the case of Duckenfield. On 26 July 2000, the judge refused the prosecution's application for a re-trial of Duckenfield.

Police disciplinary charges were abandoned when Duckenfield retired on health grounds and because he was unavailable, it was decided it would be unfair to proceed with disciplinary charges against Bernard Murray. Duckenfield took medical retirement on a full police pension.

On 19th December 2012, The British High Court Quashed the original rulings[131] with respect to the inquest decisions made after the Hillsborough disaster. The previous ruling was that of accidental death for all victims of the tragedy.

Attorney General Dominic Grieve made an application to the high court following the findings laid out in the report by the Hillsborough Panel. The decision set out by Lord Chief Justice, Lord Judge quashed the original inquest verdicts. The ruling came after revelations from the Hillsborough panel's findings showed police and emergency services had made "strenuous attempts" to deflect the blame for the disaster on to the fans which included alteration of more than 160 police statements where 116 of them were so altered with the intent to remove or change negative comments about the policing of the match

When good men stay silent and do nothing - evil will continue to flourish. Where there is no justice, there is no peace. Millions of people are suffering from injustice.

The cover-up by the police is reportedly 'too big for IPCC' with already 1,444 officers to investigate - the Independent Police Complaints Authority does not have the resources or powers to do the job. This is an enduring injusitce not a new situation.

On this Christmas day - We are reminded of the Power of God and the authority that comes from the heavenly realms. Before Christ was born, the God-Man was expected. In discovering the precision of my own life, birth, time and where I have lived - the detail in everything is for a reason that we might not be ready to know and understand.

There are people still rubbishing the Holy Bible and I wonder how many people have actually considered to read the scripture and seek the truth. Try it.

With 96 people being killed in 1989 and to this day Justice is not done, this is not going to be ignored - exposing shameful Britian with lawyers and police who boast of lying to be paid, innocent people in prison and having no care or conscience.

It is time for lawyers to make a decision, work for justice or pack up and shred your diplomas. Arrogant corrupt lawyers deserve to be put in jail as a way to make sure they have a criminal record and be permanently removed from the legal profession.

In the Video we see two children with tops, one number 9 the other 6. Taking these numbers as an example, the Holy Scritpure is going to reveal more information.

"It is he that builds his chambers in the heavens, and has founded his vault upon the earth; he that calls for the waters of the sea, and pours them out upon the face of the earth: The LORD is his name." Amos 9:6

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6

"You alone are the Lord. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you." Nehemiah 9:6

"Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously." 2 Corinthians 9:6

"We have not listened to your servants the prophets, who spoke in your name to our kings, our princes and our ancestors, and to all the people of the land." Daniel 9:6

"Now it is not as though God's word has failed. Clearly, not everyone descended from Israel is part of Israel" Romans 9:6

"and prayed: "O my God, I am too ashamed and disgraced to lift up my face to you, my God, because our sins are higher than our heads and our guilt has reached to the heavens" Ezra 9:6

“Know, therefore, that the LORD your God is not giving you this good land to possess because of your righteousness, for you are a stubborn people." Deuteronomy 9:6

"He shakes the earth from its place so that its pillars tremble." Job 9:6

"You live in a world of deception. In their deception they refuse to know Me. This is the LORD's declaration." Jeremiah 9:6

There are people who have found theirselves in the public eye who have the platform to speak out and stand up for justice and peace. As I have said a clean up and clear out of the British legal system is overdue - also a strict criteria for people who are eliglbe to work in a trusted role as a public servant and officer of the court.

It takes people singing songs to raise awareness that there is no justice in England and if I was a lawyer and judge, I would settle this matter at the time. The job is to be done, not to think about money that is secondary. A vast percentage of lawyers in England are greedy and see the courts as a way to profit. I wonder if any lawyers took money from these people years ago to assist justice and this was not done? If so, they have decieved the client and abused their position of trust. Lawyers have obligations to work for justice. If someone asks a lawyer to work for justice, they cannot refuse to.

If police are going to lie in court, they must be prosecuted and removed from the Job. Simple. To work in the legal profession is not a ticket to commit crimes.

God does not seek payment. He watches to see how many lawyers and judges actually work for justice and why they turn a blind eye at miscarriage of justice.

In the last couple of years, I have been guided to do some inspirational painting. One painting is revealing a law court and the title I was given is 'Divine Justice'. In another, using oil pastel and a iron on a postcard on it's side, Jesus Christ is revealed with a woman and this was revealing His Bride is a woman.

In all matters of Truth, there is always validation. In all matters of manipulation - people will feel it and yet might not realise why this is happening. The floods taking place in England is to wash away those who govern the land. When land is in ownership to royals and nobles - they make the rules for people who live on this. The man made laws for profit are in conflict with Biblical laws. When justice is refused, God takes over.

We cannot bring our loved ones back not matter how painful this is to face. For all the deaths that take place in suspicious and tragic circumstances, in catastrophes they are showing that something is wrong and we must look to what this is.

The Hillsborough disaster has brought corruption again into the light and injustice. The system work hard to bury corruption and maintain public confidence and yet, when officials say the system is corrupt, then it is time to establish an ethical system.

All the ducking and diving by officials shows this is overdue. I have cried in desperation and these abusers do not care. They have said you will never get a lawyer to prosecute another corrupt lawyer (New Queen, New Rules) and now in the media the reports are exposing a very high percentage of dishonest police officers here.

All the millions spent on flood defences could be pay for justice and compensation. A judge could sit back look at the situation and make a decision - this does not cost a penny. From what I have seen, lawyers and police could be really busy just prosecuting officials and hire extra staff to do the job. This is how serious the problem is here. The British establishment are not doing right by the people by ignoring injustice.

The people of the United Kingdom, make Great Britain Great. 2012 has been a year of seeing the best of people shining their light and standing up for the vulnerable. The gravy train of financially exploiting people with intention to obstruct justice is over!

Shame on all the people who say they are lawyers yet ignore injustice!

United Kingdom has a growing amount of hurting poeple because the system has failed the people. The system oppresses people, deliberately. When those who beleive they have a right to make laws to prevent the truth coming to the open, the truth will get louder. The system has so many perverts and pedophiles, those involved in satanic rituals and yet this is OK to keep silenced - many thousands of children go missing - Why the silence?

You were born with a voice for a reason - use it. Tackle situations head on. Write letters to the government and demand action. Quote the Holy Bible - God's Law. Demanding a republic is not the answer. Seek who has the authority to be Queen of Justice by Right to clean up the system. Do NOT allow this to be ignored! It is NOT Kate Middleton! Given titles. Man Made laws. Where is Justice?

No More Excuses. Prosecute ALL LEGAL CORRUPTION - NOW!

Justice will be done - accountability is not evaded in divine laws!

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

No copyright infringement intended