

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Monaco's Charlotte Casiraghi Gucci Paris Masters

Just after writing about Pocahontas, the Daily Mail has printed an unflattering headline about Monaco princess Charlotte Casiraghi wearing American Indian dress. Not a coincidence that she is wearing this styling. And the snobs are out to critisise.

Charlotte Casiraghi reportedly sparked anger for wearing a Native American costume. She chose the ensemble to participate in the Gucci-sponsored Paris Masters International Jumping Competition this weekend. Perhaps Gucci support the trend.

Royalwatcher wrote on the Tunblr site: 'I don’t know who told her it was cute to dress in traditonal [sic] clothing of Native American but gurlll, I’m judging you and not in the good way.'

Another, named Prin-ses-ka-ro-leen, added: 'Dear Charlotte Casiraghi, American Indians still endure racism, ignorance and abuse on a regular basis simply because they are Native. You displayed terribly poor judgment in your choice of "outfit."'

And Icaughtafallingdream wrote: 'It’s not cute and it’s not funny. It’s just insulting and dumb.'

Good on Charlotte for bringing to awareness people who are wise, perceptive, in touch with nature and respect the Great Spirit. Sadly the nearest thing many people respect is the spirit that comes out of the bottles - Vodka, Gin and Whiskey.

Does it ever occur that there are people trying to bring awareness to people who have given in history and lost in history. Deceptive means has been used to take land from people and this is excused. Wars are stealing peoples land - is this OK too?

The spiritually ignorant will remain spiritually blind.

It is bad enough British people are unaware who the REAL ROYALS are. They are partly excused for being spiritually blind - perhaps a spell is cast over them (sic)

The True Royal Princess is NOT a conformist or needs to wear designer labels. There is no need to impress or to keep up with anyone. Social snobbery is obselete.

Here is a clip from the event. The Holy Cow is featured too.

If there is a choice to listen to the wisdom of the natives, or listen to superficial chat about self indulgeance, native American Indians appeal more. They will contribute in many hundreds of years and be remembered for their wisdom.

Being a Free Spirit is something few people will ever know. If you are a conformist, then you are not of the Royal blood.

For humanity to progress - Do right by everyone. Harm no one!

Flora by Gucci commercial - They understand spiritual energy.

The veil of ignorance needs lifting up now.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria