

Tuesday 22 January 2013

7 Point Star Crop Circle With All Seeing Eye

The Holy Bible speaks of 7 ancient Churches. The descendants from these churches are now living in different parts of the world. This does not change the origin or the divine plan.. 

What has happened to reconcile people in unity and peace? 

Can we consider a unifying force guiding people peacefully too.

With the 2012 Olympic Games opening ceremony in London, the flame that originated in Greece and travelled by air and land being brought to England was to take an unpredictable process before illuminating the cauldron. One flame ignited 6 more making the seven flames in total. The embrace became an important element of the flame, between people from different nations, symbolically and literally between people from different churches.

Together the seven olympic flames of harmony 204 ignited petals that had been arranged to elevate in a sculpture form opened petals of a flower. Each petal representing a nation participating, was shining an individual light and with this being raised up became one flame of light.


When the 2012 Olympic Flame was travelling around the country, people had spoken of a 'feeling' experience. One man described this as if the flame was sprinkling magical dust on this country and this moved him emotionally. Another said he felt sadness that 'it was all over'. Another man said 'for a moment Britain were united as one'.

Once the flame is ignited in our heart to love - we know this experience. 

We are in a time of spiritually re-awakening. People are realising a higher consciousness. With this, it is important to know yourself and be true to yourself. 

Only you know your strengths and hidden talents. Only you know what is inside of you - the spark of life and purpose for being here. Only you know what you are thinking and feeling. 

When we consider individuality as experience, it might seem strange to stand alone in this world and be who you really are. Many seek to live with purpose now. By knowing yourself, you will discover your personal potential, you will discover the way for fulfilment in this life too.

All the talk of the all seeing eye we see a central focus. 

If we are spoon fed all the answers of life and the spiritual mysteries, without doing the work, we can become lazy and then neglect this sacred path. When we learn to appreciate that there is a mystery to life, from the heavenly realms that is revealed here on the earth, we can begin to appreciate the mystery between everyone and our soul connection with the divine too.

So I am sharing this crop circle, because this shows how Christ is throughout this time been a central unifying figure for everyone, in all nations and for all people. Not everyone can comprehend there being an invisible God who is all seeing and all knowing too. 

From one candle can light a million flames of light. From one person, we have all been given the light that allows us to spiritually awaken and understand beyond what we are given. The most humble and lowliest of people might be our greatest teachers who are chosen for this role.

The all seeing eye at Mount Athos - the Holy Mountain given to the Virgin Mary. The Orthodox Monks live there with a life of prayer dedication - where no women are allowed. 

There are people who totally reject a higher power and higher intelligence. That is OK. Sometimes the truth can smack people in the face and they will still argue and reject this. 

Just remember what is marketed, is being sold to you and this does not represent truth.  Illusion and creating illusions is how people have been kept in the dark for a very long time.  We are instructed to know through prayer, prayers are answered with revelation too.

The crop circles are a mystery. They are certainly revealing that there is a far higher intelligence. The UK has not hidden these from anyone. They stimulate the mind to consider greater perspectives to life and dimensions of life and the universe. People debate and negate their authenticity too.

When we seek to learn and understand anything, we are seeking facts and evidence. If the teachers in the world are just imparting regurgitated information, the students will not grasp understanding. If we listen to people who do not know or understand, what can we learn?

Few people have travelled to Mount Athos...yet masses of people speculate about the all seeing eye. Millions of people watch the Olympic Games in person and on television. Are the games serving a greater positive purpose - that all participants have value wherever they came from. 
Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria