

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Miss New York is Crowned Miss America.

Mallory Hagan won the title of Miss America on Saturday night in Las Vegas after tap dancing to James Brown's 'Get Up Off of That Thing' and answering a question about whether armed guards belong in grade schools - a contravercial topic today.

Her reply was 'the nation should not fight violence with violence'.

From the moment of introduction to the nation, the audience and Judges saw that spark of something that was shining brightly with a purpose. Mallory Hagan had made a connection with the people and this is a spiritual connection, she knows and understands.

'Sandy may have swept away our shores, but never our spirit. I’m Miss New York, Mallory Hagan,' she declared on Saturday night.

Miss South Carolina Ali Rogers took second place. Miss Oklahoma Alicia Clifton finished third. All the ladies have represented their country with smiles. Every one has hidden talents too.

What strikes me most about people in America is their warm hearts and enthusiasm to keep what is important into perspective. A country where countless women have both brains and beauty - The women in our world have a voice to be heard, not silenced.

The song that comes to mind by Alicia Keys - 'New York, the concrete jungle where dreams are made of;. What better than to have another lady from New York as an American Ambassador shining a light and making a difference where she can.

Sometimes life takes twists and turns. We experience ups and downs. Sometimes life can be really HARD. Painful experiences do not always make sense. I learned that growth does not come without challenge. Also I learned there is a mindset who oppress and keep people down, even if they are not aware of this. Many millions of people lack confidence because of the influences they have grown up with and known personally. Words have power.

There is a mystery that takes place within our being. We do not know the detail of our life and how it will turn out. The great singers and songwriters know about life experience; the pain, the healing process and their voices being silenced at one time too.

After New York coming to my attention in different ways for quite a few of my articles, it is no suprise Miss New York wins Miss America. Nothing is coincidence. Everything has a reason.

Congratulations to Miss America and all the people who shine a light. America has many shining lights. Many people are making a positive difference in our world; inspiring Hope for the future.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria