

Monday 28 January 2013

Winter Scenes in UK - The Royal Exposure

More scenes around that tell the story of what is happening in Britain and this while being a couple of days agao, show some other signs unfolding...

The caption writes 'Camoflage', white Bengal Tiger in West Midlands Safari Park. Bewdley. Situated in the Wyre Forest District of Worcestershire, England, along the Severn Valley. Is this land title of Edward Earl of Wessex - Prince Edward? There is also Bewdley - Lancaster in West Virginia. Queen Elizabeth II is Duke of Lancaster. Camoflage associates with a mask.

Safaris associate with Afica. The Ark of the Covenant is reportedly held and protected at Ethiopia, Africa at the Lady Mary of Zion Chapel. Ethiopia is in South Africa, a part of the world connected to me with the midwife who birthed me into this world - Joy. This borders with Eretria, a landholding in Greece. At the bottom of South Afica is Port Elizabeth as we see, place names being made to royals from the past are being reconnected in the present time. Kate Middleton's middle name is Elizabeth - her surname was used by deedpoll by the woman who married my father! She demanded to be treated like a Queen!

Bengal is situated including the borders of both Pakistan and India. A political decision was made to partition land and I am aware of conflict in Asia. There will be effort to bring healing to the divided areas and resolve the issues that are causing conflict. Aid British media report to be sending to India might be to compensate for explotation of the people. Many British Corporates value cheap labour, however is unknown if they are investing back into the country and people. Savings are not passed on.

Duchess of Corwnall, Camilla has recently made a 'solo' trip to India and reportedly stayed at a hotel costing £3000 a night - not knowing if this was fact. This is the salary of middle managment being made in an entire year. Notice the women are making solo trips, With Sarah Ferusson in New York, Camilla in Asia and Kate Middleton in Newcastle - Sarah seems terrified to talk about the family, we are not interested in personal life, business investments are the peoples entlement to know, in case being exploited. I gather with what is happening, the heavenly realms are not happy at all.

One of the pictures included was showing David Cameron leaving Number 10 Downing Street. With this, the reason it was included is because it is relevant to share.

In the same article, the police officer is guarding outside the black door. Inside the lights are on, showing someone is at home/office working. With Downing Street, I am always reminded of officials who are downing the people. The Prime Minsister is the Boss. Also with this picture, we are reminded that no one can enter except who the guards of the door allow. The police are servants of the Queen are employed to protect the people.

Last year Ardingly Reservoir in Sussex was only 12% full.

Ardingly is a civil parish; St. Peters Church in the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, north of Hayward's Heath. in the Mid Sussex district of West Sussex, England. Christ spoke of building his church on St. Peters and this is a people's parish. Heath Hall comes to mind again, that was formerly called East Weald before being renamed. Heath meaning Health shows this is another healing area. Hampstead Heath water has healing properties -Water is associated with Spiritual Waters for healing too.

With the snow and torrential rain, Ardingly Reservior is completely full again. The weather is elemental and governed by higher realms, balancing our earth, Once the connection is made with heaven and earth, balance can be restored again. This is given. Also what came to mind was financial reserves - last year accounts being emptied, perhaps this is a sign to show they are being filled again. When taxpayers money is wiseley invested, this can reap dividends for the people. People are being crippled finanaically in UK.

Cross country skiers in the Ribble Valley, Ribblehead, North Yorkshire. The Ribble would appear to have been known in Roman times as the Belisama. The Ribble marked the northernmost extent of the ancient kingdom of Mercia - we are living in times where much is hidden from people and it seems the children of the Queen have Dukedoms and Earldoms that connect to the ancient kingdoms and so they are not obselete.

As the cost of living and fines from various penalty laws are providing a vast income, we are called to review what makes every day living easier for people. While most people struggle to heat their homes now because the cost has been hiked up, with the introduction of bedrooom tax, the vast palacial homes and estates the royal family live in is not touched. The royal family are not protecting the people at all.

Here photographed is reporte3d the Winder Cumbrian Mountain Express taking it's first journey in 2013. If we look closely we can see steam. Is the steam train returning? Automotives and trains can run on steam. Technology to run cars on steam in a pollution free environment surely appeals. Cars can be run on electricity. This has been blocked because petrol and diesel has made vast profit. British Petroleum is not named without reason. There has been aqua marine life contaminated since the BP oil spill and God only knows how many billions of gallons of chemicals to disspiate the oil. The name Halliburton has popped up everywhere. Seems it is a name that traces its roots back to UK.

BA staff are de-icing the plane and doing all they can to get flights off the ground. Airline pilots earn wings to fly and in their care are hundreds of passengers at a time. British Airways staff are showing that they are not going to be grounded by the weather. Flying in the sky is much colder than on earth! Just a thought.

Gatehead pictured here is blanketed in snow - this is Newcastle. Gates are entrances and the head being the top, which is probably why Newcastle is named. The Queen knows, as in history that God annoints and He appoints. Someone who is not in union with God, and not disciplined to do right 'for the people', they might make decisons to their detriment. We are in a time when there is a clearing away of the old to make way for the new. The man made laws for profit are not the same as spiritual laws. It is written that the laws we live by are the laws we will be judged by. Anyone making laws, will be judged by this too.

A 'Lady in Red' walking and leaving 'Footprints in the Snow' carrying a pink Umbrella in Wales. The 'first lady' to tread the path paves the way for people who are going to follow on from her. We see song titles are intified and Rihanns song comes to mind. The Pink colour is the same as was seen in the roses on the throne chair at Heath Hall. This same colour pink is seen on the Lotus flower of Goddess Lakshmi.

The most prominant feature of this image is the red post box that is not showing the ER sign - we could say that it is on the other side or even photoshopped out, after all this is what is happening, with peole and places altered too. So staying with what can be seen and looking up any relevant information. This photograph is taken in Upper Leytonstone. Leyton is where the ex police driver's family came from who lied in court to prevent me claiming compensation. Justice has been presented to all top officials and still justice has been refused, fobbed off, denied and told there is no justice in UK.

Leyton reminds me of Leylines and 'ton' meaning town. There is evidently an important leyline crossing here in this location being revealed. Leylines are energy points and so in locating the crossing, this is magnifying the energy too.

Leyton Orient Football Club is on Brisbane Rd in London. No coincidence that Prince William has been made President of FA, with Brisbane being in Australia. His grandmother the Queen, is Queen of Australia too. Orient is also associated with the Orient express and the Eastern Star. This connection would place his wife Kate accordingly.

With the reminder that God is not a misleader or a deciever. Photographers are inspired and capture images, as dreams carry symbolism, so does everything we see in photographs too. With the media not allowed to report on what is really going on, for example the real lives the young party animals lead is off limits, they rely on other exposure. When images are doctors, it is to grab our attention and our mind does understand the hidden meanings, we just need to become aware to realise there is more than meets the eye.

Above is a woman with a pink hat again - a trend perhaps, a spiritual heart that is sending loving thoughts and delivering peoples mail is not easy work. She is without a car, dressed in red - the mail wagon has no sights to indicate it is from the Royal Mail. This could well be because of privatisation. However, it could be because what was the establishment is having massive changes and the clean out is taking place. Time will tell.

In Wales, a wellington boot is floating in floodwater 'again' - from a spiritual perspective after so many floods reported, maybe the royal mockers have been kicked off with allowing all the corruption and injustice taking place. It is more likely this is happening because of what they aer doing, planning to go against the divine plan. In England millions of people doubt there is a God - the people at the head of the power structure in Britain who influence over 70 million people might not want you to discover the truth!

I am very sensitive to the damage being done to property and concerned also for all the people who are charging a fortune for labour costs. The greed factor is shown from the very top right down and relfectecd in society. People getting drunk out of their mind and being in compromising positions, is learned behaviour for what is taking place in the upper houses. Being born in a family to inherit £18 million a year spending money, plus the power to influence people by favour, can be a very toxic recipe!

Here a resident in Llandowror, Carmartheshire is assessing the damage to his property. In seeing Landowror, immediately I thought of Land owner, and so we are reminded that here, there is something to look up. Carmartheshire County Council is identifying 'a county' within the kingdom of Wales, The Prince Trust and Prince Phillip Hospital. Both Charles and Phillip went after claiming ownership of the building that houses the Israeli government to secure the crown, with laws made to keep this in the family. It is because of this, that we are seeing divine intervention taking place and 'the game of thrones' too.

It is not the first time that England has had flooding. Again this is in Wales in the same place, we see people with their belongings and weights training equipment. What comes to mind also is Cornall having several floods and this being put down just to bad weather. There is a whole lot more going on. The earth is a living body and responding to what is happening. This is biblical prophesy that is unfolding. Recently. I had an experience, not remembering now if it was a dream or closing my eyes and being shown that God intends, or what has happened in the past. What I saw was a flattened royal palace.

Here is Pontypridd in Wales again flooded. Pontyprid is both a community and a principal town of Rhondda Cynon Taf, Walese South Wales Valleys - with New South Wales being a location in Australia this is no coincidence.

Pontypridd is famous for the Old Bridge across the River Taff built in 1756 by William Edwards. Pontypridd is closely tied to the coal and iron industries. The town is also home to a large hospital, Dewi Sant Hospital - Saint David's Hospital.

Welsh Julia Gillard renounced her British Citizentship to work in the Australia Parliament. She comes across as being very keen to address core issues and honest about her being unsure about faith - this was raised in relation to her oath taking. Rather she be unsure than pay lipservice and pretend. Any Prime Minister should be working for the peopel as a priority, not sabbotaging services and making their lives very difficult to live.

The land of the Princes has been covered, here up on Scotland in the 'High Lands' is seen to relate to God's Land because He is Most High. Pictured is the River Allen Bridge fallen, in Stirling, Scotland. British Currency has been known as Stirling and while the Queen's head has been placed on the head, there is an expression, the power behind the throne. With her husband, Phillip being Duke of Edinburh and crowned during Elizabth II coronation, he is an authority by himself. Kings can decide who is going to succeed to the throne. Phillip has shown a desire to return to the Greek Orthodox Faith,that I belong to and all I can say, it takes a conversion of the heart - with sincere heart we do not leave.

The police watch on while River Allenbridge is swelling. In the meantime with William being given the title ruler of Scotland, they have to face this - for Scoltand has for a long time regarded itself as being independant. On the surface, maybe it appears to be so. The courts have an authority over them. One time while working in Oban years ago, while there were parking restrictions, locals did not follow this. Over the years, perhaps the claws have place parking lines and fines because they can as elsewhere.

Looking at the water in the river it is dirty and murky, even with a reddish tone. The expression London Bridge has fallen down comes to mind - in relation to the song 'My Fair Lady.' - there has been murkey goings on to make money. Just one point has been the illegal wars to conquest lands - this is not how God Works. The arrogance of whoever is deciding war past or present time is someting that needs to be nipped in the bud.

In Petersfield, Hampshire a snow plough clears the road, followed by a dark coloured 4X4. A while ago I wrote about a man being in prison for the murder of a 5 year old girl who was taken by someone reportedly driving a white van or light coloured vehicle in Wales. The injustice and contradictions were exposed. We are shown St. Peter is clearing the road and taking authority in the lands as Christ's Church requires. Many innocent people the police and lawyers boast each bring £50,000 + a year to the Prison coporation.

This was also in the arcle, a little girl smiling as she goes flying off her sledge in Wales. Children are precious and to be protected, to live in land that is safe. It is for officials to make sure this hapens, not to protect serious crimes or drop cases because of corrupt officials, or because there are murky waters like ritual abuse happening. There is no more silence about these issues. Slowly officials will start to talk and once children and adults who have been through these experiences start sharing the bottom is going to drop out of the ocean for all who have govered this up for too long.

Every child has a right to feel safe and protected, the family supported and the child be given every opportunity to grow and thrive in life. A number of children have psychological problems even asthma that could be also from emotive issues, not allergies. Children are innocent, born to this work to bring new life and they are the hope for the future. If the adults got it right, our world would be sorted years ago. It is in the ever need to healing and mending what is broken, and building solid structures for the future. It seems a lot of effot is going into preserving positons and the gravy train, instead of remembering in public service and also parenthood, is taking care of the people.

This is self explanatory - Spencer Gisbourne has made a dragon in Clipstone, Nottingham. Harry and William are both Spencer boys from their mother's maiden name. William and Kate are living in Notthingham House in Kensington Palace. Clipstone reminds me of a chip off the old block, instead of the Cornerstone the builders rejected. Notice a wll that is built on the side made of snow. While St. George slays the dragon, the warmer weather will disintigrate this monster and another temporary building structure.

Here we see a fox biting the nose off the snowman. He has sprouts for eyes and with the reminder of green eyed monster. (I was given sprouts along with a a gift, so many this is a sign) Something else comes to mind, people who are described to be reptilian. There are people who are dmonically possessed, who have allowed theirselves to be. Selling your soul to the devil comes at a price. The people who have sold their soul DO NOT have the Holy Spirit within - Eventually everyone is going to have to face their demon!


With Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee this is a reminder of returning the land to the rightful owner and returning to Spiritual Laws. 1953 was the year of Queen Elizabeth II's coronation on June 2nd. Back on January 31st. floods broke the banks killing 307 people. It is unknown if at that time peope were given warnings and to be respectful of our earth and other people - from the very top echelons of society to the people.

Oil wells were flooded at Greenhithe in Kent, for a reason in relation to spiritual laws. For this reason, Kent is where the British Soverign is crowned by the Archbishop. No coincidence that the Archbishop of Canterbury today, used to work in the oil industry. All the heads of churches and minsters must examine their priorities and decide, if they really are a servant of Christ or serving a corporation for profit.

As it happens, having lived in Biggin Hill in Kent, one of the locations used in the Da Vinci Code movie where a plane from France landed at Biggin Hill Airport - the Movie was trying to tell people of the New Sophia Wisdom Princess, thta is connected to Hagia Sophia in Constantinople. The KentKard is connected to Smyrna, that happened to be made into a British colony. To take the Acropolis Marbles and refuse to return them, then deny the ancient Greek Imperial Royal family even their birthright, is why Divine lawsa are taking place. Officials say they will let the Law of Nature to decide the future. Most of these people do not even understand that for every action brings consquence.

Here Airforce, Navy and Army volunteers were shoring up the sea defences. These people were not paid and there comes a point in time, in matters of survival, where unpaid work is the wya to get forward and to survive. I do not earn a penny for my writing. My sharing openly is because I do not want to see World War Three with billions of innocent people being killed by a mindset who have no value for human life, and soldiers who are trained to do what they ar told on command, even it is to kill innocent children.

Whatver happens, somehow, someway life will go on. The warning is given not to worship false idols and also be very carefl of signing a contract, whether this is for services - or as many peole have decided to sell thir soul for riches. Fools gold is not given without meaning. Blood money is also given the name for a reason.

There are mroe images that I will access and share....This is enough for today to see for yourself and watch as you discover all that you think is, is not!

The Olympic Stadium in London was built for a reason.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

No Copyright Infingment Intended.