

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Pope Benedict XVI to Retire 28th February 2013

News has stunned cardinals and the Vatican - Pope Benedict XVI has announced his retirement.

Hours after the first resignation in 600 years, a lightning bolt struck the top of St. Peters.

The Pontiff age 85, acknowledges his health being 'no longer adequate due to his advanced age'. Pope Benedict has made his decision in 'full freedom' and aaware of the 'gravity of gesture'. His doctor has advised him not to make translantic flights for health reasons. His words 'I have had to recognise my incapacity to adequately fulfill the ministry'

No Pope in history has stepped down from his position for health reasons. Pope Benedict XVI, Joseph Ratizinger is the first to stand down since Gregory XII in 1415.

The Pope announced his resignation in Latin to a meeting of Vatican cardinals this morning, saying he did not have the 'strength of mind and body' to continue leading more than a billion Roman Catholics worldwide'

"Sense of incredilty: Pope Benedict XVI attends a consistory with cardinals, who were shocked by the decision"

'Speaking in one of the Vatican's state rooms, the Pope today told cardinals: 'After having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths due to an advanced age are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry.

'I am well aware that this ministry, due to its essential spiritual nature, must be carried out not only by words and deeds but no less with prayer and suffering.

'However, in today's world, subject to so many rapid changes and shaken by questions of deep relevance for the life of faith, in order to govern the barque of St. Peter and proclaim the Gospel, both strength of mind and body are necessary - strengths which in the last few months, has deteriorated in me to the extent that I have had to recognize my incapacity to adequately fulfill the ministry entrusted to me.'

'In November 2011, Andrea Tornielli – a well-placed reporter from the Vatican Insider, a project run by La Stampa newspaper in Italy – said Pope Benedict found it agonising to walk even short distances due to 'arthrosis', thought to be an Italian term for osteoarthritis, in his knees, hips and ankles.

The condition forced him to pull out of a trip to Brazil in July.

Mr Tornielli said this was why the Pope began using a moving platform to address crowds during mass in St Peter’s Basilica.'

"Aware of gravity of announcement: Pope Benedict said he had repeatedly examined his conscience before God"

There have also been reports that the Pope has struggled to read texts.

We are constantly reminded to see with our own eyes and to hear with our own ears. The images above are strikingly similar and could be taken at different times. Glasses on are revealing a man with having second sight.

Dr Alan Silman, the medical director of Arthritis Research UK, said Pope Benedict most likely has osteoarthritis. 'It would be painful for him to kneel while he's praying and could be excruciating when he tries to get up again.'

Pope Benedict has already stated that Popes who are unable to do their job because of ill health should step down. For this reason it is not unexpected that he would follow through this decision with his own conscience.

His deterioration during the last few months has become noticeable and, according to his brother, 'he has been considering stepping down for some time.

Georg Ratzinger, who still lives in the family's native Germany, said he had been having trouble walking and his age was weighing on him.

'At this age, my brother wants more rest,' he said adding that the doctor had warned him not to take any more transatlantic trips.

The decision to resign is most unusual. The vast majority of incumbents die in office. Jospeph Ratzinger is the first pope to resign in 600 years. Who is to be the successor is already being speculated.

"Pope Benedict XVI meets members of the Order of the Knights of Malta after the Mass to mark the 900th anniversary of the Order in Vatican City on Saturday. He said his health is too weak to continue in office" - Matrix photographs are particularly eye catching with detail being revealed for a reason. 1) People are being spied on. 2) Cherie Booth, maiden name of Tony Blair's wife works at Matrix Chambers. When asked to work for justice, they wrote to say they did not have the experience to advise. The blocks to justice have been tried, tested and ongoing. Tony reportedly had more interest in what the Pope earns, than what he could learn from him. Many peole in office are too preccupied with power and wealth, they ignore spiritual wisdom.

Wikipedia Malteze Cross 'Aviation -"The Maltese cross is used to identify the final approach fix in a non-precision instrument approach (one that lacks precision vertical guidance), in contrast to the use of a lightning bolt type icon, which identifies the final approach fix in a precision approach."

The Most Rev Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster and leader of Catholics in England and Wales called on 'people of faith' to pray for the 85-year-old pontiff, saying that his announcement had shown 'great courage.'

'Pope Benedict's announcement today has shocked and surprised everyone,' he said. 'Yet, on reflection, I am sure that many will recognise it to be a decision of great courage and characteristic clarity of mind and action.'

The Pope, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip in the drawing room of the Palace, Holyrood House, Edinburgh.

"Throngs: Pope Benedict XVI delivering the 'Urbi et Orbi' Message and blessing to faithful from the central loggia of St Peter's basilica after the Easter Holy Mass at The Vatican in April 2012"

Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, retired Archbishop of Westminster in 2009, said: 'My reaction was one of surprise and then gratitude for his service and leadership of the Church over the past seven years in troubled times.'He has been a great teacher, thinking particularly of his visit to Britain and the example he gave of being a Good Shepherd and a good pastor.'

"Popular: Benedict XVI drives past crowds of pilgrims in his Popemobile in Longridge, Birmingham, during his UK visit in 2010"

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she had the 'very highest respect' for his decision to step down.

'As chancellor, I thank Benedict XVI for his work and wish him from the bottom of my heart all the best for the coming years,' she said.

Merkel, who is a Protestant, praised Benedict for his efforts to promote dialogue with other Christian denominations and religions. She said that he 'reached out his hand to Jews as well as Muslims.'
"Pope Benedict XVI waves from the Popemobile wearing a Mexican sombrero as he arrives to give a Mass in Bicentennial Park near Silao, Mexico, on March 25, 2012"

Startled New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan, tipped as an long-shot for the pope's replacement, said he felt a special bond with the pope because he was the one that appointed him archbishop of New York.

"Startled: New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan, tipped as an long-shot for the papacy, was shocked by the decision"
Prime Minister David Cameron, met the Pontiff in Archbishop's House, near Westminster Cathedral in London 2010, said: 'He has worked tirelessly to strengthen Britain's relations with the Holy See. His visit to Britain in 2010 is remembered with great respect and affection. He will be missed as a spiritual leader to millions.'

"Warm welcome: The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, greets Pope Benedict XVI at Lambeth Palace in central London on September 17, 2010"

Labour leader Ed Miliband said Pope Benedict had made a 'brave' decision.

'Many people will remember his historic visit to the UK in 2010 - which was a very special moment for many, especially Catholics, across the country,' he said. 'His decision to stand down is a brave one and we know he will not have reached it lightly. The choice of a successor is clearly an important one for the Catholic Church. 'Our thoughts are with those who must make such a critical decision on behalf of millions around the world.'

"Triumphant: Pope Benedict XVI arrives to give a speech at Westminster Hall, London on the second day of his State Visit in September 2010"

The Pope was made Archbishop of Munich and Freising in 1977 after a career as a university professor. Born in the village of Marktl am Inn in Bavaria - he explained on a visit to Germany after his election 'my heart beats Bavarian'.

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger became Pope Benedict XVI upon taking office age of 78 in April 2005. He succeeded Pope John Paul II, who served continually until his death despite suffering a number of health problems including cancer, osteoporosis and Parkinson's disease. He also survived two assassination attempts, one of which left him severely injured.

"Keeping up with the times: The Pope joined Twitter in December to get his message across to more of his 1.2billion followers"

Pope Benedict XVI's papacy has not been without controversy.

In a time where people are starting to speak out, child abuse scandals have hounded most of his time in office. As a woman of faith, is it not our purpose to suffer in silence. Everyone is entitled to seek healing. Fear and intimidation has kept people frozen, when it is not excusable for anyone who is a servant of God to abuse anyone.

In 2010, Pope Benedict was forced to apologise to victims of abuse by Irish Roman Catholic clergy, saying he was 'truly sorry' for their decades of suffering. The Pope broke the silence by acknowleging this abuse publically.

'He rebuked Irish bishops for 'grave errors of judgment' in their handling of the scandal and ordered an investigation into the Irish Church, but he did not admit any Vatican responsibility for a cover-up. He ordered an official inquiry into the abuse, which led to the resignation of several bishops in Ireland.' - This is a step in the right direction!

The world was not built in one day - the global healing need cannot be resolved in one day. The global healing need is not being ignored, most definately not by myself or people who have made a commitment to serve the Holy Light.

The Papal Emplem is seen with three crowns with the cross on top. Two keys, one gold and one silver held together by one Holy Belt and crown at the top, at the bottom tied with red cord.

The Holy Mother Mary unites people globally in peace and love, with her son Jesus Christ. The Son of God is named, because Christ was miraculously created, not by intimate relations with a man. We learn the power of the Holy Spirit of God is given for a reason. Even when churches have their differences and loyalty divided, still the truth remains the same.

Prophesies were given to who will become pope in history - listed below.

111 Glory of the olive. Joseph Ratzinger chose the regnal name Benedict after St Benedict of Nursia, founder of the Benedictine Order. The order's crest contains an olive branch.

The Abbey of the Dormition is also name of a Benedictine community in Jerusalem on Holy Mt. Zion just outside the walls of the Old City near the Zion Gate. Between 1998 - 2006 the community was known as the Hagia Maria Sion Abbey of the Virgin Mary. Hagia Maria Sion is now the name of the foundation supporting the abbey's buildings, community and academic work.

The Olive Branch has always been a symbol of peace between people. The Olive Tree was the gift from Athena to the people. Athena disliked fighting and used wisdom to settle situations of conflict. 'Glory of the Olive' is a reminder of the Holy Family who have shined a light of peace in our world. To this day the Olive Branch symbolises Peace offering.

The Olive Tree holds mystery in history and hope for the future. There are olive trees that are 2,000 to 3,000 years old. This tree is said to be around 1,500 years that is timely to find and share here.

In a time where there is speculation about succession, listed on the original Daily Mail article are several Roman Catholic cardinals. The successor to Pope Benedict XVI will be decided by a conclave to elect a new pontiff. Only cardinals are eligible to take part in the conclave, which will continue until a successor is chosen.


In Latin reads 'Petrus Romanus, qui
paſcet oues in mul-
tis tribulationibus:
quibus tranſactis ci-
uitas ſepticollis di-
ruetur, & Iudex tre
mẽdus iudicabit po
pulum ſuum. Finis.

This is usually translated into English as:

"In the extreme persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit [i.e., as bishop].
Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations:
and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed,
and the terrible judge will judge his people.
The End."

Petrus also means ROCK. So this can also translate to mean the Rock of Rome. Keep an open mind!

Listed is Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson, 64 from Ghana as favorite according to the 'bookies' - if only there was more focus on the most suitable person to being a spiritual shepherd instead of betting, but this is just a thought. Gambling and spirituality do not sit well, especially in a time when people are suffering and struggling in our world.

'Two other contenders, Cardinal Odilo Scherer, Archbishop of San Paolo, and the French-Canadian Cardinal Marc Ouellet, would also be a break with the tradition of electing only European popes.'

Back on 28th February the London Occupy movement were moved from outside St. Paul's Cathedral. A physical clearing away took place by officials to open the doorway. While raking in a large amount of cash, see the spiritual message happening. The origins of the name Pavlos, Pavlina and Paulina all are names that have origins from Apostle Paul.

February 28 is the Catholic Saints day of brothers Saint Romanus and Saint Lupicinus.

Other saints commemorated on 28 February include: Saint Basil the Confessor, Blessed Nicholas of Pskov, The Hieromartyr Proterius, Patriarch of Alexandria, and those with him, The Hieromartyr Nestor, Bishop of Magydos, Venerable Saints Marana and Kyra - sisters by birth who lived during the fourth century in the city of Veria (or Berea) in Syria.

KYRA and Mariana name day is on 28th February 2013. The name Kyra/Kyria means 'Sun', 'enthroned' and 'Lady'.

Time will tell what will unfold - The seeds of tomorrow flourish from what we plant today.

What is certain, anyone who is a servant of God and a guiding light for Christ, this is a lifetime vocation; not a role that ends with retirement. Physical limitations have been given for moblility and traveling overseas due to deteriorating health as reasons to retire by Pope Benedict XVI. However, I am quite certain that Joseph Ratzinger will continue to pray for people globally and for peace in our world for the rest of his life. The power of prayer with sincere heart does not have a retirement date.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

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