

Sunday 3 February 2013

Santa Maria Brazil - Prayers and Healing Thoughts

When catastrophe happens and take lives, there is a reason. Why?

Kiss nightclub in Santa Maria, Brazil has grabbed international media attention for the most horrific reasons. Main media reports between 232 and 245 people have been killed. Survivors have suffered with smoke inhalation and burns. There are people in a critical condition still in hospital being treated for burns.

The fire happened on 27th January - BBC report some time after 02:00 (04:00 GMT).

An official three days of mourning has been declared in Brazil.

One of the owners of the club is reported to have confirmed that they were in the process of renewing its licence to operate. The nightclub's fire safety certificate had expired last year. With no fire exits, no sprinklers, no working fire extinguishers in a nightclub that was filled 1000 people beyond capacity is surely a wake up call for everyone.

Valdeci Oliveira, a local legislator, told reporters that he saw piles of bodies in the nightclub’s bathrooms.

Col. Guido Pedroso de Melo, the commander of the city’s Fire Department, spoke of security guards blocking the exit, which intensified the panic as people in the club stampeded to the doors.

A fire, the cause has been blamed from pyrotechnics where a spark caught fire to the ceiling. This was said to have taken place while the band were still playing.

We see from the above images the prominent colour of spiritual purple and this being directly connected with Love of the People, in Santa Maria - the City named after the Holy Virgin Mary.

From a spiritual perspective 'WHO' would want to cause harm to Santa Maria?

The interior plan shows wall barriers may of obstructed escape.

To get people out of the building, walls had to be broken down with pick axes. The men stripped off their shirt. As hundreds of bodies were being carred out, hundreds of people dead and who could not get out.

A local gymnasium was used to hold all the bodies of the people who died. This space allowed family to come and identify their loved ones, who were mainly young people up to thirty years of age.

Santa Maria, a city of around 260,000 residents is known for its universities. The city was was particulaly busy at the weekend with students being in town for the last weekend before starting back at university on Moonday.

The disaster ranks among the deadliest of nightclub fires. In 2003 a blaze in Rhode Island killed 100 people. In 2004 in Buenos Aires 194 people were killed. Another a fire at a club in China in 2000 in which 309 people died.

Santa Maria in the prosperous state of Rio Grande do Sul, is a city in shock and great sadness is felt around the world. President Dilma Rousseff canceled appointments at a summit meeting in Chile to travel to support his people.

A senseless and heartbreaking situation that will leave a memory with the people in Brazil forever. Looking at the picture below closely, one man dressed in black has his hand up in the crowd who are wearing white. Behind him, 'as if' above his head, in front of the person behind is a bright 8 pointed star. The 8 pointed star is connected with Jesus Christ and for certain, with him revealing himself to me 'with his crown' he will be with the people of Santa Maria.

Click image to enlarge: Notice the bright golden light shining on people too. Is a wall light radiating such brightness 'onto' people's faces? This same golden light is from the heavenly realms.

While the people are united in their grieving, there is deep pain and anger. People are going to come together to set higher standards for their government. The mainly young people in this fire were the future scientists and academics of Brazil. Santa Maria is known for the Universities and Private education. The intellectuals have set a standard just in this area.

Many people have moved from being shocked to feeling very angry at the Brazilian Government. Arrests have been made. The situation forces the government to address laws in public places. This situation is not being ignored.

With the world clampdown on Zero Tolerance of Corruption, Brazil is addressing this too.

"Brazil just finished the largest and most high-profile corruption trial in its history, and 25 people — including José Dirceu, the chief of staff of former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva — were convicted."

"if Brazil wants to be the kind of country where small-time nightclub club owners in Santa Maria fear the law, it’s got to be the kind of country where big-time political brokers in Brasília fear the law."

Media reports have used the words 'Saviour of the World' to describe Prince Charles. A sculpure of Prince Charles has been made with wings. During a visit to Tocantins state, he was told the full size piece would be erected in a square named in his honour in the main town of Palmas. Prince Charles did not save the lives of these people. Is he comforting people?

When such castrophes happen, faith is tested and it in the time of pain people pray more and seek the highest power for help, healing and to put wrongs right. From this, strength is given to the people to help in their own way.

Salvador City translates to be Saviour. São Salvador da Bahia de Todos os Santos, in English means "City of the Holy Saviour of the Bay of all Saints" - Salvador's sister cities are Los Angeles, California and Miami, Florida.

El Salvador's ceremony for FIFA Brazil 2014 was posponed. El Savador means 'God our Savior'

Being guided to find what is to be discovered in Bazil in relation to Santa Maria.

"The city annually hosts an important Roman Catholic festival dedicated to Nossa Senhora Medianeira, called "Romaria da Medianeira" (Medianeira is a name of Our Lady that was created in Venice, Italy). Every year, hundreds of thousands of people from all over Brazil join in the celebrations.

Santa Maria is the location of the Santa Maria Air Force Base of the Brazilian Air Force, which houses four units. It is also the seat of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Santa Maria."

Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul translated means Saint Maria, Great River of the South.

The age of Aquarius is for Spiritual Healing too. Hurting humanity, calls for healing humanity.

The National Sanctuary of Aparecida, in Aparecida, SP - Brazil.

Pope Benedict XVI visited the Basilica of the Shrine of the Aparecida on May 12, 2007 in his Apostolic Journey to Brazil. The Pope awarded the Shrine a Golden Rose on that occasion.

The Basilica of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Aparecida is dedicated to the principal Patroness of Brazil. The official title in Portuguese is Nossa Senhora da Conceição Aparecida, roughly translated as Our Lady of Conception Who Appeared. As of 2011, it enjoys the greatest Marian pilgrimage in the world, ranking above Our Lady of Guadalupe and Our Lady of Lourdes.

Santa Maria was meant to come to international attention and capture my own.

Santa Maria fire could mark a turning point for Brazil. These souls may have lost their physical life in this horrific situation. They are a reminder from now on that every nightclub establishment must meet high security standards.

The faithful are justified to think how can God allow this fire and so many innocent people to be killed. This is a time when people's faith is being tested. There are people who are focussed on the highest good for the mankind, there are those who are not. There are people who are praying to God for help, healing and guidance. There are people involved in rituals for power.

All it takes is a spark to light a fire - God is NOT a destroyer of good people!

Healing thoughts and prayers are going to the people in Santa Maria. For millions of people, The Virgin Mary is the link between them and God, the intercessor of prayer for healing was given to mankind as Christ was born for all people.

Negligence certainly applies in this situation. This cannot be ignored. The bandmembers who believe these pyrotechnics are safe, were shown a very hard lesson - no they are not. A band member also lost his life in the fire.

Brazil – Federative Republic of Brazil, is a United Nations Member State. When nations work together to address the issues to raise the standard, this demands ethical officials to work for and serve the people. The possibilities for the future are to the advantage to the nation with a united people and government working together.

When trust has been broken and officials betray the people, it is impossible to work to build a solid foundation on that. The responsibity is on the officials to clean up and for the people to lead their government.

Can fires be prevented? To a certain degree yes they can.
Can precautions be made? Of course they can.

What are many lessons from this fire that people can learn from.

Rio Grande is a river in North America, rising in SW Colorado and flowing southeast to the Gulf of Mexico, forming the border between the U.S. and Mexico. Length: about 3030 km (1885 miles) Brazil, Mexico and America are connected.

With thousands of people hurting, there are not enough hugs to go round.

Santa Maria in Rio Grande is the reminder of spiritual waters being connected to physical waters. The ocean is ever flowing. Water is not compartmentalised. Ocean water is salty, River water is not. The rivers flow into the sea.

Water represents emotions. The pain and tears people are feeling now, is reflected in rivers of tears. People who feel love, care, compassion and sentitive to other people's pain are senting love to everyone in Brazil.

All around our world millions of people are hurting. Condolences and messages of sympathy have been posted on the internet. Prayers are being being said for the living who are hurting and also for the souls that have passed on.

Remembering those who are lost with love and smiles will be far more motivating to use your love and strength for change. In pain, we become frozen and limited. From the very top of officials all over the world, to people who are joined in this family of humanity, we have all been touched by this most horrific and tragic loss in some way.

Love and prayers to all who have suffered loss and hurting.

Not only is my name Maria, there was a Kiss Nightclub locally here too. I have really struggled to write this article, to also brings something different instead or regurgitating other people's reports, which is not my interest!

On the 27th I was given a gift a versable Slanket in Royal Green and Royal Cream colours. As a person, I am completely neutral in all lands in all continents 'for the people'. This is how I know Queen Elizabeth II to be also.

Queen Elizabeth has received the most beautiful of Jewels given to her by Brazil. She is seen with respect and in her years of service in building a world with Nations United in Peace - this reflects also great courage. Being a Queen is not all glamour - or smiling and waving at people. The Queen has not abdicated - She has her reasons NOT to YET!

Queen Elizabeth II is directly connected with the Republic of Brazil.

Prince Harry represented his grandmother in Brazil to celebrate her 60th Diamond Jubilee. Officers are wearing Gold and Black check stripe on the caps, with red jacket being seen. With above screenshot showing the Queen wearing a black sash; also being the head of the Church of England, with the Pope giving the Gold Rose to Santa Maria this could relate.

The power anyone has on 'a' throne is very powerful - not to be abused. Someone somewhere does not respect that the Throne of God is in Heaven. The media publishing photos of a woman laughing and being tilted off a chair in Cambridge - Coincidence? Are these events in any way connected? The legitimate successor to the throne is Chosen by God since ancient times.

After Kate Middleton came out of hospital, she was on stage at a sports event wearing Royal Green McQueen dress. Walking on stage to everyone's applaue, playing in the background were song lyrics 'Shine your light, set the world on fire' She needs to be VERY CAREFUL of abusing the power that has been given to her by the ordinary people (sic) in all seriousness.

The fire in Santa Maria, on a practical level can be explained because of pyrotechnics and inflammable material being used on the ceiling. More people died from smoke, than flames. I am very heavy hearted about all this loss!

In Afghanistan Prince Harry spoke of 'take a life to save a life'. No one has this right! There has to be an end to the war monger mentality and retaliation. Harry wears different hats. Being a Royal Princess is Full Time!

We cannot imagine the pain and heartbreak of the people left behind. This is a world where the greatest need is compassion and care, a hug instead of guns' and somehow rising above all the evil that is happening around.

The power of prayer is powerful. Brazil is largely a nation of beleivers.

We plant seeds that can flourish and grow. This is a time to nurture growth and healing. This is an era to empower the people and to celebrate success. The leaders in this world are people who show this and inspire future generations.

When millions of people focus and send their love and adoration to one individual this gives them power. We see the mass following in the music industry. With fame and influence over people, also carries great responsibility too.

All our love can be poured in the direction of people who re suffering in the world. Lady Gaga, who has a mass audience, pictured herself praying for all the people in Brazil and for the souls of the departed.

Anyone sending out thought messages to harm anyone, does not realise that thoughts have energy. Thoughts are powerful and the intention to harm anyone comes with consequence. Who would want to harm Santa Maria and Her people? Santa Maria is a constant reminder to everyone of the Holy Virgin Mother having a personal and direct relationship with God.

The reason my focus is on global peace on healing, is because this is where my prayer focus and intention is for all the people in our world. There is now a growing global peace movement. Everyone can join in.

Whatever happens in this world - life goes on. We who are alive are here for a reason. The positive out of this situation all officials are now looking at the issues that are being ignored. Safety from Fire is Paramount.

No fire alarm or extinguishers, only 1 exit in Brazil nightclub - this is another tradegy that is not going to be forgotten. Using this terrible loss in a positive way is going to come from the people, from within their being.

Fireworks carry a warning - why are these used in confined spaces with people inside?

Safty conditions are being addressed throughout Brazil. Officials in California are addressing this too. There are people who are in other states 'now aware' of fire exits; noticing when they are blocked. Do not be silent about this!

"This week alone, more than 30 clubs have been shuttered for non-compliance with fire code in the city of Manaus, and another 16 closed in Brasilia. In Rio de Janeiro state, more than 100 venues have been served with notices to get up to standards."

Everyone who died in that fire was someone's daughter, son, sister, brother, cousin, friend. Do not lose the momentum of this great tradegy. The memory of these people brings global unity and shining a healing light in Brazil.

The influence of people in this world is powerful, We can all make a positive difference.

Peace, Love and best wishes
Pauline Maria