

Thursday 14 March 2013

Introducing Pope Francis I from Argentina

'Getting ready: Swiss guards enter St Peter's Square shortly before the new Pope's unveiling'

Standing by: Two Swiss guards, the 'Pope's personal protection, standing below the balcony' before the new Pope greets the people.

The 76-year-old, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, becomes both the first South American and Jesuit Pope.

A very human Pope with a lighter side to his nature 'He began his address to the crowd with a joke, saying that his brother cardinals had gathered to pick a bishop of Rome 'and they have chosen one from far away but here I am'

The waiting crowd outside take photographs of the the new Pope appears to address the people.

The people listen in St. Peter's Square while Pope Francis I gives his first address in the Vatican City.

Francis who is known for humility, showed the continuation of how he will go on. In the hours after his election he refused to take a special sedan to his hotel and instead travelled on a bus with the other cardinals.

'American cardinal Timothy Dolan said the Pope had eschewed an elevated platform as he greeted them. 'He met with us on our own level,' the Archbishop of New York said.

During dinner with the cardinals, Francis apparently said to them: 'May God forgive you for what you have done.'

We must acknowledge that people enter positions of authority to also put right wrongs that have been done. We cannot change the past - we can change our inner being by the conversion of our hearts. There cannot be the enduring of anger and rejection towards individuals who are not the perpetuators of hate, abuse and harm to people in the years of history - from any religion.

Catholics in the Metropolitan Cathedral in Buenos Aires celebrate the news. On the floor, flowers can be seen. One flower looks like lilies. Saint Joseph is often depicted holding white lilies in holy icons. The Holy Royal Family are one family.

Catholics celebrate the election of the new Pope Argentinean Jorge Mario Bergoglio, in Buenos Aires

The Nuns are smiling big smiles next to an Argentina flag at the Metropolitan Cathedral after Argentinian cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected new Pope. Sometimes a picture tells a thousand words. Here are happy people of faith.

Catholics from around the world gathered in St. Peter's Square and at home welcome the new Pope and pray for him.

Francis I as the new Pope started the first day of his reign by showing his dedication to the Virgin Mary, mother of Christ. Notice the cosmatti mosaic on the floor. Westminister Abbey in London, since removing the carpet exposed the same.

Pope Francis I is keen to project a low-key image with his words and actions

Pope Francis I places the flowers at the alter at the Santa Maria Maggiore basilica in Rome this morning.

'Humility: The new Pope is known in his native Argentina for shunning ceremonial trappings and being a man of the people'. Here we see the gold colour carpet, three steps and another with the altar is placed. On 7th January when Christ revealed himself to me during prayer, he was standing on 3 steps and wearing his crown. Both Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary, his mother are eternally connected spiritually and united in the salvation of humanity.

Pope Francis I, former Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina waves from the steps of the Santa Maria Maggiore Basilica in Rome this morning, with Cardinal Santos Abril of Spain, left, and Cardinal Agostino Vallini, Vicar General of Rome, right,

Pope Francis, waves as he leaves Santa Maria Maggiore Basilica after a visit in Rome on his first morning as pontiff. There appears to be seven steps visible (with the association to 7 steps to heaven) and two lights on, one either side of the door. We have all been permitted to pray to God - not everyone does. At different times, people are reminded of this.

'Spreading the news: A street vendor selling L'Osservatore Romano, the official newspaper of the Vatican'

So many people were speculating and even people saying that someone would not be pope becayse Xyz, In the heavens there is a divine order and it is not one that man can manipulate. Providence is how we see God's ever activity in this world. If something is not as intended in the divine plan for the greater good for all of humanity, it will be changed accordingly. We do not know how.

Man has used war and weapons, taking what does not belong to him - God works in different ways to know.

Pope Francis I is the name chosen for this pope. How many people thought Peter would be elected? Actually the day Pope Bendict XVI was on the Saint Day of Petrus Romanus so there is the connection. Petrus also being a Rock. We cannot ignore that the Bassilica is built on and named after St. Peter who was the first Pope of Rome. This is the spiritual and physical connection together.

Pope Francis I, second from left in back row, is pictured with his family from some years ago.

The new Pope is 266th pontiff. The son of a railway worker with only one lung speaks Italian, Spanish and German. Argentine Jorge Mario Bergoglio, as Archbishop of Buenos Aires, was known as an avid reformer. The Pope Francis I is for a reason.

There are a number of Saints that bear the name Saint Francis.

'St Francis of Assisi, the 13th century Italian founder of the Franciscan order. St Francis was so holy that, according to Catholic belief, he received the stigmata, the five wounds of Christ, in his own body while still alive.'

The Jesuits, or the Society of Jesus, for 400 years are the most popular order in the Catholic Church and its members were known for the bravery and academic excellence.

'During the Protestant Reformation, the Popes sent Jesuits on the English Mission to build up the Catholic Church under the noses of the Elizabethan authorities.'#Their opposition to slavery infuriated the royal houses of France, Spain and Portugal.'

In his first address Pope Francis I said:

'First and foremost I would like to pray for our emeritus Pope Benedict XVI that Christ and the Madonna watch over him.

'Let us being this journey together, this journey for the Roman Catholic Church. It's a journey of friendship and love and faith between us. Let us pray for one another, let us pray for all the world.'

Then he asks the crowd to be silent for a moment and pray for him as he accepted his new position. 'I'd ask you to pray to God so that he can bless me,' Pope Francis said, leading a silent prayer, followed by a loud cheer from the crowd.

He said that the world 'should set off on a path of love and fraternity', leaving the address by saying to the crowds: 'Good night and I wish you a peaceful rest.'

Saint Francis founded the men's Franciscan Order, the women’s Order of St. Clare, and the Third Order of Saint Francis for men and women not able to live the lives of itinerant preachers followed by the early members of the Order of Friars Minor or the monastic lives of the Poor Clares. Saint Francis was never ordained as a priest, yet is one the most venerated religious figures in history.

San Francisco is named after Saint Francis of Assisi. My cousin was guided to live there years ago. My neice has been guided to live there - of all places in the world. My father's father and grandfather were nmaed Franciso - Frank or Francis.

Santa Clarita in Los Angeles County, California - Clarita means clarity. Saint Clare Catholic Church in Santa Clarita comes to my attention because my family in America were guided to live there. Saint Francis founded the orders in his name and Saint Clare. Then my family validate this unity continues today via Francisco (grandfather)and with Pope Francis I. This is Providence.

Everything and everyone is connected. How everything and everyone is connected is to be discovered.

Clare of Assisi (July 16, 1194 – August 11, 1253), born Chiara Offreduccio, is an Italian saint and one of the first followers of Saint Francis of Assisi. She founded the Order of Poor Ladies, a monastic religious order for women in the Franciscan tradition, and wrote their Rule of Life—the first monastic rule known to have been written by a woman.

When people realise that 'faith' is knowing there is a far higher authority governing our world and we are 'all under one umbrella of God' - When humanity is united with this focus, the opportunity is to realise higher consciousness.

When we are one focus, all people in all faiths, the flow of energy that magnifies and this manifests into reality. A world focused on peace and care about every human being, then the feeling of love, will flow with this too.

It is so easy to turn people against eachother and this must stop.

Because I do not speak the same oral language as Pope Francis 1, I am going to be relying on translators and the language of our hearts. This is one of the most valuable lessons presented to people in history. It is the faithful translators who have taken Holy Scriptures, inspired divine guidance and facts about history that were recorded and made these accessible for everyone. If you really want to listen to someone who speaks another language and hear what they have to say, a translator makes this possible.

To communicate with people who speak a different language, we can ask someone to translate our message. Here in England, people in high office, Lawyers, Judges and a Prime Minister have proven not to understand written English language or God's Law!

Pope Francis, when archbishop of Buenos Aires is on record as saying the Falkland islands were "usurped" by Britain - meaning siezed illegally or taken by force. Persistant injustice and reluctance of Britain doing right by people is why change is taking place - by Spiritual Law. Queen Elizabeth II wears The Crown as a Symbol of God's Sovereign representative on earth. Is she?

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

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