

Saturday 16 March 2013

PM David Cameron Disagrees with Pope Francis I

Pope Francis saying the Falklands are 'Argentinian soil usurped by the British' have reminded the British government to examine how they obtained the Falkland's Islands. 

How many people are in these conquests of lands and for which King?

Pope Francis can remind David Cameron of the Ten Commandments. The establishment figure is well connected and not just a rising star...He did not address matters of importance.

There is a mentality in England who believe they have a right to conquest land and the spoils be divided. There is a mentality here that have zero regard for human life.

"Kirchner maintains that the Falklands are Argentina's land. Pictured, the 40 Commando, Royal Marines in Port Howard, West Falkland during the war"

The new Pope has a reputation as a reformer. 

Queen Elizabeth II took her coronation oath to uphold the reformed Protestant religion. She promised to uphold the Laws of God and she asked for God to help her with this. 

Her officials mock God every day. The Queenship is with pirates.

David Cameron has reportedly said some time ago 'he does not have a direct line to God.' 

Evidently by this he knows some people do. To have a direct line to God is having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ too.  Has he chosen not to have communion with God?

It really does not matter because each person's faith is their own. 

Many people reject God because of deeds they have done. 

"Argentine soldiers, still with their weapons, waiting to be moved from Port Stanley airport shortly after the surrender of the Falkland Islands to the British force."

Some time ago I read that 'David apologises to his family every morning before leaving work for the pain he is going to cause people'.. Is this man to be trusted at all?

Meanwhile, Pope Francis has not lead the perfect life, yet he has dedicated his life to the Priesthood. The people who study theology and take this path very seriously, have already lived a life with much contemplation and learning from their mistakes. To be an ordained priest is to invite soul searching throughout life; to pray to be guided in the right way and to do right by everyone.

Two people - both men, both with an entirely different outlook and inner process. These are men who could learn so much from each other. Perhaps at one time Pope Francis did not think things through - he has certainly done so since. Cameron is in his position because he has descended from William IV from his mistress. If he had been born as a legitimate child he would be a Prince too.

More photographs have been published of Pope Francis when he was Archbishop, that reflect the man who reportedly has a reputation for humility. It is with such evidence that we gain a glimpse in the real person as to why he earned the love and trust of people placed in his spiritual care.

"Then archbishop of Buenos Aires, Jorge Bergoglio, now Pope Francis, washing feet of drug addicts at a rehabilitation center to addicts in a shantytown of Buenos Aires"

"Cleansing: Pope Francis, pictured washing the feet of Aids victims - it will be interesting to see how he plans to approach the subject as he takes over as the head of the Catholic Church"

"With the people: Pope Francis during the inauguration of a chapel at a shanty town in Buenos Aires - he asked for people to donate money to charity rather than pay to see his inauguration in Rome"

"Community-led: A photo taken in 1998 of the Pope saying mass in a shanty town in his home city - he has always championed the causes of the poor and needy"

Touching lives and hearts of people is by actually caring about people and when we see gentle-men, it is as a way of being. What comes from the heart, is not written in a script by someone paid to do that job.

Pictured here Pope Benedict XVI is washing the feet of the Cardinals.

The tradition of washing feet has continued since Jesus Christ and here he is depicted wearing his Holy golden belt, kneeled in this sacred practice. The Lord raises people up.

The feet together a map of the entire body and the body systems. 

To have a Holy person wash the feet of someone, in utter humility, to intentionally help to cleanse mentally, emotionally, physically is to assist healing of the whole person too.

In the ancient times, only the Priesthood were counsellors and healers. 

The Temple Church was and still is psychotherapeutic, to assist people healing mind body and soul. The origins of this process has never changed and is taken very seriously.

The media reported that Pope Benedict XVI was asked by Tony Blair how much he is paid. Imagine this! The mindset who measure people by how much they are worth and status. Titles have been given to people helping to conquest lands in history by bloodshed. Is this honorable?

'I don't agree with him, respectfully' Cameron rebukes Pope. David says 'the white smoke over the Falklands was pretty clear'. Is David Cameron implying that the election of the New Pope was a fix. 

People are given so many chances to put wrongs right and to do right by everyone. How many millions more people have been sent to an early death with war. Being told millions of people are denied Justice in this land says it all...The people who are regarded as lesser beings by the arrogant ones..

However throughout history, divine wisdom is given to the lowly and broken people. The people who have lost everything are among the most faithful of all. 

What did Jesus say? It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to inherit the kingdom of God. (Matthew 19:24)

With nobility there should be sincere humility and the innate desire to lift people up from a lowly and oppressed condition. The land ruled by egos in suits, cloaks and wigs cannot be reasoned with. That with the raging lust for power to be Queen or King is a toxic trait to consider.

There is a whole lot more happening in our world that is beyond human manipulation. For every action there is consequence.. There will be a time when those who hunger for power and wealth, to maintain their lifestyles, will no longer exploit the poorest of people. 

There will come a time when the officials who are working as servants to the people, will do so to take care of the people as a vocation.

Disagree all you like. Even man made laws cannot change what is ordained. 

The future is already written!

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

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