

Friday 22 March 2013

RBS Six Nations Champions Revealed - Wales

Delay in writing this article - sometimes delays are meant to be.

Nothing is coincidence - The Daily Mail headline reads:

"Heartbreak for England as Wales crush Grand Slam dream and clinch Six Nations title with 30-3 thrashing in Cardiff"

Another 'game' involving countries to 'clinch' Six Nations. Is this a war game without weapons? Keep an open mind. 'with a 30-3 thrashing in Cardiff' - What does this means exactly?

Are six nations identfied? England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, France and Italy.

In these days a new Pope has been announced - Francis 1.

Queen Elizabeth II is also Duke of Normandy - France. The Vatican is a Sovereign city-state in Italy. The new Pope is in Italy.

We are reminded of Kings and Queens ruling over nations and Princes over principalities.

The Prince of Wales is a title given by the Queen as Heir to the British Throne. In 1969 a formal ceremony in the ancient Kingdom of Wales, Charles was invested by his mother as Prince of Wales, crowned and given powers accordingly.

It is not known when William went to live in Wales. ate Middleton shared a home together for some years before marriage. When married they were given titles that associate with ruling over Scotland. Queen Elizabeth gave the titles Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, King's College and Ely Cathedral - the Cathedral Church of the Holy and Undivided Trinity landmarks connect.

On 12th August 2012, the anniversary day of the death of Cleopatra, at the Olympic Games - an international event watched by billions of people, Prince Harry arrived with Kate Middleton. The rest of the royal family members were not there and this was seen because of a bomb scare. It is known that the British royals do not have divine right to rule over lands and people.

At the event, Harry was introduced formally as Henry, Prince of Wales. Kate Middleton was not. Instead people were led into signing the national anthem - a prayer for God to save 'Queen Elizabeth II' although her name is not in this. A song in prayer is actually very powerful indeed. When many faithful people who beleive in Christ and God Almighty sing - their prayers are not ignored by the heavenly realms. How many people are saying they look forward to Kate Middleton be to Queen and ruling over them?

RBS stands for Royal Bank of Scotland. The writing is on the wall that shows in 2013 six nations have been united to compete, with Wales being the winners and this was witnessed in front of millions of people.

The Princes of Wales have been tested if suitable kings to be ruling over lands and people. The Sovereign is Crowned as the Embodiment of the Law - bear in mind man made laws for profit and Spiritual Laws are vastly different. To be the Head of a Church of God - it is expected that people are not decieved especially because Christ is not a deciever and neither is God.

Notice the player is pointing his finger upwards - towards the heavenly realms. With his lower hand he is holding onto the cup - which made me think of 'the chalice' - the winners cup is a treasured symbol for many people.
The player holds two fingers in a sign that is a reminder of Just Rule and Divine Justice. In the Louvre museum is a scepter with this symbol. There are Holy Icons and paintings that show Christ 'the ever ruler' with the same. Saint David is the Patron saint of Wales - a land that connects with and has land marks associated with the Holy Land.

Wales player is seen wearing number 14. Another wears a blue hat (symbolising a crown?) England player wearing white O2 (Mobile telephone network and symbol of oxygen) Number 14 has been revealed to show there are 14 bloodlines. The Holy Land belongs to God, He is for all people, not just a selected few. This message is revealed is these pictures - even if not intended.

In this snapshot image it looks 'as if' the England player has kicked the Wales player down to the ground.

Since this game commenters of the game reveal that people are territorial 'even today' - it is probably a good ideaa that we do not have people ruling these land allowing weapons or there might be tribes fired up to kill each other.

On the England players shirt number 12 is a reminder of the 12 tribes of Isreal. Queen Elizabeth II was crowned as a descendant of King David and Solomon. The British royal family carefully map out their genealogy both through the maternal and paternal lines for thousands of years through the generations. Kate Middleton's has been looked into 'carefully' too.

While England has been involved in illegal wars based on lies, there are women who are active in peacemaking. These two ladies are shining a light for the peacemakers in this world. In the last couple of years, people have noticed 'two suns' in the sky. This is a reminder as above so below'. The sincere servants of Christ do not cause war or injustice to anyone.

Here two masked men wearing England hats. Fake masks are seen and hats are symbolic of crowns. Are there two males of England who are wearing fake masks and crowns? Prince Charles was crowned by his mother in an official ceremony.

"Rivalry: An England supporter walks alongside a Welsh fan in Cardiff today ahead of the two countries' Six Nations rugby tie" - strange scene that has also been published. We see two 'faceless males', one with the dragon symbol, the other with the red cross used on the Kingdom of England flag. Saint George and the dragon did come to mind in seeing this image.

Wales fans have dressed up and photographed to remind people Scotland and Wales are connected. When Queen Elizabeth invested William with titles connected with the ancient rulership of Scotland - even though people beleive they are free and independant, the connections with Wales and Scotland is reinforced because of the Royal Banks of Scotland. Also the Royal Mint is in Wales now.

Quote 'Judgement Day': Two England fans demonstrate their patriotic spirit ahead of the big match'

With Queen Elizabeth II taking her solemn oath to be a servant of God and uphold the Laws of the Bible - she would say she is still doing the same. The England fans and the caption is quoted to show in this match 'Judgement Day' arrived.

'Ahoy there: The Six Nations trophy is delivered to Cardiff's Millennium Stadium by members of the Royal Navy' - in seeing the yellow boat 'the song lyrics 'we all live in the yellow submarine came to mind' - If we are all living in a boat, this is why people are subject to maritime/admiralty laws made by the captain of the ship.

Quote "Prize: If England win in Cardiff will be the first time they have won the Grand Slam in a decade" - perhaps there is a whole lot more going on here that people do not realise. Considering the heavenly realms governs everyone on earth.

Marching by foot through the streets of Cardiff 'the Six nations trophy got a full Naval escort to the crucial deciding match between England and Wales' - this is with the England flag and trophy to be passed over to the rightful winner.

"Warrant officer Darren O'Brien (centre right) and able seaman Rhys Thomas (left) from HMS Cambria, carry the RBS Six Nations Trophy outside the stadium" - a warrant officer is an official acting on behalf of the Law Court and Queen Elizabeth II precides over the Court. With 'able seeaman' we are reminded that 'Thomas' from HMS Cameria has been chosen do to this. "HMS Cambria is the only Royal Naval Reserve unit in Wales based in the Vale of Glamorgan." Reserve is a reminder of back up.

The location chosen for this event was at Millenium Stadium and we are in a new Millenium now. We are in a New Age - the Age of Aquarius and this is a Spiritual Age where people are being given spiritual understanding accordingly too. In different parts of the world, real wars are being fought and people being killed. These games of Football and Rugby - and all sports, show there does not need to be war between any people. Someone is authorising the wars with bloodshed and this is not the way to peace globally.

Also included in the article were two photographs of Prime Minister David Cameron. Again the pictures were revealing because the eye can see and while above, I took just isolated snippets to point out, there is a whole bigger picture to see.

"Getting in on the action: The Prime Minister played rugby with school children in east London today" - "Skills: Cameron demonstrated his own rugby skills on the visit to a school in Milwall today" are the captions found n the photographs except, there are no children seen i n either of the images. We can see the green grass and the man could be alone for a photo shoot.

Behind David are the buildings depicting a city. With Millwall - perhaps this is replicating 'a wall' as Wall Street in New York was the wall to partition land. Looking to learn more because there is always more to understand.

Millwall is the name of a football club in South Bermondsey, southeast London, England.. Their nickname is The Lions depicted on their logo. Nearby neighbourhoods include New Cross.....Bermondsey is part of the London Borough of Southwark.

"Bermondsey appears in Domesday Book as Bermundesy and Bermundesye. It was then held by King William, though a small part was in the hands of Robert, Count of Mortain, the king's half brother, and younger brother of Odo of Bayeux, then earl of Kent."

The Knights Templar owned land here. The Archbishop of Canterbury's manor of Southwark is also identified.

In Bermondsey is St Mary Magdalen Church. This connects with Magdalen College named after Mary Magdalene, where current Members of Parliament and notable names have attendeed. The checkerboard floor design is used in their coat of arms. Also incuded are three opening white lillies and it is surely known 'right at the top' these connect with the Holy Royal Family.

Recently, Prince Charles and Camilla were at Southwark Market for an official re-opening after being refurbished. They media photographs showed different sides to Charles, laughing, serious, contemplative - and he was handed a mug of 'builders' - tea to drink. No special treatment or fine bone china. The builders of history, have already been building. They do not need titles.

With the name David we are reminded of Saint David and King David. David Cameron who wikipedia reports has descended from an iligimate bloodine of William IV is married to the daughter from the Astor family. This family have been connected with Smyrna in Ancient Greece and also members were on the RMS Titanic - the unsinkable sink that collided with an iceberg.

What is not sinkable is the Holy Bible and what is written in relation to the Church of Smyrna. This Cathedral Church is Saint Fotini meaning enlightened one. Old and New Smyrna are the same. In the Holy Land, Saint Fortini Church is built over Jacob's Well where Jesus Christ asked the lady - Fotini from Samaria for water. Ships can sink, landmark locations can change - wars and destruction can take place, generations can pass by and yet in some way the truth always survives and comes to light.

Queen Elizabeth, love her or not, she was crowned Queen 60 years ago and has done the best she can do. To unite humanity in peace is an ongoing process - To empower people, the mindset that oppress people has to change.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

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