

Monday 25 March 2013

St. Joseph's Day 2013 Inauguration Pope Francis I

The inauguration of Pope Francis took place on Saint Joseph's Feast Day, to be another official spiritual leader of 1.2 billion people. The day before, a Ukranian Orthodox Priest informed me that our Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, His Holiness Bartholomew will be there and this was to be the first time in 1000 years since the schism took place, causing a divide in the church.

The inaugural Mass took place in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican on Tuesday, March 19, 2013. Pope Francis inaugural Mass was attended by 132 government delegations and representatives of all the major faiths of the world

Today we move forward in seeing a New Church.

The meaning of Catholic is Universal.

With the recent early retirement of Pope Benedict XVI, it is certain his prayers will continue. 'Glory be to the Olive' was the prophesy with the reminder of the Olive Tree planted by Athena for the people. The Olive Branch continues to be a symbol of peace. The following Pope prophesy identified 'Petrus Romanus' - people translated this as Peter of Rome. The reality is Saint Peter is the Rock of Rome and the church is Saint Peters Basillica. The apostles of Christ continue today through and with apostolic succession.

In a previous article, photographs show a gentleman who is a people's person. Qualities of a spiritual leader in any church are important and fundamental teachings were given in history. There are people who have gone down the wrong path in life and made many mistakes. We are given many chances to rectify the errors of our ways. God is our Judge and He is the Judge of all Judges.

To rely on a leader to put all the worlds wrongs to right, dismisses the opportunity we are given to get involved and take care of this world and everyone. For we are one humanity and one global family. We create the world we want to live in.

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:28

The meaning of this particular quote is precise, know your origins, know your family, however, know that God created everyone as equal with equal rights. There is no one more superior than anyone else. Only Jesus Christ was born miraculously.

Photographs of the morning of the installation of Pope Francis I are being shared as a reminder of this event taking place outside in the open for everyone to see and be a witness - under the heavenly realms. This way, all who were present were able to share a part of this significant landmark time for the future of mankind. Where people could not attend, they prayed for the Pope.

The new pontiff smiles as he chats to President Mugabe and his wife Grace, were greeted at the airport by a priest sent specifically to welcome them to the Vatican. The media report a controversial start with flouting an EU-wide travel ban on the Zimbabwean leader.

The Pope is supported while he walks down the steps, so that he does not trip or fall.

The Priests are giving communion under the umbrellas to the people gathered outside.

Pope Francis I gets out of the vehicle to walk over and bless a disabled man in a wheelchair.

The Catholic leader of England and Wales spoke with excitement of a Fresh Start for the church.

Attending the installation of the Pope was Riccardo di Segni, Chief Rabbi.

Nuns and Priests pray together as the mass began.

Pictured here also present are Taiwan's Prime Minister and his wife.

Prine Albert of Monaco and his wife Charlene in their time of prayer

The Prime Minister of Argentina Cristina Fernández de Kirchner

Dutch Prince Alexander; wife Princess Maxima, Prince Felipe of Spain; wife Princess Letizia l.

Angela Merkel is amoung the people present for the occassion.

Belgium's King Albert II and Queen Paola are also in attendance.

Nuns of the Sisters of the Company of the Cross, from Spain, near St. Peter's Square before the start of the Mass.

Inside Metropolitan Cathedral, Buenos Aires, Argentina faithful pray before inaururation mass.

In Buenps Aires Pope Francisco is the man who this street seller is promoting.

Pope Francis made a telephone call that was broadcasted to his old church; He said

"Thanks for gathering to pray. It's so nice to pray. To look towards the heavens, to look towards our heart and to know that we have a good father that is God. Thanks for that. Take care of eachother. Don't inflict harm. Look after life. Look after the family, look after nature, look after children and the elderly. Don't hate or fight. Leave aside envy and don't critisise people. Have dialogues. And between you let this desire to protect grow in the heart. And get close to God. God is good. God Always forgives and understands Don't fear, God is the father. Get close to him. Let the Virgin bless you and as a mother take care of you. And please do not forget this bishop who is far away. I love you at lot. Pray for me."

Vomplete Inaugural Mass of Pope Francis with English commentary

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

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