

Friday 26 April 2013

Another Explosion on Pimlico Road London.

Another explosion in London on Pimlico Road is reported in London this time. The Health and Safety Executive are looking into the explosion believed to be caused by a fault on the underground electricity network.

'UK Power Networks engineers rerouted supplies to 861 customers within ten minutes and all supplies were reconnected by 1.55pm.'

"Safety is our top priority and the cause of this incident is being investigated. We apologise to customers for the inconvenience caused by the power cut and our staff restored all supplies as quickly as safely possible."

A National Grid spokesman said the explosion was not gas-related.

London Fire Brigade said such explosions were 'not completely unheard of' and often related to electrical cables. A similar blast was caught on CCTV in the same area in 2009 when an electrical cable fault caused a small explosion during morning rush hour on Vauxhall Bridge Road. Nobody was hurt.

The camera just happened to be recording this and a woman's voice can be heard saying 'Oh my God' - sharing the video and then to see what else comes to light from the signs around. Googlemaps allow a close up to see the area.

In the video the blinds are of a light brown colour, not dissimilar to the colour hat worn by Kate Middleton when she stepped into the place of the Queen at Windsor Castle during the Scouts Parade on the Queen's Birth Day 21st April.

Googlemaps reveal that the shop is John King - the blinds are deep emerald green colour. This colour is connected also with Ireland known as the Emerald Isles and the Emerald is also associated with Queen of Sheba who gave the Emerald to King Solomon.

The Emerald Princess is one of the Carnival Cruise ships. Recently a report is given that Kate Middleton has been invited to to be 'Godmother' and bless the new Royal Princess. Another ship being built is to be named the Regal Princess.

Again Googlemaps show from the time dated August 2012 again on Pimlico Road on the other side of the road a building that is covered up and a sign does identify windows - perhaps new windows are being fitted and the building being refurbished, not sure. Two points come to mind and that is the reminder of cover ups - also with windows representing eyes.

People in England have ease as covering up what is important to know, also turning a blind eye to the wrongs taking place in our world.
In particular, this concern is related to officials from all steps of the ladder even to the Queen - if she is silent and refuses to address abuses head on taking place by her officials that go against the Laws of God.

Coming back to John King and what this brings to light.

When typing in the name John King Pimilico Road the search engine - What came up were the name with road tax, road signs, road tax prices, road of the dead. Seeing is believing so here is a screenshot of this.

The expression there are signs everywhere is a reminder that I was guided to find this.

King John was forced to sign the Magna Carta at Runnymede in 1215. This guaranteed the people of England rights that the king could not go back on. In 1216, John tried to go back on the Magna Carta but this only provoked the barons into declaring war on him.

King John was the youngest son of Henry II and his wife Eleanor of Aquitaine. His older brother was Richard, known as Richard the Lionheart. 'In 1192, Richard was imprisoned by Duke Leopold of Austria as he returned from the Crusades. John tried to seize the crown from his brother but failed. In 1194, when Richard finally returned to England, John was forgiven by his brother.

In 1199, Richard was killed in France and John became the king of England.'

'Henry inherited significant territories along the Atlantic seaboard—Anjou, Normandy and England—and expanded his empire by conquering Brittany. Henry married the powerful Eleanor of Aquitaine, who reigned over the Duchy of Aquitaine and had a tenuous claim to Toulouse and Auvergne in southern France, in addition to being the former wife of Louis VII of France. The result was the Angevin Empire, named after Henry's paternal title as Count of Anjou and, more specifically, its seat in Angers'

The more expansive explanation of what was to happen, is found on the link below.

Last year the media reported Angiers demanding the Crown Jewels as compensation. The Queen was being petitioned personally. The timing of this also compared to the Diamond Jubilee that connects with repentance and the law of return.

It seems very odd that people are being promoted and future Kings and Queens yet of all aspects Justice is not their priority or to do right in the eyes of God. We are talking about responsibility of Kings (who are also Queens) to do right by the people with impartiality as an obligation with being a Servant of God. It is highly doubtful that a representative of God would be involved in witchcraft or trying to be in any way self serving - when the role of a Queen is to serve, as Christ served the people.

The explosion was given to bring our attention to this shop and the area. Holbein Place, running by the side of the shop leads to Sloane Square. Pimlico Road is leading from Royal Hospital Road to Buckingham Palace Road.

There is a mindset who want to wear titles and yet do not understand the role of responsibility. For instance, people with noble titles who do not understand the way of being noble, the title has no value or merit. The Queen has been portrayed as being a lady of great faith and duty to her people. She has obligations to uphold - these are written in the Holy Bible.

John is also the name of Saint John who is identified in the Holy Bible. In a time of return, it is expected that people return to the true faith, to the instruction given by God and to remember what has happened in history - when the Saints were murdered, this was to silence the truth of everyone being equal in the eyes of God and for God to be our authority.

There is no Christianity without Christ and the Saints. There is no Queen without Christ.

"The elder, To the Lady chosen by God and to her children, whom I love in the truth—and not I only, but also all who know the truth— because of the truth, which lives in us and will be with us forever: Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son, will be with us in truth and love.

It has given me great joy to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as the Father commanded us. 5And now, dear lady, I am not writing you a new command but one we have had from the beginning. I ask that we love one another. 6And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.

I say this because many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist. Watch out that you do not lose what we have worked for, but that you may be rewarded fully. 9Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. "
2 John 1:1-9

In relation to the Queen's Birthday on 21st April, my French grandmother shared the same birthday. There is a connection between myself and Queen Elizabeth - she has also appeared in a few dreams. All dreams carry messages to know.

With regards to electricity, Nicola Tesla had a plan that everyone could have Free Electricity and this would also serve to assist industry. The Electricity suppliers, taxes and profit on top has since been charged to the consumer at whatever price they want. We are being shown literally from above in this explosion 'electricity breakdown taking place'.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

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