

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Mind Control vs Empowering Your Own Mind

My sharing openly is to raise awareness, stimulate your reasoning ability, enable you to see that nothing is a coincidence in this world and everything happens for a reason. I have had signs revealed to me to show that every detail of our life is planned out. The people who we have lost close to our heart, cannot be forgotten when we remember with love.

The most courageous people in the world are often the most vulnerable.

The most inspirational people are often overlooked and yet looking back on your life, you might realise even a total stranger has profoundly moved your heart and inspired you in some way - wherether to be a better person, to always follow your heart and do what feels right for you; and even to realise your dreams.

You were given a mind of your own. Be guided by your intuition and listen to your own process for it is here, within your being that you are going to find all the answers for you. ♥

An apple is not an orange, a banana is not a pear. A car is not a bicycle. We were given eyes to see, ears to hear, a nose to smell, a tongue to taste, a voice to use and a mind to think and rationalise everything.

We have been given choices. Most people have been conditioned to conform or go along with other people. We have in our way many different types of temptation put in our way, from what we buy - eat, wear, drive and even being sold lifestyles. Many people want to be famous and celebrities - everyone can make their decision how they are going to make an impression on the world.

If you choose a teacher, be sure to be guided by someone who encourages you to be you.

If your teacher is delivering information - what are they spoonfeeding you?

Self styled teachers do not always bring validation. Truth is truth.

My sharing on the internet is personal learning, what is coming to light and also connecting the dots. I am given the understanding of there being a bigger picture and everything being connected.In so many different ways we have the opportunity do discover the truth. If you are joining me on my learning journey - see that you are also learning your own truth.

There are many layers to understanding - nothing is just black and white.

If we rely on other people to make our choices, tell us what to think and do, what to buy and how to live our life, we have not matured to realise independance. There is nothing stopping anyone learning and seeking facts, as I am trying to.

This is a time when people are shining their own light and realising that as an individual, everyone has something to contribute to this world. Artists share their creative expression. Musicians there inspired works. The creative individuals are found in writing, design, architecture and technology. The spark of your own strengths is found within your own being.

Conforming people do not know any different until they realise that their life has no fulfilling purpose. We are all here for a limited time and have the opportunity use our time and mind in the most constructive way.

There are people who put off doing what they really want to do and the clock is ticking. There are people who work all their lives to make money and never really enjoy what they have. Wealth cannot be taken to the grave.

Is there someting you always wanted to do? Only you is stopping you.

There is a difference between rebelling and being your own person!

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria