

Wednesday 1 May 2013

April Jones Murder Trial Media Disclosure

We cannot imagine the pain of any mother losing their child - never seeing their child after being abducted. To learn that the child has been sexually molested and murdered, it surely going to leave a very deep pain that will last.

To quote some of the article read full details of the report below:

'April Jones was killed by a 'sexually motivated' abductor who downloaded images of murdered Soham girls Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman, a jury was told yesterday.'

'Mark Bridger, 47, kept child porn and pictures of dead youngsters on his laptop and studied vile internet images before kidnapping the five-year-old, it was alleged.'

The former slaughterhouse worker is said to have snatched ‘happy and smiling’ April as she played outside her home one evening last October – hours after he was ditched by his girlfriend.'

'The prosecution alleges Mark Bridger went to 'enormous lengths' to dispose of April's body at his home'

Not hearing the telephone call to emergency services, a transcript is documented.

"Bridger worked in an abattoir between 2009 and 2012 and at the time of April’s disappearance was employed at a guest house.

Miss Evans said that he was ‘an experienced slaughterman who knew how to use knives professionally’.

She spent nearly an hour detailing and challenging Bridger’s version of events, adding: ‘We say he knows full well what he has done to April but chooses not to say.’

The prosecution case was that he abducted and murdered her – then went to ‘enormous lengths to try to cover up what he had done’, including trying unsuccessfully to remove any forensic evidence from his home."

In the original report of 5 year old April Jones going missing October 1st, the police were looking for a white vehicle. Then the editorial was changed with the colour vehicle omitted. Another report showed a dark coloured 4 X 4.

The Guardian report 'Traces of April Jones's blood and burnt bone fragments believed to be from a child's skull were found at the home of the man accused of abducting and murdering the five-year-old, a jury has been told.'

'Bridger denies abduction, murder and intending to pervert the course of justice by disposing of, concealing or destroying April's body, which has never been found.'

This is a situation with inconsistencies, April a little girl has moved thousands of people in different ways up and down the United Kingdom. There is also media blackout on reporting certain topics - for instance Satanic Ritual Abuse where there are people involved in human sacrifice. There is also a mindset who think nothing to kill people to silence the truth.

It is really difficult to know the truth in the British courts, with being a credible witness in cases of dishonesty. Years ago 5 police were going to lie and say they were at the scene of a car crash and they were not. In another case a Barrister lied blatantly on his oath to prevent my injury claim. Evidence has been presented several times to all head officials with fob offs and blatant refusal for redress and to this day I am still without justice. Also in another court lawyers have submitted dishonest affidavits.

Police and officials who work in the light speak of the system being corrupt. So when a case comes up that is like this, the only advice I must insist for every parent to be alert and protect their child from being 'snatched by anyone'. Warnings are given by people who still remember a time when it was the norm to watch children for their safety, to those who do not!

The people who are aware of the officials who are perverting the course of Justice must find courage to speak out. Just one injustice by corrupt officials, has broken the trust in the legal system. It is officials boasting of corruption here in UK. Officials while not baby sitters of the people, can and owe a duty to serve the people and warn adults to the dangers to children.

The meaning of alleged (of an incident or a person) is 'said, without proof, to have taken place or to have a specified illegal or undesirable quality.'

The scale of this reported incident of April going missing, did not include that there are many thousands of children that go missing every year and there is silence about this. Through this parents are given warning to be alert.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

The updated report includes the following:

'The Crown maintains Bridger abducted April as she played in the street outside her home then murdered her and disposed of the body. Despite the biggest missing person hunt in police history, she has never been found.

The prosecution claimed that as hundreds scoured streets and countryside in the desperate hope of finding April safe and well, Bridger was cleaning her blood from his house and trying to remove DNA evidence.

Later he shed tears over the ‘terrible news’ of her disappearance and helped volunteers to look for her. '

'April's best friend, who cannot be named for legal reasons, saw her walk over to where Bridger was standing by his vehicle, Miss Evans said. ‘It looked as if he was waiting for someone. She saw April go over to the defendant and start talking. She saw April get into the car.'

Going back to the time of the incident the following was reported at the time:

Monday October 1 2012 * 10.30pm – Dyfed Powys Police issue a statement saying: "We are increasingly concerned for a missing five-year-old, April, who was last seen playing on her bike in Machynlleth at about 19:30 hrs. April was seen getting into a light-coloured van that drove off."

The media report identified April's friend who was with her got into a LIGHT coloured vehicle. The Police give related evidence here of April being seen getting into the driver's side of a grey or light-coloured van in the video posted below.

With regard to the allegations and attempts to prosecute Mark Bridger:

"Mark Bridger 'almost certainly' met the Royal Family.

Bridger's father Graham was a royal protection officer for the Queen based at Windsor Castle"

The exclusion of evidence and changing facts, or information that was initially reported by witnesses', including by police is highly suspicious in an already very difficult situation. There are obligations by all police, lawyers and the Judge ON Oath, in any case to examine factual evidence with phorensics to ensure accuracy and applied ethics in a Court of Law.

In another incident, an attempted abduction of schoolboy, age 9, by man in a white van took place 75 miles from where April Jones vanished. 'The child freed himself and ran home to his family unharmed. The case is not being linked to April's disappearance' - The fact is a vehicle can travel a distance in a short time - whether 50, 100 or 500 miles away.

In yet another article to raise awareness of what has been happening in Wales:

The Guardian Wednesday 9 March 2011 reported of a 'Paedophile cult leader convicted for 'satanic' rape campaign.' 'Colin Batley was self-styled high priest of group that handed children around for sex in Kidwelly, west Wales'

More than anything it becomes necessary for The People to break the silence of Evil.

Pauline Maria

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