

Monday 5 August 2013

Clitheroe Castle and Lord King William Bowland

Sometimes 'important' information comes to my attention. This is:

It is interesting to look at the map and discover close by Clitheroe Castle. 'Motte-and-bailey castles were built across northern Europe from the 10th century, spreading from Normandy and Anjou in France, into the Holy Roman Empire in the 11th century. The Normans introduced the design into England and Wales following their invasion in 1066. Motte-and-bailey castles were adopted in Scotland, Ireland, the Low Countries and Denmark in the 12th and 13th centuries.'

There is a legend that the Devil threw a boulder from Pendle Hill and hit the castle creating the hole visible in its side today, but this hole was made in 1649 as ordered by the government. It was to be put in "such condition that in might neither be a charge to the Commonwealth to keep it, nor a danger to have it kept against them"

The castle was anciently the seat of the Lords of Bowland.

'The Lordship of Bowland, an ancient English title connected with the Forest of Bowland in the northwest of England, was once thought lost and was only recently rediscovered.[It disappeared from sight in 1885 when the estates of the Towneleys, one of Lancashire’s great aristocratic families, were broken up following the death of the last male heir. For much of the twentieth century, experts thought that the Lordship of Bowland belonged to the Crown. In 1938, the Duchy of Lancaster had acquired some 6,000 acres (2,400 ha) of the Forest of Bowland, now known as the Whitewell Estate, near Clitheroe, and it was believed the Lordship of Bowland had been acquired with it.'

Queen Elizabeth II is Duke of Lancaster, a title held by the Monarch.

In April 2010, it was reported that the 16th Lord had revived two ancient historic offices of the Forest of Bowland: those of Bowbearer and Chief Steward. Robert Parker of Browsholme Hall became Bowbearer. However, the appointment of Charles Bowman as Chief Steward was short-lived.

In April 2011, "William of Bowland" made an official visit to the Forest with his Bowbearer in attendance. A month later, former Steward to the Honor of Clitheroe Michael Parkinson, a partner with chartered surveyors Ingham & Yorke of Clitheroe, assumed the role of the Chief Steward, the first formal appointment since 1922. In October 2012, a ceremony was held in the Tudor courtroom at Slaidburn to revive and "make forever indissoluble" the Court of the Lord King of Bowland.

Like the subsidiary titles Lord of the Isles and Lord of Mann, Lord of the Fells has royal associations. After 1399, the Sovereign was lord paramount of the Forest and Liberty of Bowland and as such, styled Lord King of Bowland .

In recent press coverage, "William of Bowland" has been described as Lord of the Fells but in reality, the title is subsidiary and has been little used in modern times.

By courtesy, the eldest son of the Lord of Bowland is styled Master of Bowland. The current Master of Bowland and heir apparent to the lordship is "Henry of Bowland" (b. 2013).

Making a Court 'forever indissoluble' means to endure forever.

Photograph taken in 2007 - notice the flag flying at the time.

'William Bowland is reported to be a Cambridge University don who has ancestral links to the Forest but he has shunned personal publicity. Since 2010, he has been active in Bowland affairs - in particular, raising funds for good causes and championing local traditions. However, while granting an interview to a local newspaper in 2010, he declined to be photographed. As a result, there has been much press speculation about "the mystery lord".

In reading between the lines, I could not help to notice the finer details, being in the Duchy of Lancaster. With Prince William being given the title of President of Lands in Trust taking over from his grandfather. Prince William is also given the title of Duke of Cambridge and don means 'Head' It just happens that William's brother is actually named Henry too.

The Lordship of Bowland was created in the 12th century being co-terminus with the Duchy of Lancaster from the 14th Century. The meaning of co-terminus is having the same boundaries in extent of time, space and meaning.

The name connection could be a coincidence with names being same as Prince William and Henry, commonly known as Harry. With Henry also being the name of an Emperor in the Holy Roaman Empire, notice names and how every fine detail is planned out.

So in learning that Mount Zion Chapel has been converted to a Mosque is being shown to be Providence at work, especially as this land actually connects with the Monarch directly. Mount Zion is in the Holy Land in Jerusalem. The more that comes to light, the more reason I am given to understand why Jesus Christ has revealed himself crowned and has actually walked on this earth. Here in Bolton also, a child told his grandmother that Jesus Christ was sitting in the service. She did not see or believe him. I DO!

If William Bowland is Prince William this explains yet another reason when asking Jesus Christ with a heavy heart 'Do you want William and Kate Middleton to be King and Queen' the reply that was given very clearly 'They are BOTH Defiant'!

Ruling over lands and people by deception is NOT how God works.

However in some way the deceivers are setting up the stall that Christ can just step in and take his Kingdom back and rule eternally. Seeing how this is to be unfolding becomes just a little more clearer in detail now.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

No copyright infringrment intended,_16th_Lord_of_Bowland

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