

Thursday 15 August 2013

Dream Vision: Maroon Mantle in Heaven

The day after being given the dream vision of that Ark of the covenant in heaven, just before waking I was again in a very bright light in the heavens with pale blue skies.

The vision the Lord was giving me, was an open maroon cloak - a mantle. There was no one else there. The mantle was open 'as if' it was being held open and I was facing the inside.

The mantle was not long and not short either. From what I could see it looked as if the inside was silk, although while in my dream, I knew it was velvet. Woke up.

As soon as coming on the internet I typed in maroon velvet mantel. This brought the validation that was to be discovered in this particular day. It is time to share openly.

The Torah cover is also named a mantle see in maroon velvet. Depicted on this is the crown and Ten Commandments written in stone. In the ancient times people were divinely guided by God and were to be obedient to the instructions given to them. The people have been tested.

My vision was evidently connecting with The Word of God, in particular The Laws of God - the Laws that have been protected. The Laws of God have been corrupted and broken.

The Five Books of Moses are known as the Torah Law

Today everyone has the opportunity to open their eyes.

The people of faith who look to God's Authority over mankind, know that He is going to deal with the abuses that are taking place in his name. How this will be is not entirely clear.

Also looking up maroon velvet mantle this was found.

Dress Rehearsal: Sta. Maria Jacobe in Maroon Manto

The maroon mantle is very heavy embroidered with 10 carat gold thread. The design is 8 petal flowers enclosed by geometric designs of squares, rectangles and triangles. Particular attention is pointed to the long brown hair and this being depicted as being loose.

Dress rehearsal indicates a practice run before the real event takes place. Here is also identifying Saint Maria Jacob - from the family of Jacob and connected with the name.

Sta. Maria Jacobe / Mary, the mother of James the Lesser aka Sta. Maria Cleofas / Mary, the wife of Cleophas (also known as Alpheus of Cleophas) A cousin of the Virgin and mother of the apostles St. James the Lesser and St. Jude Thaddeus (Martes Santo and Miercoles Santo Processions.)

This was a photograph taken on 1st April, Good Friday 2013 RCC Church of San Guillermo Abad / St. William the Abbot, San Marcelino, Zambales (in the Philippines)

The author writes " Sta. Maria Jacobe's Primeral Salida is dedicated to the memory of my mother, Dona Socorro Rodriguez Callo. The carroza is decorated with over 50 dozen white roses in her memory."

The lineage crowned with the spiritual crown.

Under the coronation is the Stone of Destiny, known also as the Pillow of Jacob. On this stone is where Jacob laid his head and had a vision of the stairway to heaven.

A couple of years ago I was relaxing in a guided mediation and had a vision of the stairway to the heavens, not knowing what to expect. The stairway was a dark cream coloured marble and at the time it was night time on earth as well in heaven. The stairs led to inside a temple.

While the images above are copyright, submitted by Apo Lukay, they are accessible on the public domain and my sharing is to provide validation with evidence that allows readers to gain perspective, when seeking truth. With much appreciation for sharing these and all on the link below.

The information and insights from dreams and visions, particularly upon waking are symbolic and also literal. For example, when shown above in heaven, we know this will be on earth too. In every message that has been given it is for a reason and truth will be validated too.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

No Copyright Infringement intended

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