

Sunday 25 August 2013

Lady Gaga as A Russian Orthodox Priest?

In another article, with what is coming to light, what is being shown by Lady Gaga, is actually of some help to understand too. In this article she is wearing different outfits.

On Friday the 23rd August, 'the 27-year-old stepped out in New York in her latest look-at-me creation.'

'As she left her apartment, the singer appeared to be a blend of Paris chic and a Russian orthodox priest wearing an all black ensemble.'

The Daily Mail identifies New York, Russian Orthodox Priest and Paris. And because 'Lady' is feminine, also because 'Lady' is a style of address to someone from a Royal bloodline in Europe, Lady Gaga is highlighting The Royal Priesthood. Also Paris in France, the French Connection.

Earlier today I came across a note - 'The Duke of Anjou is the King of the French Throne'. The Daily Mail and other media outlets, published Angiers demanding the crown jewels last year. The Media are far more aware of what is happening and are prevented from reporting everything.

The first outfit is described to be a Russian Orthodox Priest. Being Baptised Greek Orthodox, we are sister churches. As Orthodox Christians, especially in America, The Only King is Christ. In Russia there have been Emperors and Empresses' still the same applies.

While Lady Gaga is very poised and relaxed in front of the camera she is surrounded by people, with a few larking around of people with Asian appearance mainly on one side, who appear to be really happy, and the other side who might be Americans, I have no idea. Someone is holding up something that looks like it could burst a tyre....or a bubble. (is this another warning of danger)

Quote 'Taking her time: The singer made sure to stop for fans as she left her apartment in her far more subdued look' - Lady Gage is reading what is being written down.

Dressed as an Russian Orthodox Priest, Lady Gaga is highlighting her Spiritual awareness. It could be that she is actually Enlightened and divinely guided too. People, ask Yourself why would anyone guided by God want to have the authority of a Prince, King or Queen who is not?

Quote 'Huge hair: Giving the star more of dramatic presence was her very full wig, which was styled in small waves and was an ombre colour going from golden to light blonde'

The colouring of big hair could be representing an expansive golden aura as is seen on the Holy Orthodox Icons. The Saints are people who were divinely guided and intercessors of prayer. These people were Sanctified by the Lord. The Holy Orthodox Saints are recognised and identified with miracles that have taken place from Prayer to God. (wizard wand wavers are exempt)

Anyone suddenly having a ceremony to take the name of a Saint to pretend to people they merit to be the Head of The Holy Orthodox Church, is just a fraud to the masses.

Remembering the Ecumenical Church Service and secret crowning ceremony that appeared to have taken place with William and Kate - this was doubled up with the media not accurately reporting the service at the time. Perhaps the British media did not have all the details then.

Here the colours of Black and blue are highlighted. Black and blue can relate to bruises. Here we see two sides of people - with Lady Gaga in the middle. She is also showing how one Lady can unite people who are on different sides, where each person is just as important as another.

In the Holy Orthodox Church, everyone is equal. There is no more importance to a King or Prince, to someone homeless on the street, even if people believe this to be so. When you are looking to false idols, ie the young royals as if they are representatives of God, when they are not, this is why people are distracted from The Savior who was born to Prove God's Authority to the people.

Quote 'Gaga accesorised the look with towering platform boots, a gold necklace with an eyeglass attached and a pair of simple black aviators.'

This necklace is a really good idea....I need one. Often when looking at photographs, I am zooming in on the detail - not in this article. When reading, using a magnifying glass for convenience too. The placing of the eyeglass on Lady Gaga is shining a light on what is inside her heart. The outfit is black, however the emphasis is on the Holy Orthodox Priestess.

Aviator is a pilot of aeroplanes. Fly Emirates came to mind. Aviator is also a Movie title I just discovered and so a message is here to understand too.

In 1914, nine-year-old Howard Hughes is being bathed by his mother. She warns him of disease, afraid that he will succumb to a flu outbreak: "You are not safe." By 1927, Hughes (Leonardo DiCaprio) has inherited his family's fortune and is living in California.

The rest is written. Today I had persistant sneezing for a few minutes. With the signs around and what is being revealed, I know I am not safe...then again, who really is? Living in UK, officials do not even 'remember' who they took their oath to. Once God is removed from the Oath, none of these people are safe and people are not encouraged to look further down the line.

Lady Gaga steps out in the evening radiating smiles - there is also an orange glow by her side. Below is a bottle if something - looks like Iron Brew. Behind her a white light possibly from the flash. She understands the essential balance of the sun and the moon to harmonize and balance this earth. The outfit is three tones of leather. In India the Cow is Holy - hence 'Holy Cow'

Still in New York, where Lady Gaga was staying Friday, she is described wearing a two-tone leather outfit with matching heels - perhaps the pale coral pink is not leather.'

Another photograph with a tall man wearing light blue. His face is hidden and her face looks nervous. Seen on his top is D.S.R - and might be incomplete. Just looking on Google typing D.S.R and what comes up is D.S. Research Centre is a premium Cancer Research Institute in India.

With people who are deliberately poisoning humanity, there are people who are focused to assisting healing too. When degenerates are into eugenics, humanity cannot progress.

D.S.R is a Pakistan Rangers Gazetted officer rank equivalent to the Captain rank of Armed forces. Prince Harry was promoted to Captain and flys a killer machine Apache helicopter too. Anyone who Kills people, is not appointed by God, especially when His Law is not to Kill anyone.

The DSR-1 is a compact bolt-action rifle designed, manufactured and marketed by the German company DSR-Precision GmbH and was (until 2004) marketed also by the German company AMP Technical Services as a specialized sniper rifle for police sharpshooters.

Government Secure intranet (GSi) was a United Kingdom government wide area network, whose main purpose is to enable connected organisations to communicate electronically and securely at low protective marking levels.

And when the system stops protecting the people, tyranny takes hold and creates an unsafe world for everyone. Being BORN WHO I AM - was by God's divine plan. With being trained to seek facts, as an educated woman, my mind is focused on learning the truth, not being spoon fed lies and selling me what I should eat, wear, buy and think. I am not a Lawyer, but I study God's Law.

The Royal Priesthood is a bloodline that continues the Church. We are all under this umbrella of God's authority. The reality is there are people who Hate Christ and there are people who know when He returns it is to take his Kingdom Back, so people are free from slavery.

Lady Gaga takes time to pose with one of her fans.

'Feeling groovy: She was really getting into the party spirit'

Looking at Lady Gaga's thumb where it is written 'DO NOT OVERFILL' - am reminded for these articles can take a lot of time with information. Apologies for this.

Notice how many pictures also have people holding cameras now? This is showing the reader that we are also being watched through the computer. Inside and outside where our computer is we can be seen and in the company we are with too. Windows - the computer program should be telling you that windows are what we look out of and inside to. The eyes are also the windows of the soul.

Lady Gaga empowers people who are waving to the camera.

The green mac colour has been worn in the Roman Empire as a sash. The reference to towering boots with Lady is with the reminder of Mary of Magdala. Magdala means tower.

Magdala was actually a high stronghold in Ethiopia that was taken on April 13, 1868, by Sir Robert Napier, created Baron Napier of Magdala - the British, under Victoria.

This outfit reminds me of a pillar of a temple, with legs being seen clearly both side, that there is support on both sides. It took me by surprise, because many years ago my mother bought me a white top in the same design near enough with the sleeve design too. With my mother named Athena, the Acropolis was known as the Temple of Athena, and became later to include being dedicated to the Virgin Mary. The Acropolis Marbles being stolen explains why there is no Justice in UK!

For how long has the God mocking been taken place?

Lady Gaga has a tattoo written on the inside of her arm:

“Confess to yourself in the deepest hour of the night whether you would have to die if you were forbidden to write. Dig deep into your heart, where the answer spreads its roots in your being, and ask yourself solemnly, Must I write?”

There is so much I have wanted to write and yet to ignore what is happening in our world, is giving me the excuse to pretend there are not people suffering in our world. I cannot do this.

How many billions of people must die from man made created illness and war, before someone says, this cannot endure like this. Humanity has fallen because man forgot he is human.

I pray for Global Peace and Healing.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

No Copyright infringement intended,_1st_Baron_Napier_of_Magdala

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