

Saturday 3 August 2013

Mufti Menk- Living on Credit, Getting in Debt

Earlier I spoke with a lady who said there are now 79% people in debt.

Living in debt is not a solution. People are losing their homes because they cannot afford to pay their bills - look at those who are deliberately hyping up the cost of living. One day this will be dealt with. However, we must look to live within our means because if we take out debt, we owe someone. And if we owe someone 'money' we are enslaved to that person.

As it happens, the system has stole people's wealth and inheritance here. The British system is keeping people in the dark because it serves their interests. In many countries, the family are protected and children are protected. In UK they are not.

With commercials selling the latest product and people wanting that 'feel good factor'. Temptation is always present. Just going shopping to go for certain things, often many people come out with more and even things we do not want or need.

There are people spending out of insecurity and fear of loss. There are people spending for comfort. There are people being enticed to spend to keep up with the latest model and to compete with friends. People have been warned about temptations.

There are people who are neglecting their family to go for what they want. Keeping up with the Jones, might have you living beyond your means. One lady I knew wanted to live in the most exclusive area and entertained to impress. During the week her family lived on beans on toast and the heating was off. if people need to impress, they are attracting false friends.

Another excellent video with wise words, warnings and truth telling. Wisdom can come from anyone. The wisest people often learn from experience. There are males spending a fortune on fancy cars yet they have no home. In some cultures building a home and preparing for a family is the main focus. Chasing rainbows and trying to impress other people might lead to a lonely life.

If relationships and friendships are conditional on money - eventually they might end. Getting into debt is not the answer. Take a good hard look at the poorest people in the world with no food, no home and no clothes on their back. We are wealthy!

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

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