

Saturday 10 August 2013

The Duke and the Royal Duchy of Cornwall

With Prince Charles being Duke of Cornwall, the following provides some information to understand more about the Duchy and property acquisition. People are paying various 'additional' taxes once renting or owning property.

Landowners have decided the laws of the land. Road owners have decided the laws of the road. As it happens, looking at the road map, there is the duplication of places with county names and this is certainly not by accident. The planners have carefully mapped out this land. If this has been done to the people's detriment, then in some way all people are given the opportunity to learn why.

'History of the Duchy - Acquisition of property

The core of the estate at its foundation was the 17 Duchy manors in Cornwall. However, the Duchy does not share the same boundaries as the county of Cornwall and a large part of the estate has always lain outside it. Nevertheless, the Duchy has a special relationship with the county. Even today, the High Sheriff of Cornwall is “pricked” or appointed by the Duchy rather than the monarch. The Duchy has the right to ‘present clerical livings’ (appoint priests). It also owns the foreshore (coastline) and fundus (riverbed) around Cornwall and part of south Devon, a legacy of the earlier Earldom.

In 1421, the Duchy acquired 19 manors (mostly Sir Matthew Gourney’s estate in Somerset), transferred to the Duchy by Henry V in exchange for the manor of Isleworth. In Henry VIII’s reign, a number of Cornish manors confiscated after the attainder of Henry Courtenay, Marquis of Exeter, were transferred to the Duchy by Act of Parliament. As a consequence of the Dissolution of the Monasteries, the Duchy acquired further manors in Cornwall belonging to the former priories of Tywardreath and Launceston.

Under the Commonwealth in the mid-17th century, Duchy estates were surveyed by parliamentary commissioners and subsequently sold, but later recovered at the Restoration.

From 1860 onwards, the Duchy landholding was consolidated, acquiring large estates at Gillingham in Dorset in 1862 and Stoke Climsland in Cornwall in 1880. Also about this time, much building and refurbishment work took place on Duchy farms, the legacy of which remains with us today.

Twentieth century acquisitions to the estate include Maiden Castle in Dorset in 1913, Newton Park in Somerset in 1941 and two Cornish estates, Duloe and Arrallas purchased in 1951 and 1952 respectively. A decade later in 1959, Daglingworth in Gloucestershire was bought and Highgrove in the same county in 1980. Thorney in Cambridgeshire was acquired in 1988 and Cradley in Herefordshire in 1991.

Finally, as recently as 2000, the Duchy purchased the Prudential’s rural portfolio, which is scattered over a number of counties, the bulk being in Herefordshire.'

A few days while out an about 'on land with landmarks corresponding to Somerset' in the North West of England, a lady and i began talking. In recognising she has a southern accent, in other words not a Bolton dialiect, she told me she had come from Somerset. It was on this day that I had discovered the above information, with a delay to writing this article.

Prince Charles holds a number of titles pertaining to land mass in the UK. The Duke of Cornwall also collects £18 million a year from the Duchy as personal income. This has been written in history and not a decision he has made personally.

There are two Royal Duchy's in England. Lancaster and Cornwall. Both of these generate an income. The Queen collects £13 million from the Royal Duchy of Lancaster being the Monarch. The Heir to the throne, the Duke of Cornwall collects his income too.

The Prince of Wales is a title the Queen bestows as a gift. Prince Charles did not automatically inherit this. If anything a formal ceremony took place in a Castle in an ancient Kingdom of Wales. During this process, Charles was crowned, cloaked with a mantle and given a scepter - his mother had invested in him the power and authority to make decisions about the land in 1969.

So when landmass is identifying areas outside the obvious boundary, it could be that they correspond. While living in England, there is in America 'New England' with many names of English Towns and Counties that cannot be ignored.

If the British royals were to be removed - they could start up again in America and as long as people remember the 'land of the free' with who is the authority over their land and their lives, then people will remain free.

The Boston Bombings brought to light Cambridge and Charles River. William and Kate were invested wtih the titles Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Their son is being known as Prince of Cambridge. These people are not just in positions by accident.

Cornwall is a town in Orange County, New York, USA

Cornwall is a town in Addison County, Vermont, USA.

Cornwall is a town in Litchfield County, Connecticut, USA.

There are also a great number of people who have their origins in England who travelled to America as pilgrims and set up a new life there. This would explain the names of their homeland. This explains the American's love of England too.

England has such pretty countryside in areas that are not built up. There are still some very quaint villages and people living who are not caught up in the rat race. Preserving the countryside and English way of life is important for many people.

In this land mass, there have been great houses abandoned and left to ruin. Charles decided to invest, if I recall, £20 million in the restoration of a home that had a number of valuable antiques. Many people like this quirky character. While not knowing the person, he will have qualities and faults too. A man searching for truth and learning about the power of prayer.

Someone who has not developed a personal relationship with God, does not have the authority by God to rule over people. So all the nonsense of selling Prince George as being born to rule or rein over people is actually deceiving people.

The greatest shame about the royal family, they are in a position where people do not know who they really are. They are put in a position to perform like puppets and meet expectations. They are human beings - as everyone else.

The truth about land, who owns what, who is taking care of what, and who is preserving what and why, is known by officials, the land owners and the monarch. The question is who is actually taking care to protect the people?

England, a country with people of diverse nationality and various different faiths. We live side by side. There is no pressure from the church or authorities in relation to religion - they are babes learning their own way. The ministers include people who are dedicated to serve Christ and those who show that they are doubtful in their belief and not committed to serve the people.

A country that has so many positives - has shortcomings too.

Our countryside is an inheritance, a land that has grown food to eat and trees that emit oxygen that we breathe. A land with rivers and reservoirs of water - water being a vital resource that every human being needs to survive. In hearing the Queen mention the 'Water Industry' in her Parliamentary speech, she has spoken out on the now profit making resource, that was once FREE too.

Times have changed....

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

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