

Thursday 5 September 2013

Karl Lagerfeld - Pregnant Kim Kardashian

The Daily Mail online has published some of Karl Lagerfeld's work with Kim Kardashian, during pregnancy. The main picture showing on the link appears as if Kim has blood around her mouth.

The opening of the article is headed by Kim standing holding a glass with red substance, again looks like blood with the caption 'Precious moment': Kim Kardashian's face is smeared with jam in a Karl Lagerfeld-shot, Riccardo Tisci-styled shoot for the new issue of CR Fashion Book

The background of the picture appears to be delicate shades of pink and lilac flower petals. As seen Kim is dressed in white with a pink and white jacket, and what could be a pink and white shawl over her left shoulder. Striking image. Photography is an art. Artists stimulate the imagination and can bring truth to people of what is relevant to know. What is the message being given here?

The photoshoot took place when Kim was 7 months pregnant in May. Kayne West and Kim Kardashian have named their baby North. As a married couple, their child will be named North West.

In this striking photograph, the baby bump is illuminated against a black background. Kim is wearing a black top covering her breasts, and Royal blue colour outfit. She also has pink gloves and pale blue and black shoes. The colour pink could be described as Cherise of 'shocking' pink.

In first seeing Kim Kardashian I realised that she 'also' is probably born from a Royal bloodline. The exotic beauty is meant to be in the public eye, as also have other people in this timeline. Kim is a successful businesswoman and features on a reality show The Kardashians.

During the 2008 Athens Olympic Games opening ceremony, a Greek lady appeared pregnant with her tummy illuminated in light to show a baby is Spiritually Enlightened/Spiritually Crowned. Athens is named after the Goddess Athena who was divinely guided by God - Athenian Law is from God. The descendants of the ancient Royal bloodlines are all born Royal by right.

This closeup of Kim shows her flawless looking into the camera. The letters CR written in Gold are also showing to be significant. The CR Fashion Book number 3 is titled on this photograph HOPE. Kim's teeth also looked to be a shade of gold and as if appearing breath from her mouth. In America, in the Smithsonian Museum is the Hope Diamond. Hope is Liberty from self appointed overlords.

'All American girl: Kardashian pictured in a Yankees cap and veil with a U.S. flag sweater' - Kim is also from a mixed heritage, born in America - the Land of the Free. The Declaration of Independence written in 1776 became a legally binding document signed by officials. It is shown George Washington was divinely guided with clear instruction to ensure peoples rights and freedoms.

With Kim dressed in black, the American flag, in black and white on her chest area, as if written on her heart, this is not a happy photograph. Kim's father's family will have likely known the most terrible atrocities in this last century in the East. Greek and Armenian Orthodox Christians were on a genocide policy 'likely because they knew from this part of the world someone will be born who is anointed by God. Smyrna is documented in the Holy Bible to indicate this.

The massacre of the innocents has happened in history.

Even though wearing a veil, we can see Kim for who she is. Is Kim depicting a woman in mourning for America? In the Roman Catholic Church, some women wear a black veil to show their devout faith. The Madonna comes to mind too. (no coincidence that Madonna is an international star today either) Kim's mother is a Roman Catholic Christian and her father, like myself Eastern Orthodox.

Kim has been guided with Kayne West to come together in love and bring a baby together in this world. In this way in history, is how God brings people and nations together. Kayne West and Jay-Z toured together on the Watch the Throne tour....evidently they were guided to work together!

Again a black and white photograph, written over the mouth of Kim 'MISS USA'. The United States of America is United with choice of the people to be living together, different backgrounds, cultures and even different religions as a union of people known as Americans. Miss is a term for an unmarried woman and so is Kim depicting as speaking to a Miss Uniting people, or is She this person? Actually there are many people in America who are uniting people together, without wars.

'Mirror image: The reality star pictured with and without a heavily-embellished mask' On top of the heavily embellished veil, part of a crown is seen on top. There are different ways of looking at this. 1) Kim while in reality shows in front of the camera, is hiding being born a Princess by Right. 2) Kim is depicting someone wearing a mask 'partly hiding the crown' to rule over the American people (and be the head of courts). The British royals know if they 'pretend' they are guided by God, this can justify a family member being crowned 'Queen by right') Or, 3) Karl Lagerfeld and Kim Kardashian know that the Crown is given by God and the Crown wearer is guided by Christ.

Kim is wearing what looks like a 'Slanket' - knowing this after being gifted on in January this year. The colour is not shown specifically with being a black and white photograph. She is wearing what appears to be a black jacket over her with a white rose, that looks like a Rose of Sharon. This is an area of Palestine. It might not be a white rose at all. However this is land that has known

The plain of Sharon was famous in Biblical times as a pastoral region where some of David's herds fed there. (So we know this was King David's Land. In the Messianic time it is to be a fold for flocks to gather together. Another Sharon is mentioned by Eusebius being between Mount Tabor and Tiberias. Tiberius was Roman Emperor from 14 AD to 37 AD, whom Mary Magdalena told Jesus Christ resurrected from the dead. It could be, with being 'inside his home' they were related.

Nana Mouskouri sings a famous song 'White Rose from Athens'. Israel and Athena, also the Virgin Mary are all connected. Athena brought forth the Olive Tree a source of light - oil for the lamps and food to eat. The Mount of Olives is where Jesus Christ went to pray and for quiet reflection in solitude. This shows that he and Athena are connected. The name Christina means Christ Athina.

The White Rose is adopted by the House of YORK. The Archbishop of York Crowned the Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire, Constantine, Constantinople became named. It is on this land that Byzantium was the Capital. The Athena Rose was white. The Virgin Mary is depicted with a pink rose. We do not know the colour Rose Kim is wearing so more is being presented here below.

'Heavily pregnant: Kardashian with boyfriend Kanye West at the Met Gala in May, around the time when the CR Fashion Book shoot would have taken place' Pink roses are shown with white and a maroon colour mingled with other colours, perhaps depicting leaves. The maroon colour is much like the open maroon Mantle shown in a dream vision in the heavens recently. This colour is connected with the Byzantine Imperial bloodline and Torah Mantle.

Queen Elizabeth has a pink rose named after her. The Queen has gifted Kate Middleton a pink porcelien rose. The British Royals carefully plan everything, Kate wearing Royal Blue, Beulah London Issa dress in the Throne Room in St. James Palace (the official residence of the Sovereign) with the PR OVERSELL was part preparation of brainwashing the masses to accept her 'to rule over them'.

Beulah Cresent in London is where I was born - Beulah family are the 13 tribes of Israel. Beulah land relates to the Holy land and entire world 'being married' because we are all descendants of these tribes. Our parents and ascendants have intermarried over the generations.

In this photograph, the couple who were in this time, very connected and together - Kayne looks happy inside his being, even though he has a serous face. The Metropolitan Gala - Metropolis means 'Mother City', took place in New York. In this event Katy Perry appeared wearing Byzantine Collection 'with' the designers Dolce and Gabbanna - also wearing a golden CATHEDRAL crown, with huge cross earrings, depicting she is guided by Christ too. The designers are divinely inspired too!

Also included in the article was this image with the caption 'Motherhood theme: Carine Roitfeld with daughter Julia Restoin Roitfeld at New York Fashion Week in February. For her first issue of CR Fashion Book, Carine featured an image of Julia while heavily pregnant'

'This is not something for a gossip magazine that goes into the trash. This is a magazine that is a collector’s item,' she said. The theme of the magazine, hope, was inspired by the baroque painter Caravaggio, a favorite of Roitfeld's.

Caravaggio was born in Milan, Italy. Michelangelo Merisi or Amerighi da Caravaggio was an Italian artist active in Rome, Naples, Malta, and Sicily between 1592 and 1610.

In the ancient times the Royal bloodline continued through the woman, Queen's gave birth to future Kings. Also Orthodox Christians have married Muslims and had to take their husband's religion and have a change of name, so people were not easily recognised. A descendant from Muhammad married a Roman Princess and so another connection is made. When it is written there is no difference between Jews and Greeks, Greeks and Jews have intermarried throughout history too.

Kimberly Noel "Kim" Kardashian was Born and raised in Los Angeles, California. She first gained media attention through her then-friend Paris Hilton. (Paris - French connection again) Kim's mother is of Dutch and Scottish ancestry. Her father was a third-generation Armenian American. Just by this information, Kim might have more eligibility by right to be sitting on the Throne.

Kanye West was born in Atlanta, Georgia. After his parents divorced, he lived with his mother in Chicago, Illinois. At the age of 10, Kanye moved with his mother to Nanjing, China, where she was teaching at Nanjing University as part of an exchange program. So Kayne is someone else who has some insight to real live in China along with all his other life experiences.

The British in history have accused people who were guided by God as being witches and sentenced them to death. Joan of Arc was killed - burned at the stake. Prophets and Saints were murdered. Officials are silent about wizard wand waving Kate. The Secret Court ceremony has been held too.

The Liberty Bell has been ringing in America too now.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

No Copyright infringement intended

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