

Monday 2 September 2013

Lost Souls & Sinners - Testimonies of Christ

Testimonies of people who thought they were not worthy. So many men and women who have been abused, neglected, raped and down trodden. People who do not know love, can be led on a very self destructive path. Poor choices are made by hurting and confused people. People are easily led down a path of temptation and shame, when they are lost and do not know the way to a light. A selection of testimonies are shared to inspire faith.

An exotic dancer on a destructive path meets Jesus

Crack dealer meets Jesus Christ

Male Prostitute Saved from Addiction by Jesus Christ

Saved from Drugs, Eating Disorders and Cutting

After a horrible car accident, Casey Holland used drugs to numb the pain. He eventually found Christ in The Basement church. See how Jesus Christ saved him from drug addiction and depression.

Victoria lost all she held dear when she began her eight year addiction to crack cocaine. One night, in a dream, she was told that she was headed for hell. See how Jesus Christ changed her life.

Manny Mill was a worldy man whose greed won out until the day his crimes and the FBI caught up with him. See how Jesus Christ changed his life.

At only 19 Kellie Borden learned that she had a pre-cancerous condition. She wanted to end her life, but God had other plans. See how Jesus Christ changed her life.

Lynne Arterbury believed she was fatally flawed. After several failed marriages, she decided to take her life. See how Jesus saved her from a life of depression and drug addiction.

Former guitarist and co-founder of heavy rock group Korn, Brian Welch talks about the amazing turn his life took when he accepted God for who He is. Saved from drugs and addiction, Welch tells his amazing testimony of Jesus' love and salvation.

A powerful testimony of Abby B. Conley when Jesus appeared to her as a small child. From there her life took a downward spiral of rejection and destitution. Abbey's life was saved many years later by remembering her brief encounter with Our Lord and Savior.

Many millions of people hurting in our world. People who are lost and drifting through life often try find a fix to fill a hole inside and to numb pain. Putting on a brave face does not mask what is going on inside. The more we try and bury pain, the more it will come to light in some other way. There are masses of people who believe they are not good enough because they have been told they are not good enough. A self destructive lifestyle is no accident.

The rebels might be people who have gone off the rails. The rebels do not go off the rails without a reason. When people spend time alone crying, feeling our feelings is part of being human. Being alone we listen to our own thoughts and feelings. We can Nursing our pain too.

Around the world, people are 'breaking the silence' and by sharing their silent suffering. By being true to our heart, we give permission for other people to do the same.

The greatest lack in this world, is compassion and care.

Somewhere there is someone who loves you more than you know. There are people praying for you who you do not even know. There is our heavenly Father who gave us life, who loves us too.

This is why Jesus Christ was born, so humanity could know the Father of Humanity is loving, merciful and very patient too. He knows what has causes our suffering and pain already. He foresaw everything before we even went through our experiences. He knows all our self destructive ways.

Let no one define who you are with their limited view.

Jesus Christ was a healer on earth and continues to be a healer from the heavenly realms. As more people are having visitations, it is the testimonies of the people who have lived the most difficult lives and gone through the darkest experiences, who are inspiring hope and faith today.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

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