

Sunday 29 September 2013

Throne Room of Third Heaven (Smithsonian)

After a week of visions with crowns, today I was guided to find this to share. “Throne of the Third Heaven of the Nations’ Millennium General Assembly”. If you go to the website directly, you can zoom in closer to see the detail.

'James Hampton; The Throne of the Third Heaven of the Nations Millennium General Assembly; about 1950–1964; gold and silver aluminum foil, Kraft paper, and plastic over wood furniture, paperboard, and glass; 180 pieces in overall configuration; Smithsonian American Art Museum; Gift of anonymous donors; 1970.353.1'

'James Hampton had diligently paid the $50 per month fee to rent the old stable building behind 1133 7th Street NW, not missing a payment in the 14 years since he took possession of the drafty building. But in November of 1964, landlord Meyer Wertlieb, the owner of the Red Ball Exchange Pawn Shop at 1228 7th Street NW (motto: “We Buy and Sell. All Sales are Final”), didn’t receive his check. When Wertlieb cut the lock and entered the building, this is what he found'

Smithsonian Museum featured in the book The Lost Symbol. It is also in this museum that the Hope Diamond is held. To discover this inspired art is there is no coincidence.

Looking closely on the floor are 9 crowns - two are illuminated with yellow light. At the very top it is written 'FEAR NOT'. It is written in the Holy Bible:

"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Behold, all who are incensed against you shall be put to shame and confounded; those who strive against you shall be as nothing and shall perish. You shall seek those who contend with you, but you shall not find them; those who war against you shall be as nothing at all. For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps you.” Isaiah 41:10-13

Above in the image over the Ark is another Throne - replicating The Throne of God Almighty. The God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob - the God of Israel.

If people are prevented from spiritual progress, it is by those sitting on the thrones on earth. This could be because they were/are prevented from spiritual progress too in their lifetime. It becomes necessary for everyone to progress so that humanity can evolve. In history thrones have been overturned, perhaps fundamentally for this reason.

A few weeks ago I was given two dream visions of heaven. The first was of an golden ark with a sheep sitting on 'the Mercy Seat', two males, one each side. On the right hand was seen as Jesus Christ. The scene was very bright daylight light in another world.

The next day or day afterwards, in another dream vision, I was given another of an open mantle (cape) maroon colour, no one was seen visible holding this and yet it was held open. Again this was in a very light environment as if up beyond the clouds and in very bright daylight. The following day I learned of the Torah Mantle - Torah is The Law.

If we look at the picture, we see what looks like the Ark in the centre above the crowns on the floor. The Ark of the Covenant has on top the Mercy Seat - with the promise God made to mankind. The Ark of the Covenant is said to hold the stones of the 10 Commandments given by Moses, Aaron's staff that sprouted and a bowl of manna (food)

The Well of Miriam is spoken about as being the source of water and yet, I wonder how many people considered that Miriam was a source of spiritual water too. Spiritual food. Miriam was a prophetess and so she got her insight and wisdom from somewhere.

Of three siblings, one was chosen to be the leader of the people. Moses. God chose to speak with Moses face to face, not just through dreams.

Another observation about the above inspired creative work - on the wall to the side and in the background there are 8 picture frames seen and this is 'the writing on the wall'. At different times God has given mankind His instructions. He wants people to be obedient to Him
; to know Him and be Guided by Him. By Serving Him, We Serve Mankind.

The Word of God has always been written for people.

We can all be God's helpers on earth. The crowns on the floor show people on earth to point people to God as The Authority. If kings do not God Will Show He is The Boss.

How I came to find this is because last night I was given a vision of a gold crown. On this crown the ten commandment stones were depicted on the front with large red spinel. The wide circlet a rope design. Golden light was shining on top of this King's Crown.

King of the Seas - nautical rope came to mind as well as being the King of the Land. In looking I could not find this crown as a picture, although I am sure Jewish people who are observant of the truth will know what this means.

This is the Christ star - the placement indicates the connection to the Ark of the Covenant and the crowns that are placed underneath 'on this earth'. Jesus Christ was born in the House of David and so this star is connected with the Star of David.

There has been a 13th Star of David formation, an alignment in the heavens - the 13th since 1990. Reading articles, there will not be another for at least 100 years.

In this above picture three crowns are the front - the two that are illuminated and one that has on top a silver crown cap with the round representing the world on top. On the crown fronts are also what look like the Tablets of the Ten Commandments.

The King of the Jews is Jewish and guided by God. No one can rule over the Jewish people who is not guided by God and always, God has guided the Jewish people.

'My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.' John 10:27

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

No Copyright Infringement intended

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