

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Brad Pitt - Warzone 'Fury' in Oxford England

Well, we know from the news that around our world, there have been wars for years. Yesterday the Daily Mail published warzone photographs in Oxford countryside 'for a movie' Fury.

Rather have the movie than a real life scenario happen.

Brad Pitt bringing his name and presence to a film grabs peoples attention. (Last year Tom Cruise descended on London and he brought the area to a standstill - Jubilee Law)

Are we being shown, another military takeover being played out? After the filming World War Z - being reminded of Jesus Christ being the Alpha and this connected?

The report published a number of photographs and the examination of these can suggest crowns being removed 'as would happen with a military take over' in this location.

The location is to film the new World War II movie Fury.

One of the Hymns that has been sang at the royal weddings and played during the flotilla, is William Blake's poem building Jerusalem on England's green and pleasant land.

Last year I read a report that for some years Prince Charles was after the building in Jerusalem that houses the Israeli government, when it was given to his father Prince Phillip. I guess in the family, it did not matter who gained this, the question is are their intentions honorable?

While there is a whole lot more going on in our world than meets the eye, honorable intentions do not hide behind fake smiles. Actors are role playing parts that require real feelings to be expressed or they would not come across as convincing. Most of us want to live in a safe world.

'Brad takes the role of Wardaddy in the David Ayer-directed film'

Hundreds of crew members and extras have joined Brad Pitt and his co-star Shia LaBeouf on the movie's set on Monday. As we see here, every picture tells a story.

William Bradley Pitt was born in Shawnee, Oklahoma, into a conservative household. Brad was raised as Southern Baptist. He has stated his family's ancestry consists of "probably... Irish-Scots-Germans who settled in the area... I know we have some Seminole, and some Cherokee Indian, in us".

Shia has the meaning 'followers;. Shia's first name is derived from Hebrew שי יה shai Yah, meaning 'gift of God'. LaBeouf meaning 'the beef' - In some cultures the Cow is Holy/Sacred.

Shia LaBeouf's mother is Jewish, and father, of Cajun (French) descent. He is another Christian who has been raised around "both sides" of learning and cultural traditions.

'All quiet on set: Dozens of crew members, extras and the main cast were spotted waiting for a new shot to be set up in the countryside location '

Just looking Oxford brings Duke of York, Duke of Cambridge and Duke of Kent to light as being connected with this land. Actually Oxford is where my grandfather was known and had business. I never met him, even so, not ignoring this land bringing to light these connections.

Recently a news article reported a gun fair taking place. There are many people in England who will do anything - even kill people to be paid and this puts everyone as a potential target to whoever is handing over the cash. Whistle blowers are promised protection. In history Royals have been killed. Black witchcraft death magic have been used and I had warnings my life was in danger.

Americans have been coming to England perhaps to wake people up. What is Jubilee? For decades there is refusal of officials to do right by the people. Instead they speak of the system being corrupt and injustice is rife. The question is, how many millions of people must die?

Millions of people are being killed by cancer a preventable illness - this means identifying the root cause and heal this, not adding cancer inducing toxins to food and water.

For the film Fury 'A crew of Americans in Nazi Germany toward the end of World War II embark on a brave mission.' 'The action takes place in 1945 as the Nazi regime collapses and the five-man crew of an American tank called Fury battles a desperate German army.'

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

No Copyright infringement intended

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